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The Incredibles


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm suprised to see that I'm the first to get this thread going. It's been out for a week and a half, and I was under the impression everyone and their dogs have seen it.

Nevertheless, if I could attach 4 thumbs up to this thread, I would. This movie is arguably the best Pixar movie of their collection. While all previous movies Pixar has created have had some elements or jokes aimed at the adult audience, The Incredibles seems to lean more towards the older crowd than in the past (specifically, the early-30 to early-40, young parent crowd). That's not to suggest it isn't for kids -- quite the contrary: it's definitely a family movie.

There's a distinct theme underlying the plot of the movie -- namely a critique of the recent North American trend of promoting mediocracy (e.g. Grade 4 Graduation Ceremonies, suggesting everyone is "equal" in every respect, failing to reward [or punishing] those who excel, and rewarding those who do not, etc.). But aside from the theme, the dialogue is great, the characters are halarious, and social comentary, outstanding.

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