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MWSL Results 2001/2002/2003

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money

It's a tad too early to predict what can/may/will happen in May... I look forward to the updates prior to.

Will the Breakers/National/blahblahblah teams get in the way, as they do every year :rolleyes:


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Week 12 Results

Burnaby A played their third strong game in a row, only this time they got some points to show for it (having tied UBC and narrowly lost to Surrey the past two weeks), soundly defeatings Norvan 6-1. Lynsey Burkinshaw was forced to play goal, but only an unlucky pinball type shot would beat her in the first half. Hidalgo, Linnen (x2), Hicks, Trotman and Salvino scored for Burnaby.

SBAA beat Semiahmoo by five or more to bagel (no confirmed final). An uncharacteristic offensive outburst for SBAA, but they were playing Semiahmoo, who despite sticking it out week after week are clearly out of their element at Premier. (Sorry BD) SBAA is the surprise thus far, and are only three points behind Burnaby for number 3, with two games in hand.

Burnaby B got a valuable point drawing 1-1 with Westside, in a result that would likely be termed an upset. Burnaby actually dominated much of this game but didn't score until about 60 minutes in. Westside mounted pressure down the stretch and were rewarded with a rather fortunate goal in injury time. Dani Tabo scored for Burnaby and Zoe Adrian scored for Westside.

UBC picked up yet another 5-0 win, this time without even showing up. Apparently, Poco was to be missing a few players, so they told the league they forfeit. Only in the MWSL. If you're gonna play Premier, at least have the guts to show up every week. Say what you want about Semi, but at least they come out and take their lumps. Poco management did nothing for their players reps with this one.


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
Dirty Money
A few thingies.....

FB....you stated that SBAA is the surprise?? I think a team that was built by the coach in Aldergrove for a couple of years, then blends with another club closer to the "hub" of the city, and then is in the middle of the pack for another two years......probably isn't the surprise team of the year when they are just ahead of a pack of mediocrity! I would expect them to be right where they are after having quite a few years of building behind them. Any year out of the past 2 or 3 you could have flipped the standings around with Westside/SBAA/Norvan and nobody should be shocked as they are all mediocre to good teams that could finish anywhere from 4th to 7th. As is the trend in the women's league every year, the top 3 are a cut above (when they have "all" their players), followed by the group of 3-4 that can compete against them, albeit not having a prayer of enjoying the penthouse view.....followed by the 1-2 teams trying to make a go but having a tough time cleaning out the cellar!:D Pretty sad though.....could you imagine the VMSL or FVSL having such a trend like this every year? There are the strong teams year in and year out in the men's game, but not to the point of having the year end standings pretty much pre-determined in September!

Just my take. This trend that stands every year is why teams like Semi (and possibly you!?) feel they can build something and cause some waves. It is why your humble writer, CD, is even having girls he used to coach call him and ask to put together a team as the frustration level within this regular occurence needs to change.

I still like the A and B format with perhaps 10 to 12 teams.....top "premier" pool has the top 5 from this year with the B having the "new" or developing teams (and the top 1-3 div 1 teams). Each team plays other teams in their group twice and teams from the other pool once. Would give the A teams better competition every week and the lower teams a chance to build something without getting blown away EVERY week. Again, just my take. Sorry to use a Jim Rome phrase, FB:p

Heard that the Stratton's, who are doing double duty with the POCO women's team and the Eagleridge U18 team, were out of the province with the youth team so that is why they forfeited the women's game. Not a solid reason, I agree. He either had no a/coach to fill in, or not enough time to make sure he could organize the senior sqaud in his absence. Either way, you are right FB, to forfeit a game at this time of the year AFTER getting his college girls back is a joke.


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money

SBAA is a surprise because they are not a very good team. They have arguably the most underrated keeper in the league, but after that they lack the skill players that you see on teams like Norvan and Westside. However, I will say this, SBAA plays a team game, and the system revolves around their size - they're a big team. But given that Trev only had 12 players a week before the season started, I'd say it's a surprise to see them pushing for spot #3, albeit still a longshot.

As for Norvan, they got spanked yesterday, badly. Score could have been much worse. I think there are some problems there. They have a tremendous team on paper. Some high quality players to say the least. Might be time for a new coach. (Could CD make a return to the north shore next year?)

As for why we did what we did? I can't speak for BD and Semi but I am sure we have different motives. Burnaby B wasn't put together to win, per se, but rather for development. A few wins here and there would be nice. But bottom line, we wanted to get these players some minutes without the pressure that comes with playing over your heads. We certainly don't have the results, but our players are alot better now than they were three months ago. A player like Christina Beerens for example. She has become one of this league's better defenders. If it hadn't been for our team, she would never have got the minutes. Likely, she would have ended up toiling on a first division team, where development is really an oxymoron.

It was never our intention to have to play in Premier, but we had 50 players tryout, and the team was picked before the MWSL informed us that they would not be going ahead with the "CAT" division (our first choice) and then taking away Premier B (our second choice).

