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Playoffs Whitecaps vs Galaxy 20121101

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I dont get people dumping on Miller either. He makes great runs and gets zero service. His settle leading up to the chance Robson and he both muffed was still top drawer regardless of how bad his shot was... Robson, on the other hand, is as lazy as they come, and was literally standing watching from 10 feet away doing fcuk all while Magee tied it up... a central midfielder with a right foot to stand on - where do they find these guys?

Andy O'Brien, on the other hand, is everything I could ever hope for in a central defender... Right up in Keane's grill, then proceeds to shut him down... Keep him and Demerit please, I'd like to see a full season of those two together...


New Member
Oct 7, 2005
Dirty Money
I dont get people dumping on Miller either. He makes great runs and gets zero service. His settle leading up to the chance Robson and he both muffed was still top drawer regardless of how bad his shot was... Robson, on the other hand, is as lazy as they come, and was literally standing watching from 10 feet away doing fcuk all while Magee tied it up... a central midfielder with a right foot to stand on - where do they find these guys?

Andy O'Brien, on the other hand, is everything I could ever hope for in a central defender... Right up in Keane's grill, then proceeds to shut him down... Keep him and Demerit please, I'd like to see a full season of those two together...

Good point on Robson mtkb. Follow the progression:

1) Robson decided to not finish point blank sitter from his right foot, pulls it to his his left, only to pull it back too much then bash his shot into the defender
2) Robson flails his arms as usual and whines to the ref about a call never coming. Not exactly rushing to get back.
3) LA takes the ball downfield, Caps in full contraction mode, but Robson still in another area code, nowhere to be seen
4) Somehow, Caps defend, but relinquish corner
5) Not exactly a quick corner, but cross eventually lands at feet of a completely unmarked Mcgee for tying goal.
6) Hey look, there is Robson, finally back in the screen shot, 10 yards behind McGee, walking as usual. At least he was not flailing his arms anymore.

And this is one of our DPs and leaders.

TSN turning point right there


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes DP Robson watched MaGee knock in a free volley while DP Miller missed a simple volley while Coach Rennie still goes on about the positive season. F U management!!! You took a good thing and fukced with it. Two less in the beautiful people's section.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
What's Rennie going to say!? Of course he is going to say it was a positive season. They finished last in the league last year and this year made the playoffs. The Defensive play overall improved, they got younger relatively speaking and have some bright spots in Mattocks, Koffie and perhaps Salgado if he can get his fitness sorted. Knighton has dethroned Cannon and things are generally trending upwards.

Thanks so much mktb and rusty for stating the fact that Robson was the largest contributing factor to this result. His selfish play in all areas of the park cost the Caps this game. I don't know what the inside of that changeroom is, but I'd not be surprised if the likes of YP Lee (Who isn't 100% to come back next year) Demerit, O'Brien, Koffie and the other key players (not designated players) of this team tell Rennie they'll ask for trades and/or retire if Robson comes back.

The season changed directions when he came in aside from the one bright game he had vs Beckham and Co previously.

His ballwatching on the Magee goal is the polar opposite of the type of professionalism you'd expect from a guy who's won Titles in European Leagues, Played in Champions League and played in European Cup Qualifiers etc. His fitness and attitude aside, the fundamental basics of play are completely lacking.

it's 100% apparent that he and Miller are somewhat talented footballers from a skills perspective but lack the athleticism needed to play in this league full of converted NCAA track stars, these guys would be supplemental pieces on teams in Europe, whereas Keane and Bex were impact guys... LA's DP's weren't necessarily the difference, but the Caps' DP's sure didn't contribute in any positive manner.

Mattocks quick drop off to convert that great play by (what I'm now thinking is an underrated) Matt Watson was great off the ball movement by a young player. Mattocks was well marked and shed his man and did well to ytake his chance. You cannot say you've seen anything like that from a 15 year vet in Kenny Miller who was a total goal machine in a similar calibre league in Scotland. Not moving = Not getting into scoring chances (given how few and far between the good balls and service has been since Dede left)

Last night's officiating display was appalling, but not the reason the Caps lost. Landon did in fact dive, that being said he was fouled, soft or otherwise it was a foul...much in the same way that Thorrington's foot was stepped on and he got a smack in the face while holding up the ball in their box not ten minutes later, no call. Landycakes goes down in a heap and it's a pK- journeyman MLS mucky muck goes down and that's a dive. Hmmm... Also why were the standard of what was a foul and what wasn't a foul changed from the first half to the second half? Just a total shite show from that official. You know it's bad when a deeply religious and world respected player like YP Lee loses his head and goes into full blown attack and mock the ref mode on National Television like he's an immature U16 kid.

