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Div 1 [VMSL Div 1] Predictions, Results & Banter 2016/2017

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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
That probably took you an hour to write and it took me .2 of a second to scroll past. I feel like I'm #winning
That probably took you an hour to write and it took me .2 of a second to scroll past. I feel like I'm #winning
this is easy. I can summarize it. You are part of a soccer system ranked 118 in the world. You are as incompetent and ignorant of the game as it can get by world standards.
Just a little better than Aruba and a bunch of tropical islands.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
this is easy. I can summarize it. You are part of a soccer system ranked 118 in the world. You are as incompetent and ignorant of the game as it can get by world standards.
Just a little better than Aruba and a bunch of tropical islands.

Someone hit a nerve...


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
"whao" what is this?
I think we should let the nanny weigh in on this as she is obviously a very astute individual. Perhaps she can help you with these heavy thoughts that are weighing you down and help you with the inferiority complex that pushes to post a bunch of, what did @SmartCoach call it?, Oh Yeah!..."Codswallup". Then again, perhaps we are all wrong and you have the "6 sense" and can see shite that others just aren't able to.

There is nobody boasting, or bragging. The organization you are bashing is for all intensive purposes a Boys club with 3% of its membership playing adult football. I don't know the basis for your claims of funding but thousands of dollars, lets make it 30 for 6 teams, is not a lot of money; and this pot is made up mostly by user pay. The strawman/boogeyman you keep trying to create in your falsely constructed pisstake is fiction. The people that volunteer/work for the club are striving for excellence but as others have pointed out to you several times, the tools are limited. I am not talking about the men's side here but the kids as for the moment given the aforementioned tools and bigger state of affairs of football at a local/provincial/national level we know where we place. There is no snake oil that is being sold to parents or otherwise and the club vision is about sport, health, community and love of the game.

That is the reality that you have missed in your weekly fluff up. I know you got a lot of stuff going on upstairs some of it good, some of it...well, I don't know whether you should wipe your ass or your mouth. All good though, The Big Bad Wolf is done for now. If you are still hurting from the earlier pisstaking, get the nanny to check your closet and under your bed before she tucks you in for the night.

Best of luck this weekend.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach you are a racist prick. FYI Norvan has players from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds and not just one race. Quit pretending that you are small, and poor club you have the biggest budget in the league to be able to afford to pay your players and that's why you are in the position that you are in standings. Yes, you probably going to come out and say that Campo doesn't pay players and that campo plays for the love of game and I wish that it was true but its not. I have a snap picture of the contract that you made one of your players sign and it proves that Campo pays their players.

I don't want to show it (out of respect to the player who showed it to me) but I might just do that to expose your fake a**. Funny how you accuse other clubs of colluding and paying their players but yet that's what you are doing all along.

I know you have me blocked but maybe someone will show you this post.

P.S you will always be a wanker to me!


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Yes I am royally pissed off that our country is ranked at 118th. Our future generations deserve better and these ignorant jerks think that have done a great job
@Soccer Coach you are a racist prick. FYI Norvan has players from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds and not just one race. Quit pretending that you are small, and poor club you have the biggest budget in the league to be able to afford to pay your players and that's why you are in the position that you are in standings. Yes, you probably going to come out and say that Campo doesn't pay players and that campo plays for the love of game and I wish that it was true but its not. I have a snap picture of the contract that you made one of your players sign and it proves that Campo pays their players.

I don't want to show it (out of respect to the player who showed it to me) but I might just do that to expose your fake a**. Funny how you accuse other clubs of colluding and paying their players but yet that's what you are doing all along.

I know you have me blocked but maybe someone will show you this post.

P.S you will always be a wanker to me!

@Soccer Coach

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I think we should let the nanny weigh in on this as she is obviously a very astute individual. Perhaps she can help you with these heavy thoughts that are weighing you down and help you with the inferiority complex that pushes to post a bunch of, what did @SmartCoach call it?, Oh Yeah!..."Codswallup". Then again, perhaps we are all wrong and you have the "6 sense" and can see shite that others just aren't able to.

