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Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Bowel Problems said:
i had to take a shite. much more important than responding to you.

I agree. Next time you feel you need to respond to me, take the shite. That way, we don’t have to read your shite.

Problems with Math said:
-sorry but i don't quite have the plethera [sic] of responses tied to a 60yr old wallmart greeter like you.

-you tried playing lacrosse as a young lad(1965)

-also,your math is not wrong dick.........

I know my math is not wrong. I’m saying your math is wrong. Like how I’m 60-years-old now, but played lacrosse as young lad back in 1965. Should I get you a calculator?

Problems with Comprehension said:
i never said our entire team played on that div one team. the others have been off for ten yrs.

I never said they did either. I said 4 of them did, 6 years ago, and haven’t played for 10 years since. Understand now? Neither do we.

Problems with the closet door said:
almost forgot...say hi to your mom for me, you salad tossing queer.

I’m 60, remember? My mom is 90.

Anyhow, does this mean you still want me to hug and kiss your balls?


Dial and Dial's mom


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

I was just saying to the missus last night how much we all change over time. Now, even in the safety of TTP, jokes about the mentally handicapped and homosexuality are no-go zones for most. Now the LGBTC community doesn't have to hide in the closet as much.

Maybe we are growing up?

Maybe society is actually changing a bit for the better.

I have to admit, though, I laughed out loud at this, in response to "Homosexual Faggots":

Re: [FVSL Division 3] Results & Banter

Is there another kind?



Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money

I was just saying to the missus last night how much we all change over time. Now, even in the safety of TTP, jokes about the mentally handicapped and homosexuality are no-go zones for most. Now the LGBTC community doesn't have to hide in the closet as much.

Maybe we are growing up?

Maybe society is actually changing a bit for the better.

I have to admit, though, I laughed out loud at this, in response to "Homosexual Faggots":


As I drove to work this morning there is a car mechanic in Maple Ridge that has a sign up that says "Did you blow a tranny? My Mechanic has".

Im sure Should be coming to a local news rag or facebook page near you soon. True story


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Division 3] Results & Banter

we dialed 9-1-1,obviousely. where the fcuk do you play? why the fcuk are you in this forum? are you a fcukin gift from god or something? why don't you try a piss take thats not fresh of the 6:00 news?.....maybe you can't, eh.
that being the case, here's a couple more for you......
......if you are gods gift, then maybe you should be in the vadican city, i hear they're gonna need a new pope soon and you've gotta be next in line. or are you too busy in southern california keeping michael jacksons cack limp as the little boys stroll through the courtroom for the pedafile parade. maybe you've been participating in a circle jerk with betman and goodenow, keeping us from watching hockey(i bet you'd volunteer to eat the cracker...right). had you been washed away by the tsunami in december, tracked your way back to your island resort a long three months later, only to be pinned under the rubble of a fallen building during the earthquake? well, what is it??

the lower divisions are for younger player development, and older guys that just wanna kick the ball still, you wanker. you shouldn't waste your time on this site, you should be teaching at the beckam soccer academy........i forgot........ its spring break. we're all very happy that you would use your spare time to come here and enlighten us on the thought patterns of a bonified superstar......now fcuk off!!!!

PS -couldn't let you leave here without giving you the div three(piss take) salute...........

your a fcukin F.A.G., and i had your mom for breakfast this morning...i love breakfast in bed :p :p :p .
Now, there's some quality . . . We need to get back to this kind of TTP. I am afraid we have all become a bit woke.

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