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Div 2 [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter December, 2005

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New Member
Oct 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Well I thought I would take this time to post hopefully now we can talk some soccer.

It seems that teams do not even want to come to the feild anymore, and would rather save themselves the embarassment. Furthermore I think that team would rather scrimage with us and take some of our players,so they to can feel how it is playing on a top team such as ourselves. You know what they say, "If you cant beat them, join them" :wa:

All in all, hopefully there is a game and the team shows.

Has anyone seen the Watcher?
Rumours are flying..... :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter November, 2005

********NK NEWS********

This weekend comes a encounter with the NOMADS any words form the NK camp
... There once was a team named Nomads
they thought they'd grow some gonads.
They came to the feild put on their kit
Only to lose because they suk Sh1t


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter November, 2005

Not exactly a limerick, but we get the point. And I'm officially removing our coach from my short list of who slomotion could be, because I don't believe he knows what a gonad is.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
No it's Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with a paring knife.

So, this is December's thread in case some of you forgot how to read over the last few days. I'm surprised Bonefish didn't start it earlier as he obviously wants my job. What he doesn't realize is that I am like Montell Williams, I'm a man of the people.

The last month ended with only myself and Erion correctly predicting the outcome of the Socceroos-Real(tors) Macdonald match. Bonefish, Oggy, FCbytca, Soccer and SofaKingGood were all misled by the propaganda. No one listened to Flavor Flav's words of wisdom. No, not "Flavor flav is in everything ya eat cause everything ya eat got Flavor" but "Don't believe the hype". Sheesh.

For this month, Socceroos has threatend to whip out his fat kock (sic) and streamroll the latte bitches of Yaletown. I think I'll skip going to see this one.

Yomama, can you give me an update on the percentage chance that you guys will be playing this weekend? Within a plus/minus of 5% please.


Mar 25, 2005
Dirty Money
Slomo, it's field, not feild. Carry on. :)

I just read the discipline report from the league site and saw, to my dismay, that our 3 suspended players got 4 games, 3 games, and 2 games. This seems harsh to me and makes me wonder if this is just a cash grab. The only infraction that I saw clearly was the one that resulted in the 3 games. Our guy took exception to a hard challenge, which the ref actually called a foul, and in a moment of anger kicked/tripped the opposing player's leg out from under him. It didn't look that vicious to me and in fact I saw Wayne Rooney receive a yellow for the same thing the next day on tv. I know it's the ref's discretion, but what's wrong with a yellow card? Now the guy misses in effect 4 games since the foul occurred early in that game. With the other 2 suspensions it puts our team short-handed now for the next while. I guess the struggles continue.

The Devil Himself

New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Dirty Money
5th back. I know what your talking about. We had 2 more players suspended from 2 weeks ago (Some, not even listed on our fine site) Apparently there is a disease going around and my team caught it....Its called RedCardilitis.

We rec two instant reds from our game against 2 weeks ago, one for a foul on "Charlie" after he was "taken down" by our keeper. Our keeper who was a good 5 feet away from him went he went down, but thats not the point. The next red came from swearing at an opposing player???....apparently this warrents a instant red with no warning and a two game suspension??? This player has no prior offences.

Its just seems that with the more recent Kosovo violations, which warrants these type of multple game suspensions. How can swearing be an instant red with a 2 game suspension? Suspensions need to be a bit more consistant.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
When will you donkeys will figure out that keeping your player's heads about them during a game, and staying away from situations that 'could' cause a ref to card you, helps your team? I see teams self destruct all the time because of a few hotheads who take hard or dirty fouls so personally. They happen all the time but it's the reaction to them that often lands you out at the office on Thursday nights. And then to complain about the cash-grab conspiracy? Come on now.



