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Numb from the Covid


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
A friend of mine who is a doctor in New York sent me this video. There is a high ranking millitary whistle-blower who is about to drop a bomb.

I thought this might be relevant because we were talking about myocarditis earlier. In the 11:00 mark a doctor is talking about myocarditis.

The crazy part is the moment you begin to ask questions about vaxxine then you are getting labeled as anti vaxxer. The popular saying that I commonly hear is "follow the science" but what people don't realize is that science is meant to be debated and if you are not allowed to debate then it becomes propaganda, I mean just think about it how many things were proved to be wrong by another scientists years later?

Just Google Thalidomide, the drug was given by doctors to pregnant women during pregnancy to help with morning sickness. Later it was discovered that it caused severe birth defects to new born babies, no one questioned and just because it was given by a doctor people thought it was safe to take. Yes, I know it's not the same as vaxxine but my point is that mRNA is new technology and it's not something that has been around for centuries like other vaxxines and it should be used with caution and only given to people that want to recieve and personally I draw the line when they are mandating that the kids need to take it and being forced to do it and if they don't then they can't do any extra curricular activities.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
What is bit chute?

An online site like YouTube for far right, conspiracy theorists, and hate speech people to post content because YouTube won’t allow it. Or as some people would say, it’s a place to find the real truth ;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I don’t know what TF to believe anymore. All I know is this thing is now a cold, let’s stop vaccinating and boosting and just allow folks to develop natural immunity.

Vaccinate old folks and the ill if we need to but.....it’s time to move on.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
my point is that mRNA is new technology and it's not something that has been around for centuries like other vaxxines and it should be used with caution and only given to people that want to recieve

If you only want to trust medicine that's been around for 100+ years, then good luck to you. But don't ever get an MRI because it could be giving you radiation poisoning. You are definitely better off having the doctor cut you open to see what's inside you. If you are ever admitted to a hospital you should refuse to allow them to attach ECG electrodes to you. Who knows what kind of effects they might have on your nervous system? If you end up with any cardiac issues, forget implanting a pacemaker as those are definitely not safe. Your heart will find it's own natural rhythm. Kidney problems? Forget dialysis. Who can be sure that's not further contaminating your blood and shortening your life?

If the issue is fear of mRNA, then why don't I see any of the vaccine-hesitant asking for the AZ or J&J versions of the vaccine which are based on older, "safer," viral vector vaccine technology instead of mRNA?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
If the issue is fear of mRNA, then why don't I see any of the vaccine-hesitant asking for the AZ or J&J versions of the vaccine which are based on older, "safer," viral vector vaccine technology instead of mRNA?
Blood clot issues. AZ banned in a few European countries.
J&J might have the same blood clotting issue.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
If you only want to trust medicine that's been around for 100+ years, then good luck to you. But don't ever get an MRI because it could be giving you radiation poisoning. You are definitely better off having the doctor cut you open to see what's inside you. If you are ever admitted to a hospital you should refuse to allow them to attach ECG electrodes to you. Who knows what kind of effects they might have on your nervous system? If you end up with any cardiac issues, forget implanting a pacemaker as those are definitely not safe. Your heart will find it's own natural rhythm. Kidney problems? Forget dialysis. Who can be sure that's not further contaminating your blood and shortening your life?

If the issue is fear of mRNA, then why don't I see any of the vaccine-hesitant asking for the AZ or J&J versions of the vaccine which are based on older, "safer," viral vector vaccine technology instead of mRNA?

You are bringing excellent points and no I don't intend to rely on 100 year old medicine forever and I do understand with time there will cutting edge medical technology.

However, what you are forgeting to mention is that all of those things that you mentioned were developed over extended period of time and went through multiple clinical and human trials before they even got approved. Here is a fact for you the quickest developed vaccine was developed for mumps in 1971 it took 4 years to develop under emergency act and then it was changed again in 1979. Prior to mumps the average time to develop vaccine is roughly 10-15 years especially if you are planning to give it to kids. Currently there are absolutely no studies on covid vaccines long term effect on children as young as 5 years old. When the covid vaccines got approved we were told that they are 90% effective and it will stop you from getting covid then once they realized that it's not the case then they changed to telling us that you can still get it but you won't transmitted to others and then when they realized that's not the case then they changed to telling us that you can get it and you can transmitted but it will prevent you from getting really sick and you won't end up in the hospital and now we all know that's also not the case and double and triple vaccinated people are still getting it, still transmitting and still getting sick.

