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Scottish Premier League News 2009/2010

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New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
It should be compulsary for all UK citizens to pay their respects to the war dead by attending a football match.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It should be compulsary for all UK citizens to pay their respects to the war dead by attending a football match.

:D :D

Fcuking Lawell wasn't wearing his poppy. :mad: WTF is up with that? :rolleyes:

BTW, where was Man United's poppies on their jerseys? :rolleyes:

I'm sure Andres HInkel was thrilled to be forced to wear a poppy on his jersey.........the Germans really appreciate Remembrance Day


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Man United skirted the issue by issuing a statement that their tops are red.
Hinkel should be honoured to wear a poppy on his top, he is lucky to have the opportunity and priviledge of being able to earn a more than fair wage playing a game in that free nation of the United Kingdom.

Why don't they just go home?

As far as Zee Germans, and remembrance day... they don't celebrate one as such in November, however they do celebrate/observe Volkstrauertag
In Germany, Armistice or Remembrance Day is not commemorated. Moreover, 11 November would be seen as an inappropriate date for such a holiday, as it traditionally marks the beginning of a German carnival. However, Volkstrauertag is commemorated. Originally this was on the fifth Sunday before Easter, but since 1952, has been celebrated two Sundays before the beginning of Advent. It has never been celebrated in the church since both the major German churches have their own festivals for commemorating the dead (All Souls Day in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, Ewigkeitssonntag, or "Eternity Sunday" in the case of the Lutheran church. Both festivals also fall in November.)

So unless Hinkel is Buddhist or Muslim I don't think he'd have an issue either way in observing a moments silence pre-match or to sport a poppy on the top.

Also, for those of you asking what wearing a poppy or what armistice/remembrance day has to do with Football, it has to do with the Poppy appeals, and how the veterans raise funds. Pop culture and public figures tend to therow themselves behind these sorts of things to generate momentum.

Smug Shellick Supporting Cnuts. :rolleyes:


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
The Earl Haig poppy appeal is a total disgrace.

It's tantamount to having veterans begging in the streets.

Btw, the meeja reported that the silence at the Falkirk game was impeccably observed within the stadium. They forgot to mention the Falkirk supporter who shouted, "Fcuk off home". That's what Lawwell was shaking his head over, not the noise coming from outside the stadium.

From people at the game, we've learned that the Falkirk turnstiles did not start accepting away ticket barcodes until 15 minutes before kick-off. This made it very difficult for the away support to gain entrance to their seats in time for the minute's silence, but let's not let the facts get in the way of the Scottish media's agenda. These lies and many more like them make it that much easier for the follow follow brigade to justify their hatred.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
The notion that the fact that the "rebel song" was sung outside the groond, rather than inside, or that most Celtic supporters waited till the moment was over to enter the ground was over makes it ok that the moment's silence was violated is asinine at best.

fact remains, in some countries and "Nations"... "occupied" or otherwise (ffs :rolleyes:) the sheer matter of having the ability to voice your opposition to the "authority" or norm or whatever is a tribute to the brave and noble men and women who deserve the utmost of our thanks, respect, and gratitude regardless of whether or not you perceive a "protest" is under way or not.

Whilst Hitler was trying to accomplish his own manifest destiny, trying to occupy all of Western Europe just to turn tail and turn on Russia, all while under the doctrine of trying to reunite "Germania" while exterminating Jews and opposition, Stalin doing the same, Mussolinnili the fascist pig doing the same.... All these atrocities while Britain and the Commonwealth Would NOT surrender like the Belgian, French, and others... Canada, New Zealand, the Ghurkas, Austrailia, etc etc etc... These men fought and died...

This is what we remember. We do need to be reminded of the misguided domestic disputes and the fallout. Nobody here is saying One Aiden Mc so and so doesn't need to be remembered, or the terrorist assasinated british police and military forces.

Remembrance day is about Freedom for like minded and unlike minded individuals... Respecting those that fought for our freedoms. Having the ability to practice religious freedom, freespeech, the abilty to have as many kids as your nuts will produce, ability to be of any creed race or whatever...

footage that I witnessed today on the History channel is a grim reminder of what was and what could have been had Hitlers eyes not been bigger than his stomach.