New Member
Nov 21, 2005
Dirty Money
the 5th back said:
I just read the discipline report from the league site and saw, to my dismay, that our 3 suspended players got 4 games, 3 games, and 2 games. This seems harsh to me and makes me wonder if this is just a cash grab. The only infraction that I saw clearly was the one that resulted in the 3 games. Our guy took exception to a hard challenge, which the ref actually called a foul, and in a moment of anger kicked/tripped the opposing player's leg out from under him. It didn't look that vicious to me and in fact I saw Wayne Rooney receive a yellow for the same thing the next day on tv. I know it's the ref's discretion, but what's wrong with a yellow card? Now the guy misses in effect 4 games since the foul occurred early in that game. With the other 2 suspensions it puts our team short-handed now for the next while. I guess the struggles continue.

I suppose that it's easy to blame the ref for your team's woes.... that's fine. Fact of the matter is that contact of pretty much any force after the ball has gone or the initial contact has occurred is a red card by the book..... look at Beckham in the WC against argentina a few years back. Act like an idiot, get sent off like one too.

As for the other red cards from that game, after the first one you all should have known that that ref wasn't going to tolerate any sh!t. It's up to each team to adapt to the ref in each game, be he slack or a stickler to the rules. You guys didn't and now you're going to have to deal with the suspensions. I would be nice if Div 2 refs were more consistant but that's not reality so we all have to deal with that.

All this said, you guys played with spirit even after all of your card troubles and even had some chances, so well done.

The Devil Himself

New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Dirty Money

When do you know about your Monday night games being cancelled? Are all your games "user discretion" and we have to wait and see from the ref? or can I make plans to go boarding that night?


Mar 25, 2005
Dirty Money
The Devil Himself said:
We rec two instant reds from our game against 2 weeks ago, one for a foul on "Charlie" after he was "taken down" by our keeper.

Hey, by the way, if anyone deserves to have their name in quotes it's "Charlie". That's a great pisstake in itself. Anyone who's played against him knows what I mean. Hilarious :D
To Bandcamp and Ballkicker: My opinion still is that those red cards were harsh and this is pretty much the only forum where I can get that out. The ref acted like a deaf-mute when I brought my arguments to him at half-time and I'm sure the guys at the league office wouldn't listen to me either. My objections are this: Even though our players retaliated it was in the refs discretion to give yellows (remember Rooney on the weekend-the announcer even brought up Beckham's red card for a similar foul but said that he got a red because they are more strict in int'nl play), and they all received multiple game suspensions. I always thought that if you got a red card you sat out the next game. Multiple game suspensions were for serious stuff like fighting, intent to injure, etc. :confused: I guess times have changed.


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
When do you know about your Monday night games being cancelled? Are all your games "user discretion" and we have to wait and see from the ref? or can I make plans to go boarding that night?

We were on it last night and it had a skiff of snow. If there is no more accumulation this weekend, then the game will be on for us to seek revenge and win 4-2. :)


Sep 22, 2004
Dirty Money
here is how it usually works w/ the red cards, since i've been there a few times :D , if you get a red card for swearing and you get 2 games, it usually means that the player did not come to his meeting, I've noticed that any offence that are worth 1 game, double when you don't show. As for the conspiracy........I think there is one but not as big as we think, I remember last season, there were virtually no red cards, the league needed sum cash and guess what, in the last 4-6 games in the season, bam, the red cards went from 1 page to about 4 and the fines were all 3 games or more, if you got 2 games you were lucky. I can speak for my self, I got 3 games for a slide tackle that was not even close to dangeours. so there are my 5 cents, share 'em but don't spend them all


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
There's no conspiracy. Sure it might look like that after Gil took all the money a few years back. But in reality, do you think that the league would tell the refs "Geez, we need money guys........card away!" Get serious. Each ref is different, and about 90% of the reds I've seen have been deserved, even if it was against my own team. conspiracy.....yeah right :rolleyes:


Sep 22, 2004
Dirty Money
so there is no conspiracy in the government?......and the US are friends of the world.....like i said, i'm sure there is sumtin but not nothing huge. who knows, as long as i don't get red cards or anyone from my team......I JUST DON'T CARE
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