I think the mandates need to be lifted and people need to learn how live with it. If you don't feel safe then you can get vaccinated and if you still don't feel safe then you can stay home until you feel safe. It's unrealistic to expect a 100% vaccinated population, I think as a country we are doing well and we are close to 80% double vaccinated.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
As for AZ and J&J people aren't getting it because in some countries it's not recognized vaccine and therefore isn't accepted especially if you are planning to travel. Also, high risk for blood clots and myocarditis.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Started with AZ, then Moderna, and yesterday Moderna.

They actually asked me yesterday which one I wanted. WTF? Yeah, let's try Pfizer and see what the cokctail does :rolleyes:
interesting... I did AZ, Moderna, and (by choice) Moderna, and had the exact same - way sorer arm this time, but zero other symptoms. First time chills and sick feeling, second time the sick feeling, but this time absolutely nothing beyond the arm.

apparently Moderna is better for Omricon than Pfizer... or so the lovely retired doctor administering my booster said...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
You are bringing excellent points and no I don't intend to rely on 100 year old medicine forever and I do understand with time there will cutting edge medical technology.

However, what you are forgeting to mention is that all of those things that you mentioned were developed over extended period of time and went through multiple clinical and human trials before they even got approved. Here is a fact for you the quickest developed vaccine was developed for mumps in 1971 it took 4 years to develop under emergency act and then it was changed again in 1979. Prior to mumps the average time to develop vaccine is roughly 10-15 years especially if you are planning to give it to kids. Currently there are absolutely no studies on covid vaccines long term effect on children as young as 5 years old. When the covid vaccines got approved we were told that they are 90% effective and it will stop you from getting covid then once they realized that it's not the case then they changed to telling us that you can still get it but you won't transmitted to others and then when they realized that's not the case then they changed to telling us that you can get it and you can transmitted but it will prevent you from getting really sick and you won't end up in the hospital and now we all know that's also not the case and double and triple vaccinated people are still getting it, still transmitting and still getting sick.

I think the mandates need to be lifted and people need to learn how live with it. If you don't feel safe then you can get vaccinated and if you still don't feel safe then you can stay home until you feel safe. It's unrealistic to expect a 100% vaccinated population, I think as a country we are doing well and we are close to 80% double vaccinated.

I'm with you on most of that. However, we have to remember that, like the flu vaccine for the seasonal flu, the vaccine is not a perfect replicator and what you are doing is improving your odds - that's it. It is never black and white, there are never any guarantees, but it doesn't logically follow that the vaccines are a bunch of hocus pocus. That's where many of my friends have gone and I can't for the life of me understand the grand canyon sized logical leap.

I think, if the vaccines are now not that useful at stopping transmission (if they ever were) but are quite effective at stopping serious illness or death, then as long as our health care systems aren't going to be overwhelmed I say lift the restrictions and let Darwin do his thing. It's different if the vaccines are reducing the spread - now the balance is in favour of everyone doing their part to help society overall wrangle the thing down (though I'm still opposed to mandatory vaccines and still wish people would do their part without the need of vaccine passports to "encourage" them).

But where I would challenge you is on the idea that the vaccines aren't protecting people from getting really sick. Sorry, they are, and this is the one area where we have data to prove it. Something like 7% of our population is unvaccinated, yet something like 60% of the people taking up ICU beds with Covid are unvaccinated. It's been a long time since I was forced to take stats in undergrad, but I'm pretty sure that's statistically significant proof that vaccines are reducing the risk of ending up in the ICU - or worse...


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
But where I would challenge you is on the idea that the vaccines aren't protecting people from getting really sick. Sorry, they are, and this is the one area where we have data to prove it. Something like 7% of our population is unvaccinated, yet something like 60% of the people taking up ICU beds with Covid are unvaccinated. It's been a long time since I was forced to take stats in undergrad, but I'm pretty sure that's statistically significant proof that vaccines are reducing the risk of ending up in the ICU - or worse...

I agree with with to some extend when it comes to stats.

