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Provincial Cup Men's Open 2008 - Predictions, Results & Banter


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
posted by Nova:
Didn't Surrey go to the finals as a valley team vs Firemen?
1998 or '99 they lost in the final. I can't remember who they beat along the way.
Cainy would know as would Aves.

UBC 3 Chilliwack 0
WAB made a comment about the lack of atmosphere of this shoc-king match, but not one representative of Langley showed up to see what UBC were all about. Very foolish mistake.

I'd tell you, but we were busy getting pissed with Metro Ford guys ahead of our show down this weekend!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Since this is TTP and 90% of this I'm sure is about me I'll address it... I find it ridiculous that after a big win for the team, the valley and obviously the fans that all you can think and talk about his who on the other team shook hands.

Careers ended on Saturday night in somewhat stunning fashion so it wasn't a lack of respect, bitterness or a fcuk you in anyway...it was extremely emotional for some of us, so please try to get over it. I’ll drive to each of their houses now and do it if it means that much.

Also, people you would call mate around the park were at their very drunken lowest and couldn't fcuking wait to kick the preverbal dog in the nuts when it was down so please pardon the extra time it took for some of us to make our way over. Call is sulking, pouting, classless, I don’t care. I know it was none of it.

I have and give all the respect in the word to Mike and everyone on the Langley team easpcially the small group left that I know like Gus, Moh, Kenny Will, Nukes, Jorgy, Chuck, all the old boys. Just because I didn't immediately run over and shake hands doesn't change that fact. I'm flattered that my hand shake even meant that much to them....or is all this just a case of masses having the satisfaction of sticking it to me? Obviously the horde of never was or has been’s wanted it.


New Member
Sep 15, 2007
Dirty Money
Since this is TTP and 90% of this I'm sure is about me I'll address it... I find it ridiculous that after a big win for the team, the valley and obviously the fans that all you can think and talk about his who on the other team shook hands.

Careers ended on Saturday night in somewhat stunning fashion so it wasn't a lack of respect, bitterness or a fcuk you in anyway...it was extremely emotional for some of us, so please try to get over it. I’ll drive to each of their houses now and do it if it means that much.

Also, people you would call mate around the park were at their very drunken lowest and couldn't fcuking wait to kick the preverbal dog in the nuts when it was down so please pardon the extra time it took for some of us to make our way over. Call is sulking, pouting, classless, I don’t care. I know it was none of it.

I have and give all the respect in the word to Mike and everyone on the Langley team easpcially the small group left that I know like Gus, Moh, Kenny Will, Nukes, Jorgy, Chuck, all the old boys. Just because I didn't immediately run over and shake hands doesn't change that fact. I'm flattered that my hand shake even meant that much to them....or is all this just a case of masses having the satisfaction of sticking it to me? Obviously the horde of never was or has been’s wanted it.

Here we are on Monday hung up over some hand shakes. I will admit I was dissapointed on Saturday when I looked over at the Surrey bench and saw a half dozen or more Surrey players and coaches who did come over and partake in the hand shakes. For me personally, I have put in countless hours into Langley and the Valley, played and coached at a level where a national championship is the ultimate prize. Without at least this objective on the table, what is the point of playing on an A form. So with this comes the inevitable task of competing in an inferior league having to prepare yourself for a game(s) against a team from simply a better caliber league. We were not far off talent player to player on Saturday night, what we sorely lack is getting to play a Surrey United caliber team week in and week out. Anybody at this level has pride and an ego to go along with it. I am no different, and at times you are simply looking for a bit of respect. Go through all the VMSL vs FVSL crap on here, not once have I ever said that the leagues are similar. That said, we won, and competed in a manner that I thought would give us a chance. Tough telling the CIS player of the year to sit and defend, but it was my strategy and it worked. It sucks to lose, especially when you are not expected to, but offer the respect to the other team of a simple hand shake.

Now more specifically, KNVB. Dave has played a part in making me a better coach as he helped me out a couple years ago. So in some odd way, he played a small part in our win. I have the upmost respect for Dave and players like him. It is the old club guys that live and die by their teams that we all kill for. I set out this year with our old guard back in the mix purposely to bring the team bond back that we really missed last year, and it is these old boys that create the atmosphere that the young kids love. I hold no grudge against Dave for not walking over to shake my hand, just dissapointed that some of the young kids and others followed his lead. I am not an idiot to know that this crushed the likes of KNVB, and I can respect the space needed. Dave had the class to contact me yesterday which I very much appreciated.

Very sweet win and we will be pumped come Sunday. Guinness, thanks for the scouting report you idiot (5% serious, 95% TTP). Maybe. BTW, we know more about UBC than you may think, muppet idiot (maybe 10/90).

And to save another post, WAB, bitter much?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Bitter? At what? Life's great! I went out on top with a Provincial Cup trophy and it was the most satisfying moment in my soccer career.

I really don't care about who wins the BC open, my concern is with the Masters. Having said that, though, I would like to see a new team win it. I love the underdog - thus to see LFC beat SU is great. I hope LFC beats UBC, because they don't deserve to be in provincials IMO, and LFC has a lot of jam right now.

As for VMSL vs FVSL comparisons; that argument is as old as dirt, and it will never end. I really just find the dynamics of the LFC and SU rivalry interesting.

Good luck the rest of the way.


