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Pakenham Cup Pak Cup 2010

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Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey retard it says Gates park....doesnt say grass or turf....We played there tons of times as Premier and Div 1 and Never ..NEVER have we used the practice pitch with grass and turf for anything other than warmup....So why would we think any different now....Have you seen the goal posts?
Why use a practice pitch for a Pak semi final...And if you are the big question is..why not let us know.


Exactly. Doesn`t say grass or turf. Would that not ring a bell. Every game we played for the last few years says Gates Turf on the schedule.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Mentally, how would you prepare differently if you had known that it was on grass?
Curious observer.

Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
Larry and Larry is a good name for you...I am the manager...And as I have stated above oh so many times...We NEVER play on the practice pitch ever...So why would we now..have you seen the field...Its a fricken mess...
PAU uses thier grass fields so we know to ask what we are playing on..GATES half and half is never used for Premier games EVER!

It`s our home park and we never play on the grass either. But we did yesterday. And we knew we were going to. And so did the other 3 teams. And I know you are the manager, that`s why I said that.

Larry Dallas

May 8, 2004
Dirty Money
thankyou for proveing your a retard...We are at fault because we dont get high and drink beer and puke on ourselves with you...
Our team parties rival anyones ..we just dont like to do it in a parkinglot with a bunch of guys singing about cocks.
We prefer to have a few birds around.

Sorry. I don`t do drugs and I can handle my alcohol so no need to puke on myself. My Bird was there, with some of her friends, in the parking lot after the game. Best of both worlds, I guess. Been going on around these parts for years, GHouse. You know, a bunch of guys playing and then having a few pints after the game. Been going on for decades.

Jack The Lad

Jan 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Jack ...fukc off..we have never ever in history played on the shti crap training field with half turf and half grass...thos were never in anyones mind that we would even think about playing a Pakenham Cup semi final on that crap...the fukcin goal posts dont even stand straight up...its a fukcin joke ..dont come on here and say we wernt prepaired and we should have checked...fukc that...your right the league has come a very long way..so thats exactly why i never in my wildest dream would have thought that this up and comeing league would take 10 steps back and put A semi final 101 year old cup game on a practice pitch...If you cant see this your as fukced as the rest of them..the field was shite...a fukcin joke..Not A FVSL Pakenham Premier Semi Final Pitch...But a Practice pitch at best...For crying out loud are you so blind here...Half grass and half turf....thats not even regulation man

You don't need to swear at me House, that's not very kind. I love the Gates half and half shout. To be honest I have never played on that field at the back. I spoke with Mr. Mills afterwards and he was as disappointed with the condition of the field as anyone. Poco was supposed to host the cup finals but we declined because we felt both the Masters and Premier team could potentially be in the final and we wouldn't have anybody to run the tournament. So I think the idea was good that Poco would host the semifinals and why not play it on grass as the finals are played on grass - good idea. Unfortunately it appears the city didn't hold up their end of the bargain and the field was shite. Its too bad you didn't realize it was on grass and weren't prepared and I guess you can't fire yourself so chalk it up as a learning experience.

Anyways, does this mean you're not coming to our poker tournament this Friday?



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Ghouse for once I can understand your frustation. However to back Thomas all year about the great things he is doing and then throw him under the bus like he intentionally screwed ACBC and Port Moody is a bit out of line. Maybe Peace Arch's manager called and inquired, who knows. Lesson learned make sure all the adults on your team come prepared for all circumstances. I get it I help run my team and tell guys to bring both colour socks and shorts every week, but sure enough the same guys don't. Guys need to be responsible for themselves and you need to take some ownership of that.

Maybe the website should have specified grass, personally I don't understand why PoCo was allowed to host it with a terrible turf field and apparently an even worse grass field. Anyway Game is done both played on the same surface, better team won on the day. Didn't they best you a few weeks back as well?


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Mentally, how would you prepare differently if you had known that it was on grass?
Curious observer.

Well we would have moved our training sessions the week before to grass first off..second as we arrived to our match we were mentally prepairing for the game as everyone does..but as we found out we were on the training pitch..we were now worrying about boots instead of warmup.
Guys were on the phone asking friends to drop off boots..we asked friends at the field to borrow thier boots..Come on Yoda it would have thrown anyone off the normal preparation before any game...guys were trying on friends boots instead of warming up..Its a huge game..this should not have happened.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Ghouse for once I can understand your frustation. However to back Thomas all year about the great things he is doing and then throw him under the bus like he intentionally screwed ACBC and Port Moody is a bit out of line. Maybe Peace Arch's manager called and inquired, who knows. Lesson learned make sure all the adults on your team come prepared for all circumstances. I get it I help run my team and tell guys to bring both colour socks and shorts every week, but sure enough the same guys don't. Guys need to be responsible for themselves and you need to take some ownership of that.

Maybe the website should have specified grass, personally I don't understand why PoCo was allowed to host it with a terrible turf field and apparently an even worse grass field. Anyway Game is done both played on the same surface, better team won on the day. Didn't they best you a few weeks back as well?