Here are some stats that I found on the BC government website. (Copy pasted)

Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Jan. 14-27) - Total 1,333
  • Not vaccinated: 349 (26.2%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 59 (4.4%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 925 (69.4%)
These stats are just being hospitalized it does not say whether or not with covid or because of covid. You can get into a car accident and be brought to the hospital for a broken leg and if you have covid you will be counted as a hospitalized because of covid. What's also interesting is that they stopped giving breakdown of ICU cases vaccinated vs not vaccinated, I searched on the site and couldn't find it anywhere.

My issue is that the vaccines are being mandated and forced upon people and not so much the actual vaccine. It should be a choice made by each individual just like a flu shot. If you are healthy individual and you think your immune system is strong then why get it, especially if you are a young child? The feds are talking about taxing people for not being vaccinated. I never thought I would live to see a day where you would get taxed for being healthy. What about obese people, smokers, drinkers and addicts are we going to tax them as well because they are clogging up hospital?

Here is my experience with vaccine:

About 8 months ago my wife and I made appointments to get vaccinated. My wife went first 2 weeks before my scheduled appointment just in case if she had any reaction to the vaccine I could stay home and take care of kids. Few hours after vaccine she started to get tingling in her arm and fingers, didn't think about it we just brushed it off. Next morning she woke up with severe pain on her right side and slowly throughout the day her right arm and right leg were going numb. We went to the hospital to get it checked to rule out any adverse reaction, we got there they basically told us that she is fine and it's just anxiety and it will get better and let us go. Day 3, she woke up with severe pain throughout her whole body (like an acid burn) and she was unable to feel or use her right arm and leg (similar to when your leg falls asleep when you sit on it for to long) we immediately called an ambulance to get her to the hospital. She spent a few days there to get checked and they found nothing and they kept telling us that it's anxiety and stress due to covid. Doctors were very dismissive when we were telling them that it started right after vaccine. Long story short she was finally diagnosed by a US neurosurgeon with a small fiber neuropathy caused by vaccine injury. 8 months later and she is basically partially paralyzed on her right side and in constant pain 10/10 and on good days it's 8/10. Even with her diagnosis she still can't get a vaccine exemption even though her neurosurgeon wrote a letter to the public health official and they still denied her exemption, they basically told her to get different vaccine. She took her doctors advise and made a decision not to get her second shot. We been called every name you could think of somehow we are racist, anti science, fascists and many more because she is not fully vaccinated. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy it is what it is and we are dealing with it the best that we can. The point of this story is that when she got her vaccine this side effect wasn't listed as a side effect at all, it wasn't even known to be a side effect. It's only recently about 1-2 months ago that it got updated as a side effect and mainly in women. It just shows you that there are many unknown potentially life lasting side effects that may show up later on down the line. That's why I strongly disagree about kids getting vaccinated, imagine your son or daughter being in pain 10/10 because it was mandated to get vaccine otherwise they can't participate in activities.

Strange world we live in!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

So sorry to hear - hope at some point, your missus gets back to normal. To put it mildly, that sucks.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

I think the mandates need to be lifted and people need to learn how live with it. If you don't feel safe then you can get vaccinated and if you still don't feel safe then you can stay home until you feel safe. It's unrealistic to expect a 100% vaccinated population, I think as a country we are doing well and we are close to 80% double vaccinated.

This, this, this!

Again, I'm completely lost on the true effects of any one of these vaccines on the cardiac system, if it's short term, or long term, and what to believe. I know this: the medical community doesn't have it in them to cause a conspiracy. They just don't. You will have healthy debate and disagreement, and I think that's what we as a society need to shine a light on.

But...fcuk me, given all that, time to move on, eh? I'm sick of the segregation this has caused in society.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree with with to some extend when it comes to stats.

Here are some stats that I found on the BC government website. (Copy pasted)

Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Jan. 14-27) - Total 1,333
  • Not vaccinated: 349 (26.2%)
  • Partially vaccinated: 59 (4.4%)
  • Fully vaccinated: 925 (69.4%)
These stats are just being hospitalized it does not say whether or not with covid or because of covid. You can get into a car accident and be brought to the hospital for a broken leg and if you have covid you will be counted as a hospitalized because of covid. What's also interesting is that they stopped giving breakdown of ICU cases vaccinated vs not vaccinated, I searched on the site and couldn't find it anywhere.

My issue is that the vaccines are being mandated and forced upon people and not so much the actual vaccine. It should be a choice made by each individual just like a flu shot. If you are healthy individual and you think your immune system is strong then why get it, especially if you are a young child? The feds are talking about taxing people for not being vaccinated. I never thought I would live to see a day where you would get taxed for being healthy. What about obese people, smokers, drinkers and addicts are we going to tax them as well because they are clogging up hospital?