The "Occupied Six" doesn't sound nearly as bad as if you had to march by the Derry/London/Dublin/Glasgow/Vancouver/Sidney/Paris/Liege/Rotterdam/Strasbourg/Milan/Roma/Moscow/Kiev/Berlin/Toronto/New York/... you name it...city square every day with a salute and a Zig Heil.

You are only so lucky that you get to voice your misguided opinions. While they are horribly wrong and stomach turning... you are entitled to them and should be afforded the FREEDOM to voice them... for this I am eternally thankful, especially of my two great grandads, who fought in the wars, their wives who raised families that eventually made it to Canada, and so on.

to all the soldiers, their families, their offspring and the like...

Respect, Thank You, and Rest in Peace.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
You are only so lucky that you get to voice your misguided opinions.

Go **** yourself, JBN. I'm very serious with that. Thank God I am able to do have the right to do that. Thanks to the British War Machine who allowed me to post this. Thank fcuk for the British occupation of Ireland. Without it, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Please don't talk about something you don't know anything about. Though it seems to be a trend in your posts, avoid talking about the Occupied Six. You are clueless when it comes to the North of Ireland. Don't pretend you know. Fortunately, I spared myself 5 minutes of my life from reading your entire 'post'. I did manage to see this part of it and that's all I needed to see. Your ignorance on the topic is like most who don't have a clue.......keep posting about things you know nothing about and make it look like you know something. You're doing a great job.

Since when the fcuk has Aiden McAnespie been a 'rebel' song, JBN? Let me know. Listen to the lyrics......I'll post them for you since you thought it appropriate to post In Flanders Fields. Well done, JBN. You are a British hero. God Save The Queen......I forgot.....do you say NO SURRENDER too? Or is it just Bucky that does that?

Aiden McAnespie
This song is dedicated to Aidan, or Aiden, McAnespie. Since the age of 17 McAnespie was harassed by British soldiers in his hometown Aughnacloy, County Tyrone. A short trip from the football club to a tobacconist's shop was fatal. He was killed at the age of 22 on 21 February 1988 by one single British bullet shot from a watchtower 275 meters away.

The official version of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) regarding this event is an accidental discharge from a machinegun. Three bullets are said to have been fired from which one ricocheted off the pavement and killed McAnespie.
This version is hard to believe due to the absence of other points of impact on the pavement, the neatness of the shot and the distance. For years McAnespie was harassed, threatened and verbally abused by the soldiers, and seemingly one decided to take the next and final step.

[top of page]

Aiden McAnespie
Aiden McAnespie
Lyrics by:
Gerry Cunningham
Recorded by:
Charlie and The Bhoys,
The Irish Brigade,
Peter Murray,
The Spirit of Freedom
Derek Warfield
Republican Song
The Troubles
All song rights and copyrights belong to the respective authors and/or composers and this material might be copyrighted. Inform us if your rights are violated

Copyright Statement
Twas on a Sunday evening the sun was in the sky
As he walked his way to the Gaelic pitch never thinking he was going to die
But as he crossed the checkpoint the sound of gunfire came
The news spread through the border town Aiden McAnespie was slain

For years he was harassed by the forces of the crown
As he went to his work every day he left his native town
The soldiers swore they´d get him the reason no one can say
And sure enough they murdered him in cold blood that sunny day

Oh why did you do it?
Have you not the guts to say
You say it was an accident or even a ricochet
But like Loughgall and Gibraltar you´re lies are well renowned
You murdered Aiden McAnespie on his way to the Gaelic ground

The people heard the gunfire they came from miles around
They saw that you man lying there dying on the ground
His flow of life was ebbing fast and people they tried their best
That bullet wound it was far to deep it went right through his chest

Oh why did you do it?
Have you not the guts to say
You say it was an accident or even a ricochet
But like Loughgall and Gibraltar you´re lies are well renowned
You murdered Aiden McAnespie on his way to the Gaelic ground

Aidens life had ended it was time for judgement day
The soldier he jumped down from the tower and the coward he slipped away
God´s curse on you Britannia for this cruel deed you´ve done
But god will have his final say when your judgement day it comes

Oh why did you do it?
Have you not the guts to say
You say it was an accident or even a ricochet
But like Loughgall and Gibraltar you´re lies are well renowned
You murdered Aiden McAnespie on his way to the Gaelic ground

To say it was an accident is the greatest crime of all
To his heart-broken family the worst had `er befalled
A cross it marks the lonely spot where Aiden was gunned down
As he strolled on that sunny evening on his way to the Gaelic ground

Oh why did you do it?
Have you not the guts to say
You say it was an accident or even a ricochet
But like Loughgall and Gibraltar you´re lies are well renowned
You murdered Aiden McAnespie on his way to the Gaelic ground


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
we've learned that the Falkirk turnstiles did not start accepting away ticket barcodes until 15 minutes before kick-off.