I agree with you 100%

Thats why I couldnt believe it...Shocked to say the least...


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
I vote replay the game on the same grass pitch. Then at the last second switch it to the turf! The ACBC guys would only have 6 studs and it would be rather humorous.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
You don't need to swear at me House, that's not very kind. I love the Gates half and half shout. To be honest I have never played on that field at the back. I spoke with Mr. Mills afterwards and he was as disappointed with the condition of the field as anyone. Poco was supposed to host the cup finals but we declined because we felt both the Masters and Premier team could potentially be in the final and we wouldn't have anybody to run the tournament. So I think the idea was good that Poco would host the semifinals and why not play it on grass as the finals are played on grass - good idea. Unfortunately it appears the city didn't hold up their end of the bargain and the field was shite. Its too bad you didn't realize it was on grass and weren't prepared and I guess you can't fire yourself so chalk it up as a learning experience.

Anyways, does this mean you're not coming to our poker tournament this Friday?

Jack..I dont care if we play turf or Grass..gravel or cement...As long as we are told in advance...


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Well I have just spoke to a member of the FVSL Executive...
From what I was just told it was the Executive which wanted the games to be played on that pitch and not TM
And it was an accident we were not informed that the game was to or may be played on the grass pitch.
They totally see my point and understand why we would have thought Gates Park is Gates Turf.
No one was notified...
PAU new because they phoned the league and asked because they wanted to play on grass and were told its up to the weather so they came better prepaired.
I didnt call because I never thought in a million years that practice pitch would even have been considered for Pak Semi use...
Either did Bob from Moody.
Alot of sorrys and oops and I know how you feels and we learn from things like this....
But I was assured TM was not to blame and so I would like to apologize to him..and i will.

I still say we were screwed over ...but now..not on purpose but because our Executive made a decision (a bad one) and didnt inform everyone properly.

The Pakenham,our most prized possession should be played on or at a park which is in great shape. Grass or Turf...But as long as its a great field. One where 2 teams can play to the best of thier ability. One where Friends Fans and Family can come and be compfortable and Close to the action.
In the future I hope the Executive ask the members to let the league pay for small stadiums or fields so we all can be together from the Quarter finals down.
Not donated parks that are not good...but parks we all would like to play on infront of our F,F and F
A place where our best soccer can be played

We should have been informed. And I am still pissed...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry, just backing up a step, what was wrong with the pitch exactly? No holes that I saw, there was definitely signs of wear and use but it looked to be patched sufficiently enough to play on. It was a little small perhaps and bumpy down the middle, but I didn't see you take back any goals because the posts leaned slightly one way or the other when you scored (did they really lean? I didn't notice), nor were there any problems when Admir was forced so unmercifully as you make it sound to transition from grass to the turf part inside the box when he banged in a close range shot from 6 to go up 2-1 late. Good thing he was wearing turfs, eh?

if you want an honest opinion it's their turf that that should be closed down. it's way more unsafe and hard to play on than any "practice pitch"

whatever, the game is over, you feel cheated. We get it. Moving on...


Mar 11, 2008
Dirty Money
GHouse, nobody is arguing that your team "parties" harder than anyone else. What is worrying is that you are this upset over a surface which, coincidentally, both teams had to play on. It seems obvious that if anyone had the clear advantage it would have been ACBC as they are the only non-amateur team in the league. As LD said, I don't know who you guys think you are but you need to get a grip and lose gracefully. Congrats to PAU and good luck in the final.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Hang on, I thought Millsy and Ghouse were buddies? I saw it on Bombay TV? :confused: Aren't they working together for the BCPL? :confused:

Ghouse why are they out to get you? Seriously? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done PAU!

Sorry Guinness - Couldn't pop by to watch bud.
Good job KNVB, G, JR and everyone else on your bid for yet another Pak Cup.

Quick question:
Was the match played on grass or turf?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Fun Friends Family Puppy-dogs and Rainbows :rolleyes:

I still can't believe I'm reading that grown adults are having a moan because they had to play on GRASS.

FFS, who doesn't bring 2 sets of boots to their games?

Congrats PAU Nation.


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
Dirty Money
Boys with whistles and flags assumed turf too. I only figured it out when I went out to warm-up on the turf and nobody was there. I too only packed my turf shoes but luckly the center circle is small so I didn't have to run far in them. The fact I had mentally prepared for turf and not grass probably caused me to make at least three incorrect decisions though!!!! ;)

The pitch looked awful but it didn't actually play as bad as it looked. Lots of dirt had been added to flatten things out and ball seemed to take a normal grass bounce. It was certainly not dangerous...not even close...except for one spot on the goal line, which the host was requested to fix before kickoff.

I've learned my lesson. Always pack the grass shoes in the FVSL!!!! I'll bring my runners next time too, maybe we'll play the SX final on the tennis courts. :bronco:
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