There is nobody boasting, or bragging. The organization you are bashing is for all intensive purposes a Boys club with 3% of its membership playing adult football. I don't know the basis for your claims of funding but thousands of dollars, lets make it 30 for 6 teams, is not a lot of money; and this pot is made up mostly by user pay. The strawman/boogeyman you keep trying to create in your falsely constructed pisstake is fiction. The people that volunteer/work for the club are striving for excellence but as others have pointed out to you several times, the tools are limited. I am not talking about the men's side here but the kids as for the moment given the aforementioned tools and bigger state of affairs of football at a local/provincial/national level we know where we place. There is no snake oil that is being sold to parents or otherwise and the club vision is about sport, health, community and love of the game.

That is the reality that you have missed in your weekly fluff up. I know you got a lot of stuff going on upstairs some of it good, some of it...well, I don't know whether you should wipe your ass or your mouth. All good though, The Big Bad Wolf is done for now. If you are still hurting from the earlier pisstaking, get the nanny to check your closet and under your bed before she tucks you in for the night.

Best of luck this weekend.
I see that some people got their ego's bruised. This is fine. It is expected.

As for you, it is fine is you want to keep pretending. It is pure snake oil, and you know it. This is why you guys use the words "elite", "excellence", "high performance", "success", "viewed as the top club in Canada".
images.jpg images.jpg images.jpg

Let me put this way, if a club appears in port city in a country like Kazhakastan, Namibia, Malawi, Jordan or Syria (all stronger than Canada), and the club starts to tell parents and adults that they have "elite" and "high performance" programs, and organizes tours to Europe, and tells parents that their adult teams have a long "history of success" we all see that is pure bullshit.

Both the youth and adult branches of your club is no different than Disneyland. It is all fantasy. The thing is that you have done such a good job that it is has become more real and than the real. Except of course, when the FIFA rankings appear or when your teams have to play teams composed of mainly foreign born individuals. Then it becomes clear that you are not generating anything exceptional in terms of amateur players let alone possibly professional players.

Truly next time that you are travelling outside Canada, ask any person what they think of Canadian soccer or Canadian players and you know that this would be the response:

I am not writing all this to be mean. You are in a position of influence in a large club in the country. Perhaps one day you will do something of substance for the grow of the real game here rather than just going along and keeping the bullshit to continue.

Otherwise, you and I will die before Canada reaches the world cup.

A club with the size of Norvan in terms of members and resources should be simply trashing us. Anything else, simply puts in evidence the social fantasy that you have created.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
We all know that Castro did not kick the ball well, but for those guys in the picture and their nation he did.
It is all a social construction. (put the picture since he died today)

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Game analysys ?
Of course not, every time they lose the Rinos management disappears. Tomorrow another Classico with Rino. Look forward to play those guys. It should be a good game. I have restrained myself and I am not stirring things up as usual.
Romania tied CCB. Romania is a good team. What a season guys.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Tigers 2 - GN 1
A very exciting game. Blaise' team is always nice to watch. His players have very good technique. I would suspect that the Tigers and Norvan will be back into Premier after the end of the year having seen them both play in the last 7 days.

The Tigers midfield is so versatile. I think that the name of one of them is Ali, and he dictates the tempo and play quite well. This is my opinion.

Having said this GN was up 1-0 and they should have walked away with at least the tie. They were defending very well and play counterattack. However, one minute towards the end of the half; the referee gave a very doubious penalty. I was surrounded by a few GN supporters, and they thought the same (though we could argue that this is biased view). Both players jump close to the edge of the 18th and from our angle it seemed a normal interaction.

During the second half the Tigers we constantly pressing but they could have gone down as GN had a 1 v 1 with the keeper and also the striker missed to convert a scramble in the 6 yard box. However, the possession and attacks eventually pay off and they scored a deserved 2nd goal.

GN should be proud because they stood up and could have won the game with a bit of luck and without a crontroversial call.

The assistants did very well. They disallowed a goal from the Tigers in a very complicated call. Essentially one striker got selfish and went to kick the ball when the ball was on the way to the net. It was in the last minute when GN had everyone on the attack. Good job for her.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Campo Atletico - Rino Fury

What is going? No one dares to make a prediction on this always heated game. @Canucks4Ever we were looking forward to your prediction? did you retire after getting almost a perfect forecast?

Rebel Campo standing alone against the Rino Empire of Division 1. We are full of injuries, suspensions, people away, so it will be tough for us. Essentially just defend...defend.. defend... for 90 minutes. Still I think that we can survive against Rinos Empire. Always worth to defend against the tyranny of massification and homogenization.

Two teams. Two clubs. Two ways of seeing and feeling the game.
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