Further, if you had the chance to watch our game yesterday, I think you would agree that our team is more than capable of making the odd wave here and there - albeit small ones. (I know Westside would agree.)



Yo Fat Bastard

I would just like to say a few things. To all those Coaches who think that their teams are better than they are, umm Burnaby B, Take a look at the standings. You seem to have it out for SBAA who I think are in the running for 3rd spot. They may not match the skill player for player with some of the better teams but as a team I think that they play with more heart and drive than any team out there. Soccer is a team sport and not an individual one. Maybe if we didn't stack a few individual teams there would be some competition within the league, that's a concept!
I think that you are niave to think that you team stands a chance against any team in this league, I think div 3 would have been a better choice for you guys.
Good Luck in the new year Pansie your team sucks


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Yo Fat Bastard

Originally posted by Fat Bastard
SBAA is a surprise because they are not a very good team. They have arguably the most underrated keeper in the league, but after that they lack the skill players that you see on teams like Norvan and Westside. However, I will say this, SBAA plays a team game, and the system revolves around their size - they're a big team.

Originally posted by Soccerbitches
They may not match the skill player for player with some of the better teams but as a team I think that they play with more heart and drive than any team out there. Soccer is a team sport and not an individual one.

I know this is your first post but I am a little confused
Are you getting mad at FatBastard for agreeing with what you think?

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I think I've been bitchslapped!


I think maybe you misinterpreted my original post. I was trying to pay you guys a complement. I was being honest by saying you don't have the number of skill players as some other teams, but you're a hard working team that plays a system.

Do I think your team is more skilled than other teams, like ummm Burnaby B? No. But you defintely play as a team alot better than most. You guys proved that by thumping Burnaby 3-bagel a couple of weeks back. It's that team game that lets you guys be competitive against the upper teams, like Burnaby Canadians (who you drew 1-1 a while ago).

Sorry you took my opinion so hard. Just an honest assessment by someone whose been around this league a while.

Maybe if we didn't stack a few individual teams there would be some competition within the league, that's a concept!
Stop whining. Those teams aren't stacked. It's called recruiting. It's called building a winning program, developing a reputation. It's no different than any other league, except in this league the not so talented teams want it handed to them - rather than work for it.

Good Luck in the new year Pansie your team sucks
Good luck to you guys too. Your team is all class, and I hope SBAA makes a strong run for the Province Cup.



Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
MWSLers just don't get TTP

You know why this forum has never really taken off? Because the people in the MWSL - coaches, players, whatever, just don't get what it means to "take the piss."

Anyone who has ever played in the mens leagues knows all too well about the fine art of piss-taking. For those of us who have retired from the playing side of things, the locker-room piss-taking is missed as much, if not more, than the actual soccer.

I've tried to introduce that part of soccer culture to the womens teams I have coached. Sometimes it flies, but more often than not, the players just don't seem to get it.

Case in point... Soccerbitches response to my pisstaking (which wasn't even very good by normal TTP standads).

To make this work, and most of us want that, then MWSLers have got to lighten up, and as they say... "just take the piss."


Also, getting tired of this Burnaby A and Burnaby B thing. Thus, I'd like to thank Soccerbitches for the quality suggestion. From now on here on TTP, Burnaby B will be called Burnaby Canadians Pansies.:D


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
SBAA is a surprise because they are not a very good team
If statements like that are made, what do you expect back? Everything else you say afterwards will not be read properly and you should know that.

If anything, you set soccerbitches up and got her/him posting :D

Thus, TTP is well-served :D


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
no problem

If anything, you set soccerbitches up and got her/him posting
Thus, TTP is well-served
Things had been kind of quiet on this forum for a while. Glad I could take one for the team.:D

That said, Regs is probably right. I probably shouldn't have worded it quite so bluntly. For that, I apologize.

Deadhorsenowtoputtorest.:eek: FBhadbestgetbacktoworknow:(

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
oh yeah, one last thing...

Since the MWSL seems fit to stop for the break weeks before everyone else, just would like to add...


:bronco: :knvb: :wa: :knvb: :bronco: :wa: :wa: :knvb: :bronco:


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Regs
If anything, you set soccerbitches up and got her/him posting :D

Thus, TTP is well-served :D

Fat Bastard, don't fool yourself into thinking that this only happens here in the MWSL thread.

There are plenty of guys in the VMSL and FVSL that respond the same way in those threads. It's all part of the game.

I'm sure in time she/he (?) will catch on to the idea of this site soon enough.

Don't quit posting because of 1 persons response.


Yo Fat Bastard

To reply to this
Stop whining. Those teams aren't stacked. It's called recruiting. It's called building a winning program, developing a reputation. It's no different than any other league, except in this league the not so talented teams want it handed to them - rather than work for it.
You are right they aren't stacked... they just have all the national players and breakers, but besides that recuiting is half the battle. Also maybe if SBAA had any shots on their keeper teresa She wouldn't be so underrated. How many games have you seen SBAA play not enough to make so many judgements against them
Peace out
Burnaby B sucks


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
For the slow and unitiated..........