Overall a better season than last and a dissapointing way to end it, I don't feel like the Caps deserved to win because they did not, but sadly LAG certainly didn't earn their victory- they were fully the favorite and it's too bad that a few braincramps by Robson, a glaring chance to finish by two DP's in the space of 30 seconds goes wanting and then Robson watches Magee throw the equalizer 15 seconds later... the ref then essentially gifts them the win awarding a dodgy peno.

If I'm Rennie I'm sending Salgado away on Loan in the January Window as we need him to step up next year in a big way to cover the departure of Dane Richards. I'd be finding a way to either trade Robson and Miller or pull a Jarjuh V2.0 and 2.1 and simply cut them. What might Camilo fetch in the trade market inside MLS?

Then I'm doing everything in my power to convince YP Lee to come back and build around Rochat and Koffie for next year in the midfield.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Martin Rennie picked the only strategy that had a chance to beat the galaxy and they executed it reasonably well. Utah nailed it with Watson's performance. He was easily our most productive mid and despite being in front of Harvey the left side wasn't getting destroyed defensively. Miller might well be the smartest player on the field and the constant battering of him is beyond me. He was BRUTAL when he arrived but he was apart of the two best chances in the second half and has demonstrated his ability. If Mattox could make the runs Miller does he wouldn't be in the MLS.

Martin Rennie proved that he is a huge part of the problems that started literally with the changes that were made during the season (the departure of Chiumiento and Hassli, the arrival of Robson and Miller). Check the record before those changes and after. It is not that Whitecaps overachieved at the beginning of the season; it is about the team's chemistry that was ruined.

I will admit that I am not Mattox fan but to take him off at the beginning of the 2nd half when the team defends, when the host is getting desperate and is forced to start attacking recklessly (which would make a lot of room for a speedy player like Mattox) it was just plain stupidity from Rennie to sub Mattox. With such ridiculous substitution Rennie proved that he has some serious issues with his game plans and strategies. If anyone asks me, he is the first one to go.

Miller is still brutal. His ball control is horrible and I am not sure what you think by "Miller the smartest player on the field". Can you elaborate what was at least one smart move he made during his 30 minutes on the field? No, I do not deny him that he is trying hard and that he cares, but, man, I really do not understand how a professional soccer player can have such a poor ball control as Miller has. It is just unbelievable!

Watson was the most dangerous Whitecaps player. And he is substituted too!? Strange, very strange. He did not look tired to me, he was playing very well, and the coach takes him off!?

Considering what happened to the team when the changes were made during the season, this season cannot be considered as a success. Just check the record. 4W-8L-4D when Robson started and 1W-6L-1D when Miller started. Coincidence? I do not think so. Miler makes $1.2 mil, Robson makes $0.6 mil so I am not sure other players were happy seeing that kind of money given to the players who did not make the team better.

Whitecaps owners should bring new President too. Bobaduzzi should be given a "Thank You" card for his work during the last, how many years, 10, 15, 20!? and a fresh blood should be brought to the club. Hopefully somebody who would also have a vision of incorporating as many as possible Canadian born players in Whitecaps organization so the club can actually help the national team too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Everyone dumps on Miller because Miller is the shits, I don't care that he may make a nice run here or there, the guy has no fcuking heart or any balls. He doesn't go into any challenges, rarely jumps for a header and couldn't score at roosters on a month of saturdays. The only difference between Miller and Jarju is the pay increase Miller received. Robson is just the same a whining mucker who is as lazy as the day is long. Its a damn shame when you have people like YP Lee, Demerit, O'Brien, Harvey and Koffie working their asses off and you have players like Robson constantly letting them down. Anything less than getting rid of Miller, Camilo and Robson will be a disappointment. Get the kilt colored glasses off Rennie and see the fcuking light.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I truly think Miller was a stop gap. Not 100% sure how long he is signed for, but I think they wouldn't have signed him had Salgado been fit and not hammered with injury this season.