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Good Games this weekend, Celtic boys were top drawer, very classy bunch of guys. Took in the SU/Langley game later and was a good game to watch from the stands. Dobbs, Googs, SM, Davey, Hard lines boys, but look on the bright side, you can come play in the Fraser Valley House League with the rest of the Old SU Alumni. Tryouts will be coming up soon, I'll put a good word into the coach for you, but your skill level might be too high for a bunch of Fraser Valley Animals. Tough Trophy to win, lost in the semi's three times and each time is painful. Lookin FWD to Metro Ford this weekend, friends on almost every team in the FVSL and VMSL, but only one teams gonna win each week and the other 19 teams are gonna be dissapointed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
UBC Report

Can't tell you much - Chilli didn't show up. They might as well been playing 12 year-olds. They played long ball with ease, short passes with absolutely no defensive resistance. They rarely had to make a tackle, let alone be worried about getting tackled, and I saw some VMSL bench warmers look Pele-like. I think if you just play them hard and get stuck in, you'll win.


New Member
Sep 15, 2007
Dirty Money
Bitter? At what? Life's great! I went out on top with a Provincial Cup trophy and it was the most satisfying moment in my soccer career.

I really don't care about who wins the BC open, my concern is with the Masters. Having said that, though, I would like to see a new team win it. I love the underdog - thus to see LFC beat SU is great. I hope LFC beats UBC, because they don't deserve to be in provincials IMO, and LFC has a lot of jam right now.

As for VMSL vs FVSL comparisons; that argument is as old as dirt, and it will never end. I really just find the dynamics of the LFC and SU rivalry interesting.

Good luck the rest of the way.

And here I was about to remind you that we beat you the week before you went on the infamous run to the Provincial title.

Thanks for the well wishes, as opposed to the one idiot (15/85) from the Nation.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Careers ended on Saturday night in somewhat stunning fashion so it wasn't a lack of respect, bitterness or a fcuk you in anyway...it was extremely emotional for some of us,

I was very close to shedding a tear for that Slurrey United team and players that MAY have ended VMSL Premier careers on saturday, then I thought of all the nice things that knvb has had to say about all on TTP and that frown turned up-side down. Tough luck, it is Cup, the Muckers are starting very soon, and you a very close to O-35's now.

The question is, will Foden now start posting with knvb out of the mix?

Should be a great round of eight.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
1/4 Final game

Peace Arch United vs Metro Ford Wolves
Saturday April, 19th
South Surrey Athletic Park
Kick off: 12:30pm

There should be another good crowd out.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I will bring out our crew again Guinness.......Just as long as i see you and the Whole Nation at Newton Park Friday Night!

Cheers Pal;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow...take off for the day to golf at Northview (49 front on ridge, eagle missed for birdie on 8 after driving the green- we're not talking about the back nine), get a litte sauced, and come home and read the aftermath of some innocent posts.

KNVCnut...sincerely didn't mean to feed the flames if that is what happened. I sincerely meant it when I posted I didn't have the heart to TTP you after speaking w/ you over the phone Saturday night. I understood it then, and more now.

Anyhow, it seems that you've all had a good group hug and maybe have cried on each others shoulders, maybe have used your fingers inaapropriately with each other (LFC, KNVB, get a ****ing room...twats). All is good, and although balance is yet to be restored to the Proviancial Cup, we can all take solace in the fact that the FVSL is finally better than the VMSL.

This is true, because WAB said so.

Where the fcuk is my galss of red wine? That bcith probalbly hid it in the garage again...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Seriously I now will be playing on a Div 3 team next year and have played at all levels in the FVSL and have NEVER not shaken hands even if it was my last game? It's called respect for the players and the game boys and that's all! Next time suck up your pride and emotions and do the right thing that's all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Seriously I now will be playing on a Div 3 team next year and have played at all levels in the FVSL and have NEVER not shake(n) hands even if it was my last game? It's called respect for the players and the game boys and that's all! Next time suck up your pride and emotions and do the right thing that's all.

forget shaking hands how about kicking a team out of a changeroom at 8:30 after a huge Pak cup win celebration. Fukc shaking my hand but at least let a team celebrate,that's disrespect... only in langley


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Seriously I now will be playing on a Div 3 team next year and have played at all levels in the FVSL and have NEVER not shaken hands even if it was my last game? It's called respect for the players and the game boys and that's all! Next time suck up your pride and emotions and do the right thing that's all.

i agree

ive played and coached in some real emotional games and not only have my teams always shook hands but so has the other team

this year A.C.B.C. lost a game they never thought would happen and guys had tears in their eyes and lumps in their throats but they all manned up and shook hands and wished us well
suck it up buttercup
vmsl or fvsl its still only pub league


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow...take off for the day to golf at Northview (49 front on ridge, eagle missed for birdie on 8 after driving the green- we're not talking about the back nine), get a litte sauced, and come home and read the aftermath of some innocent posts.

Kapalua Plantation today... totally kicked my ass.




Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Maui shmaui. I surfed the coast of Algarve two three weeks ago and it totally kicked my ass. Hawaii is soooo 2005.

I could be wrong, but I think KNVB was there too, and left without shaking hands.


  • KNVB e uma cnut.jpg
    KNVB e uma cnut.jpg
    160.5 KB · Views: 91


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Seriously though, big fcuking deal.

You aren't going to compare ACBC and their players, all young w/ plenty of football ahead of them, losing a div. 1 league game, to vets like Millar and KNVBastard, who have been there, done that, and were hanging around still just to have another Provincial shot?

Sorry, it isn't the same. If ACBC has one player with the competitive level and spirit of either of these two guys they will run the Premier division next year. Fact is, when you're competitive, you take losing harder than others- full stop. Fcuk sakes, I don't think KNVB was even on the pitch during PKs.

There is a saying: a good loser is still a loser. I'd rather to go battle w/ guys that take losing that hard than others who are able to suck it up after, TBH.

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