The origins of the expression 'take the piss' for simple-minded Canadian women (and those who love them):

It's usually said that the phrase derives from an older expression, piss-proud, which refers to having an erection when waking up in the morning, which is usually attributed to a full bladder (proud here being an obvious pun on its senses of something raised or projecting and of something in which one may take satisfaction).
It's first recorded, as so many such indecorous expressions are, in Francis Grose's A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue; in the second edition of 1788 he wrote: "Piss-proud, having a false erection. That old fellow thought he had an erection, but his -- was only piss-proud; said of any old fellow who marries a young wife".

This developed into a figurative sense of somebody who had an exaggerated idea of his own importance. So to take the piss is to deflate somebody, to disabuse them of their mistaken belief that they are special. It's not recorded before the beginning of the twentieth century.

If Burnaby 'B' does, indeed, 'suck', I hereby declare that they have my full and unbending support. I've never met a sucking bird I didn't like. Long may they continue to 'suck'.

Strangely aroused, Fastshow.


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow, getting feisty.....

Well, FB got his knuckles rapped a wee bit....and he's sitting near the bottom of the league! What the hell would these soccerbitch animals do to one of the top teams?:confused:

Being a coach of young women, I can not let myself respond or agree with Fastshow's comments, but I will say, female teams that suck are as interesting as teams that don't!

FB...keep doing what you are doing (on here and the field). We have agreed and disagreed a few times, but that is what makes the world go around. Without opinions and piss-taking, this would probably just be a porn site with pictures of Captain Shamrock's Friday nights....ahhhhhhh:D



Hands of Stone

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Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Ladies, Go Out and Make your Team Stronger

Originally posted by soccerbitches
You are right they aren't stacked... they just have all the national players and breakers, but besides that recuiting is half the battle.

Ladies, Burnaby Canadians started out much like many of the weaker teams in the MWSL. They were a Div. 1 team only 5 or 6 years ago. Danny took the team over started recruting quality young players and building his team.
He had a three year goal to win B.C.'s which I thought was a bit optamistic, but he did it, and also captured the National Championship.
He did have some great support in the way of Asst. Coach and Manager, but he is the one that did the work and recruted very strong young players and some quality older players.

The key to taking him over the top, get the best keeper you can get, that is the difference at the Womens level, teams can be fairly even except between the pipes. Goalkeeping was the difference for BBY. to win the BC's and Nationals, and teams should get a good keeper and hang on to her.



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm cheering for Surrey!!

Well I've noticed that this site has started to heat up a little bit.I must admit,I haven't posted in awhile and haven't been involved with women's soccer in a few years.I just wanted to say though that I'm rooting for Surrey in the B.C.'s.As for which Surrey team I'm rooting for I can't disclose that!!!I would also like to tell Yoda,that I agree with you on the Dan C vote too!!

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Week 13 Wrap Up

UBC remained undefeated with a 3-0 win over a scrappy Pansies team. The Pansies held UBC scoreless until ten minutes into the second half, and honestly I think gave them a good scare. Naomi Eguchi broke the deadlock on a breakaway she finished with a well place shot. UBC added two more in the final ten minutes to put it away. Surprisingly, Burnaby actually generated a few chances, and played with some refreshing confidence.

Surrey United kept pace with UBC by sneaking past SBAA by 1-0. Still think SBAA is the surprise of the season, and might be just a player or two (like a proven striker) away from being a strong contender. Although their stingy defence makes them a legit shot to upset someone come springtime.

Norvan stopped Semiahmoo by 3-0. Either BD's crew has improved (hopefully) or Norvan is still struggling - despite having a pretty good roster of talent. The next few weeks will tell I am sure.

Burnaby Canadians A came back from the Xmas break with a vengeance, winning 7-0 over Westside. Burnaby put on quite the offensive coach - sometimes too showy for their coach's liking, but hey it worked! Burkinshaw has 2, while singles were counted by Ros Hicks, Newport, Salvino, Linnen and Trotman.

Some good matchups next week. Pansies will look to close the gap between themselves and Norvan, when they take on the North Shore side at Cariboo. SBAA and Burnaby will meet in a match that will likely ultimately determine third place. And Poco and Westside will look to see who can stay with the rest of the pack when they meet in Port Coquitlam.


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Best result for us to date!

Semiahmoo lost 3-0 to Norvan with the 3rd goal coming right at the final whistle (fcuk!). We played well despite having only 10 players, two of them (15 and 16 years old) being pulled up from one of our U-17 teams. Both players had a tre-men-dous game.

We are actually looking much better then before the break but are suffering roster woes as several players are chosing not to play at this late point in the season. I can predict a few more shorthanded games before the season is through.
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