Do you all get it now?
It's the fcuking turnstiles.
Whether it's in Bucharest or Falkirk, it's always been about those cnuting turnstiles...

Happy Remembrance Day Everyone!



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't think the turnstile irony wasn't lost on me Frase.;)

My point is, it was quite the stitch up to make the greater Celtic support look as though they were complicit with the actions of a very small number of people.

JBN, that was a real purty speech, let me see if I can shorten it for you so you don't bore the hell out of everyone you talk to today, oh and please take the ration book out of your ass.

"Thank you to the brave men and women who gave up their lives so that today we may be free to practice any religion or creed as long as it doesn't offend 'ra peepil."

For the record, I think that anyone who chose to deliberately foul the Falkirk minute silence, (whether they were singing Amazing Grace, Derry's Walls, Aiden McAnespie or My Humps), was behaving rudely and needs a lesson in manners.

"My Humps"

What you gon' do with all that junk?
All that junk inside your trunk?
I'ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my hump.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,
My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps (Check it out)

I drive these brothers crazy,
I do it on the daily,
They treat me really nicely,
They buy me all these ices.
Dolce & Gabbana,
Fendi and NaDonna
Karan, they be sharin'
All their money got me wearin' fly
Brother I ain't askin,
They say they love my ass ‘n,
Seven Jeans, True Religion's,
I say no, but they keep givin'
So I keep on takin'
And no I ain't taken
We can keep on datin'
I keep on demonstrating.

My love (love), my love, my love, my love (love)
You love my lady lumps (love),
My hump, my hump, my hump (love),
My humps they got you,

She's got me spending.
(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me and spending time on me.
She's got me spendin'.
(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me, up on me, on me

What you gon' do with all that junk?
All that junk inside that trunk?
I'ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my hump.
What you gon' do with all that ass?
All that ass inside them jeans?
I'm a make, make, make, make you scream
Make you scream, make you scream.
Cos of my hump (ha), my hump, my hump, my hump (what).
My hump, my hump, my hump (ha), my lovely lady lumps (Check it out)

I met a girl down at the disco.
She said hey, hey, hey yea let's go.
I could be your baby, you can be my honey
Let's spend time not money.
I mix your milk wit my cocoa puff,
Milky, milky cocoa,
Mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky, milky riiiiiiight.

They say I'm really sexy,
The boys they wanna sex me.
They always standing next to me,
Always dancing next to me,
Tryin' a feel my hump, hump.
Lookin' at my lump, lump.
You can look but you can't touch it,
If you touch it I'ma start some drama,
You don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
So don't pull on my hand boy,
You ain't my man, boy,
I'm just tryn'a dance boy,
And move my hump.

My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump.
My lovely lady lumps (lumps)
My lovely lady lumps (lumps)
My lovely lady lumps (lumps)
In the back and in the front (lumps)
My lovin' got you,

She's got me spendin'.
(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me and spending time on me.
She's got me spendin'.
(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me, up on me, on me.

What you gon' do with all that junk?
All that junk inside that trunk?
I'ma get, get, get, get you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my hump.
What you gon' do with all that ass?
All that ass inside them jeans?
I'ma make, make, make, make you scream
Make you scream, make you scream.
What you gon' do with all that junk?
All that junk inside that trunk?
I'ma get, get, get, get you drunk,
Get you love drunk off this hump.
What you gon' do wit all that breast?
All that breast inside that shirt?
I'ma make, make, make, make you work
Make you work, work, make you work.

(A-ha, a-ha, a-ha, a-ha) [x4]

She's got me spendin'.
(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me and spendin' time on me
She's got me spendin'.
(Oh) Spendin' all your money on me, up on me, on me.
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