Here is my experience with vaccine:

About 8 months ago my wife and I made appointments to get vaccinated. My wife went first 2 weeks before my scheduled appointment just in case if she had any reaction to the vaccine I could stay home and take care of kids. Few hours after vaccine she started to get tingling in her arm and fingers, didn't think about it we just brushed it off. Next morning she woke up with severe pain on her right side and slowly throughout the day her right arm and right leg were going numb. We went to the hospital to get it checked to rule out any adverse reaction, we got there they basically told us that she is fine and it's just anxiety and it will get better and let us go. Day 3, she woke up with severe pain throughout her whole body (like an acid burn) and she was unable to feel or use her right arm and leg (similar to when your leg falls asleep when you sit on it for to long) we immediately called an ambulance to get her to the hospital. She spent a few days there to get checked and they found nothing and they kept telling us that it's anxiety and stress due to covid. Doctors were very dismissive when we were telling them that it started right after vaccine. Long story short she was finally diagnosed by a US neurosurgeon with a small fiber neuropathy caused by vaccine injury. 8 months later and she is basically partially paralyzed on her right side and in constant pain 10/10 and on good days it's 8/10. Even with her diagnosis she still can't get a vaccine exemption even though her neurosurgeon wrote a letter to the public health official and they still denied her exemption, they basically told her to get different vaccine. She took her doctors advise and made a decision not to get her second shot. We been called every name you could think of somehow we are racist, anti science, fascists and many more because she is not fully vaccinated. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy it is what it is and we are dealing with it the best that we can. The point of this story is that when she got her vaccine this side effect wasn't listed as a side effect at all, it wasn't even known to be a side effect. It's only recently about 1-2 months ago that it got updated as a side effect and mainly in women. It just shows you that there are many unknown potentially life lasting side effects that may show up later on down the line. That's why I strongly disagree about kids getting vaccinated, imagine your son or daughter being in pain 10/10 because it was mandated to get vaccine otherwise they can't participate in activities.

Strange world we live in!


OK, so I know Neuropathy very well, in 2010 diagnosed (many of my teammates back then will recall Brian Picard nicknaming me Bitch Feet, because of the pain I'd have onset every evening in my feet, like clockwork, at about 8:00, till I got on medication to control it. Lyrica, BTW....)

Sorry to hear the vax brought it on, but most doctors will tell you that Neuropathy basically sits idle in your system, typically its genetic, and especially in women, manifest itself in the feet around 40 years old. For me, terrible pain in the feet, like needles under the toenails. I'd wake up screaming, in pain, middle of the night before we figured it out. Definitely NOT saying your story is not valid, in fact, I completely trust it to be true, but what I'm saying is that likely, with Neuropathy, it was laying in wait.

I also don't want to dismiss your wife's pain, mine was centered around the feet / lower legs. I know how excruciating it can be, and in the beginning, it's the worse till the part of the body essentially become numb to day-to-day.

The "good" news, I find the pain completely controllable with medication. The medication doesn't have any side effects (maybe a bit of fatigue initially, so I only take it at night, before 8:00 ideally). I am starting to feel it in my hands now, but it's kind of like a slow burn, and you get used to it. My feet were numb by the time 2012 rolled around, literally couldn't feel a thing on the surface. Once played a whole 1st half with one of those little bottle of Tiger Balm in my boot. Couldn't feel it in warm up, in the match I felt off-balance, like there was a pebble in my boot. It was the whole fcuking bottle! @Rangerforever probably remembers that! Point being, you adapt, and life will go on.

My main issue now? I have to be very careful of frostbite, believe it or not. I don't "need" to use toe warmers or boot warming technologies skiing because my feet never get cold. But, I've come home from long, cold days, and you can see the feet are even worse for wear, and showing signs of frostbite. Since the pain is not recognizable, I have to literally watch it, and treat it only on sight.

I highly encourage you to find a good local Neurosurgeon, possibly at UBC, and just get some help understanding neuropathy on it's own, and getting on the right dose of Pregabalin / Lyrica.

I really hope your wife finds her path back to good health sooner than later. And, I'm so sorry to hear about how you and your family have been treated simply because of you exercising your freedom of choice. It's not right, and never was right.

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