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To Cross or Not to Cross. That is the Question

  • Teachers have the right to cross "illegal" pickets.

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • Illegal or not, picket lines should not be crossed. Ever.

    Votes: 10 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
canuckboy said:
So the strike is illigal and that's that eh captain sham?

You can't be a history teacher otherwise you would know that every right and benefit won by the working class was won with the minimum of civil disobedience. If people didn't stand up for what they believed in we wouldn't have health care, a pension plan, a 40 hour work week, paid vacations etc...

Crossing a picket line? Are you kidding me? Obviously if you don't agree with a strike you have every right to say so, to your shop steward, at your meetings etc..

Once your brothers and sisters go on strike, crossing a picket line is like slapping them in the face. It shows absolutely no respect to them.

If you are so adamant in not wanting to go along with strikes, and have such a blatant disregard for unionism, you really should find a job in the private sector. The money isn't quite as good, nor are the benifits. Gee I wonder why that is?

I will say it one more time. Perhaps you might understand this. I DON'T THINK TEACHERS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO STRIKE. It really is that simple. It is AMAZING how many teachers who I have talked to from other districts who have said to me that they respect the fact that I'm willing to go past the illegal strike. I also can't believe how many of the teachers voted NO. I wonder if it is true about the second vote. Of the 52% who voted........I won't bother because it might upset the union.

As I said before, I respect the teachers who choose to man the picket line. It is THEIR individual choice. I've had a phone call from a colleague today on behalf of several other colleagues giving me support. You would be surprised how many people are thinking this way.........it just doesn't go with the union rhetoric so you won't hear about it. Thanks for you history lesson though. When I became a teacher, I became a part of a union and there was nothing I could do about it. Do I have to agree with the union's rants? NO. Does that mean I am disrespecting others who do agree with the union's rants? NO. At the end of the day, it is a SHITTY situation for everyone involved and I've chosen what I feel is the right thing to do at this time. I will live with it. If people want to hold a grudge against me for the rest of my time on this Earth because I did something which was against what the majority did, that is their prerogative. Sometimes though, numbers can be misleading........

BTW, I've always had a problem with Unionism..........even before I moved to Canada.........

Let's end this dispute soon.........


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
If you are so adamant in not wanting to go along with strikes, and have such a blatant disregard for unionism, you really should find a job in the private sector. The money isn't quite as good, nor are the benifits. Gee I wonder why that is?

Perhaps- and only perhaps- if you were in trades that would be true. Many trades these days are also going non-union; granted, BC is still very union strong, as opposed to Alberta. In Alberta, non-unionized companies will pay on par or better than a unionized company simply because they'd rather operate in a business climate whereby they do not have to deal with constant and predictable labor strife. It's a simple solution: treat them well, pay them well, add in profit sharing or profitability bonuses, and good workers will stay on. Benefit: better quality work, higher productivity, better workplace environment, and legitimate opportunity for promotion from within. Oh yes, and the company will have a better bottom line. This trend is increasing rapidly in BC.

More and more, good trades people now can make more money if they are granted the freedom of working in their trade outside of their union. If you ever have the opportunity to travel to Fort McMurray, you'd be shocked at what non-unionized trades guys are making.

For Aves: absolutely unions are to thank for this. Unions were a savior to the everyday man back at the turn of the 1900s. Unions have always had their place in the labor sector. But now, times are changing.

Outside of trades, good people do very well in the private sector. You all should be thanking the Captain for choosing to be a teacher, and mentor our kids. The man would be a 6 figure hired gun if he chose to apply his work habits, knowledge, and leadership in a business environment.

I'll go spit now...


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I'll say one thing Captain,"you got balls".

Why not just stay away from the school in respect to your fellow Teachers?

Do you think by crossing that line that you will actually be making a difference?

Don't get me wrong Capt, i respect what you are doing.
But crossing that pickett line on Monday is going to nothing but make hard feelings forever for you and your co workers.
(In other words, it won't be accomplishing anything!)

You have made your stance, but crossing that line takes you into a whole different realm.

Good luck whatever you do! (Like i said, i respect your opinion.)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Coach said:
I'll say one thing Captain,"you got balls".

Why not just stay away from the school in respect to your fellow Teachers?

Do you think by crossing that line that you will actually be making a difference?

Don't get me wrong Capt, i respect what you are doing.
But crossing that pickett line on Monday is going to nothing but make hard feelings forever for you and your co workers.
(In other words, it won't be accomplishing anything!)

You have made your stance, but crossing that line takes you into a whole different realm.

Good luck whatever you do! (Like i said, i respect your opinion.)

Sometimes you do something because you think it's the right thing to do. You don't do it to influence others. That seems to be the problem with the unions. There is always the challenge of influencing others.......

In terms of accomplishing anything, it's technically an illegal picket line and they shouldn't be there. I respect their decision to picket. They don't have to respect mine.

Billy boy

New Member
Sep 2, 2004
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
BTW, I've always had a problem with Unionism..........even before I moved to Canada.........

This wouldn't be one of your famous suit the agenda comments would it. :eek:

At what age did you come to Canada ? :rolleyes:

Billy Boy


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Coach said:
I'll say one thing Captain,"you got balls".
Why not just stay away from the school in respect to your fellow Teachers?
Do you think by crossing that line that you will actually be making a difference?
Don't get me wrong Capt, i respect what you are doing.
But crossing that pickett line on Monday is going to nothing but make hard feelings forever for you and your co workers.
(In other words, it won't be accomplishing anything!)
How can you respect him crossing a picket line put up by his fellow teachers, and his own union, and after two votes in which the membership voted in favour of the strike. He is undermining the efforts of other teachers. His behaviour is treasonous to other teachers.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I respect him for doing what He feels is right!