Robson is a very failed experiment and I'm pleased to say I was wrong. I was expecting a much better attitude and level of committment. he has the skills required, just no clue about putting in a shift, staying focused and on task and how to be a leader.

RCL: I think Mattocks was injured or was out of gas, which is why he was subbed. I would have preferred they put Camilo on at that point of the match. Subbing Matt Watson to me was a mistake 100%. He was the best player on the park for the Caps last night imho

Part of me still thinks letting Big Eric go was a mistake even though I know the reasons they moved him along. He is the kind of guy that would have stepped up in a big way last night, but you can't be paying $900k to a guy that only plays well on the big occasions and plays a bit part role.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I believe Mattocks had a stomach flu or something, as they showed a shot of him taking pepto bismal on the sideline, or saw the way robson was playing and it made him sick to his stomach.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
bechs ran his right hand through his hair more that he ran with the ball
keane look dangerous .................

fair result ,bonjour feels like a bag of shite today i bet ,why would they play an injured demerit & not start miller


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I thought OBrian was MOTM for the caps last night but Watson was right behind him and I am not sure why Rennie took him off. Mattocks was gased in the second half, I am not sure why but he did have to come off because he wasn't doing anything to help us anymore. Miller for me actually created a few chances and other than missing a great chance to put us up 2-0 I thought he did alright, just not worth the money he is getting. Kind of funny how that chance fell to his left foot and then to Robsons right foot but it was Millers nice little touch that gave Watson, I think it was, the initial shot.

Now that the season is done I can focus my attention to hockey...How's that coming along again? Daley and Ferr agree to meet to discuss the situation but have not been able to agree on a time, place or how to proceed:rolleyes: feeling pretty confident they will get things done soon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
STD- Is what Miller has done anything more than what Etienne Barbara, Omar Salgado or even Caleb Clarke could have contributed for WAY less cash?

FFS...in 716 minutes of play over 13 games (8 of which he started) he had 2 goals, and 1 assist. Even worse than that is he attempted only 11 shots during that amount of time and only 4 were considered a shot on goal, so he 50% when he hits the net...add to that the 35 or so minutes he played last night and I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone can make a case for him to be worth any amount of money let alone what he is actually receiving twice a month...insanity.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
We know that WFC rank up there with some of the other teams in this league with owners with very deep pockets. I know a bit about the MLS Rules, but I don't know how buyouts impact salary cap space etc... If they think the money could be better spent elsewhere Nash, Mallett, Kerfoot etc could easily send him packing with a pocket full of cash.


Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
This is our second season to be clear!

The Hassli Chumiento love affair is exhausting, some of you guys defend them as though they took your virginity...Hassli's numbers in TFC since the move are insignificantly better than Millers, Hassli was a lazy striker who couldn't head a ball. Chumiento was fun and certainly had flashes of creativity but, he appeared to me to be a dramatic lady alot of the time with little defensive play, comparing Robson and Chumiento is not reasonable they are two entirely different players, with different styles. If Robson decides to show up more often - I'd have him back, I’d rather see upgrades on Thorrington, Watson, Juan Davidson Marcusson or whatever his name is first.

OBrien is a stud, he and Demerit are a great combo...Bonjour sadly can’t defend anyone that runs straight at him which is problematic and last night he established that while a try hard he really isn't even a serviceable sub. It was a foul, he's not good. Harvey makes him look bad FFS, and speaking of I miss Rochat on the left side which only reinforces my point that our midfield is sub-par at best. While I agree Watson had his best game last night I shudder everytime he and Harvey are running the left side.

Watson was subbed because we were down a goal and you're not going to get a goal from Watson, Richards was fresher and has a better nose for the net...granted he was invisible for the most part which is unfortunate but surely not Remy Martin’s doing. Mattocks is maddening to watch and I do understand when people say Miller is smarter....Mattocks makes zig zag half runs that make it impossible to provide him any service particularly when he's the lone man up front, or alternatively he'll run a 50 meter dash and gas himself which is in my opinion what happened last night....wisdom is lost on youth.

Last night was an entertaining pacey game, in the end you need to finnish your supper!

The team made improvements over last year and hopefully more to come for year 3, they showed decent clout last night and all in all I'm still content being a Caps fan - beats the hell out of TFC or the Impact.
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