The strike is illegal and Captain has chose to cross that line.

He stayed away to let his fellow teachers prove their point and now he has chosen to go back to work.

I respect him for that.

Billy boy

New Member
Sep 2, 2004
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
Nine, fanny baws. Thanks for asking. I was born anti-unionist and anti-billy boys. **** off.

tisk tisk ... all that anger. I guess you still need time to adjust to what must be a very difficult period right now, what with the strike, and your hero's surrender (opps wrong choice of word) "DECOMMISSIONING of their weapons"

Seems to me that people are trying to move forward. You should try it.

Billy Boy


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Coach said:
I respect him for doing what He feels is right!

The strike is illegal and Captain has chose to cross that line.

He stayed away to let his fellow teachers prove their point and now he has chosen to go back to work.

I respect him for that.

Go back to work he is collecting money but not working. Illegal fukc off lets talk about the leader of this so called goverment being a convicted drunk driver. Yet they keep saying don't break the law it sets a bad example to the children. Fukcing scab is what he is. I respect that he disagrees thats his god given right but the union is a collective group which he knew when he was getting involved in when he chose this profession. there are two teacher families out there right now with children taking in zero income whether they agree with it or not but your right shamrock is a noble man.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Billy boy said:
tisk tisk ... all that anger. I guess you still need time to adjust to what must be a very difficult period right now, what with the strike, and your hero's surrender (opps wrong choice of word) "DECOMMISSIONING of their weapons"

Seems to me that people are trying to move forward. You should try it.

Billy Boy

Of course they are, Billy Boy, people like you are monumental in the move forward. :rolleyes: I'm moving forward in many ways. BTW, not only was it the wrong choice of the word but it is also the wrong spelling, but that doesn't matter. You're a Hun after all.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
Go back to work he is collecting money but not working. Illegal fukc off lets talk about the leader of this so called goverment being a convicted drunk driver. Yet they keep saying don't break the law it sets a bad example to the children. Fukcing scab is what he is. I respect that he disagrees thats his god given right but the union is a collective group which he knew when he was getting involved in when he chose this profession. there are two teacher families out there right now with children taking in zero income whether they agree with it or not but your right shamrock is a noble man.

Good stuff, Bulljive. You've obviously put a few hours into that post. You're the type of guy that relies on a union. You know, the moron, who is as dumb as fcuk, and without the union, would be unemployed. The teachers who are on this forum certainly wouldn't fall into that category but Bulljive, you hit the jackpot when you got a unionized job.

BTW, I had a great day teaching my children today about decommissioning and bad footballers who play in the Fraser Valley 2nd Division(that's you, Bulljive). You're famous around here and I also used your posts to help the girls (7 and 5.5) with grammar. Keep up the great work. You're doing a lot more than you think.

In fact, tomorrow our theme is Spiders. The girls are very excited and are looking forward to their PE class too.

In the two days I was in school, I did every bit of work possible(planning/finished marking of my two math class and punched all the PE marks in) so I felt kind of strange being in the class at the end of yesterday with NO work to do. It would have been very difficult to justify going in to school with NOTHING to do. People might say it is just about the money. Obviously it wasn't. If I had more work to do, I would be in school. But I've chosen to seriously teach my daughters and we have a 3 hour morning planned, with a recess thrown in there. I'm actually looking forward to it. It would be wrong going to school just to collect a paycheque without earning it. Don't you think, Bulljive/shite? Now, what union do you belong to, Fanny Baws?

Tiocfaidh Ar La


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Luch said:
How long can you walk the fence?
You call it walking the fence. I call it recognizing and understanding both sides of the situation.

As long as everyone involved continues to lean so damn far to each side, nothing will ever get settled. Hell, that's what got us into this predicament.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
actually shamrock I play div 1. so I have no idea who you are talking about. However I do like spiders so maybe I will drop by. I don't actual work for a union I go to college and work in a non-unionized job.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Seen both the positives and the negatives in terms of support from the public. Today was a positive when an old lady (had to be in her early 80s at least) got out of her car with her "gramma supports education" sign.

She told us the four of us (playing hold'em) that in 1957 she got pregnant and she was given 5 months to retire. She fought it and her local (Burnaby) was the first to offer mat leave.

You look back now and wonder how such a thing was debatable...makes you wonder how this whole issue will be looked upon in 50 years.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Seen both the positives and the negatives in terms of support from the public. Today was a positive when an old lady (had to be in her early 80s at least) got out of her car with her "gramma supports education" sign.

She told us the four of us (playing hold'em) that in 1957 she got pregnant and she was given 5 months to retire. She fought it and her local (Burnaby) was the first to offer mat leave.

You look back now and wonder how such a thing was debatable...makes you wonder how this whole issue will be looked upon in 50 years.

Good point, 911. It certainly was a necessity during those times. However, times have changed but the union(s) appear to be that much more fanatical?????This has become a power struggle between two stubborn sides. This is the why the 'mediator/facilitator' has been introduced. This way, if something does get resolved, neither will have to say they caved in. It was the 'mediator' who settled it. BTW, where the **** was the mediator a few weeks ago. We wouldn't be where we are now and teachers would still be in the class where they should be.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
actually shamrock I play div 1. so I have no idea who you are talking about. However I do like spiders so maybe I will drop by. I don't actual work for a union I go to college and work in a non-unionized job.

My mistake, Bulljive, I forgot that Burger King wasn't a union job. Or is it? :rolleyes:

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