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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter November 07'

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Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Hopefully I can sed some light with a quick game report. 30 seconds in, Sporting breakaway left side shot over net. Westside looks nervous for first twenty minutes. Sporting should be ahead by two. Westside gets its legs and starts to win middle of park. Sporting feels they should be up start to rush. Last 20 of 1st half even. Sporting makes subs to give others that do not play much a chance. Second half Westside created speed through midfield and started to penitrate but no real good scoring chances. Inbetween that created speed they allow sporting to have 3 to 4 semi break aways. At this point both teams start to go for it and Westside hits crossbar. Later on alone in front of sporting net goalie makes big save. Sporting takes a well taken free kick from corner of field and scores. From what I saw the final score should have been Sporting 4 and Westside 2. Hopefully, this gives both of you guys a quick understanding of what actually took place. Just thought I would help.

Hey shitewreck,

I think the score should have been more like 4 -1 for Sporting, I didn't see the other chance that Westside could have bagged.



New Member
Aug 27, 2007
Dirty Money
Sapp 2 Clanbus 1

Gibby with a nice finish low to the corner from 20 yards out at the 25 minute mark. 1-0 Sapp. Strange PK call at 40 minute mark against Carm D. He got into a brou-ha-ha during a corner kick, ball gets cleared out, ref singles him out for some sort of foul (apparently he kicked at someone), ref calls a PK. 2-0 Sapp (Rob Sing). Second half pretty even until yours truly took down TK in the box (I had no choice :eek:) at the 65 minute mark. Xausa scored the PK. Sapp hung on for dear life for remaining 25. They had two or three great chances to tie (although we had a couple dangerous counterattacks). We definitely got some breaks, but we're happy nonetheless.

On a side note, our team is planning on investing in a tent trailer equipped with a heater, fridge, and shower for our travelling road show. Holly Park last Friday, Point Grey tonight, and possibly Burnaby North on Saturday night at 8:00 p.m.. The schedule loves us.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapp 2 - ColonClam 1

THAT beefy "Coppertone" cream tanned forward was Xausa!? My oh my......ggggurthy!

I thought Sapp did everything it could to give the game to the Clan, but they couldn't finish and Cory came up huge 4 or 5 times.

Finally Sapp holds a lead and this is a great boost to the team's confidence. Gibby was a monster last night and Woody his awesome usual self. Crappy game at times, but great effort on Sapp's part. A fantastic 6-way passing display down our flank midway through the 2nd half was really nice to see. But way, way too many give aways and pour decisions right now by Sapp. Once they get it sorted out, this team will be a juggernaut.

Clan was fast and moved off the ball well and created many good chances. But they have the "Nationals Funk" right now and it's hard to get out of.

Carm went totally off on the ref after the game; f-bombs all over the place, and got his 2nd yellow. That's a 4 gamer. What was he thinking kicking Rob Sing in the box when the ball was long gone? It cost his team the points, and that's something no-one can afford on our side of the table.

BTW, Tino K, too, has a bit of pounds packed on and lost any speed he used to have. 19 year-old Reyhan Ismail made him look very slow. When speed is all you got, well, you better stay in top physical shape, or else the fall is dramatic. Yup, the Whitecaps really helped his development:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Shame on Bobby!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapp 2 Clanbus 1
On a side note, our team is planning on investing in a tent trailer equipped with a heater, fridge, and shower for our travelling road show. Holly Park last Friday, Point Grey tonight, and possibly Burnaby North on Saturday night at 8:00 p.m.. The schedule loves us.

Take some of that seed money you got and make it happen!
Minus 2 last night. But it beats gravel.

Tommy Johnson

New Member
Oct 8, 2007
Dirty Money
BTW, Tino K, too, has a bit of pounds packed on and lost any speed he used to have. 19 year-old Reyhan Ismail made him look very slow. When speed is all you got, well, you better stay in top physical shape, or else the fall is dramatic. Yup, the Whitecaps really helped his development:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Shame on Bobby!

Tino was there last night?!!! Thats strange. I hear that its quite common for him to work late, have another birthday dinner, or just decide not to show when the canucks are playing. Although, it was a ppv game, so I take it that he was just too cheap to go out and watch it:D

Tommy Johnson

New Member
Oct 8, 2007
Dirty Money
there ain't no desmond in metro blaze...i suggest you quit sniffing. maybe if you get a little more info you'll get the real name of the player you looking for:cool:

Hey Jack off turner. I think i may head out to see this Delta/Inter match this weekend to be in the presence of this prestigious player Desmond on Delta that you are in love with. Be sure to yell his name so I can take note of who he is. By touting him like this, he may be feeling the pressure to perform.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Tino was there last night?!!! Thats strange. I hear that its quite common for him to work late, have another birthday dinner, or just decide not to show when the canucks are playing. Although, it was a ppv game, so I take it that he was just too cheap to go out and watch it:D
A lotta pasta being passed around on that team right now and Eggy, Kooky, and Gurthy are licking the bowls clean. :D At the Premier level, you still have to commit to the game.
Now, I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but I heard Clan's Gurths spat at Sapp's Mike Araszewki last night. Mike thinks it was intentional. The game was intense and chippy at times.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
At South Memorial this afternoon, it was West Van 1, Firemen 0.

I will leave it to Laylow et al to convey the details.


Sep 12, 2007
Dirty Money
Sir M pretty much said it all. WVFC 1-0 over FF.

Not a very good game from either team. 0-0 at half, both teams had a couple half chances, second half we scored 15-20 mins in off a corner. for the next 20-25 mins we held them off and prob should of gotten a 2nd goal on a counter attack, but we couldn't finish.

We are definitely missing our vets...dailly, nico and shorty all out injured, but doddy did well for a half. We got the result we needed and lots of young guys got some minutes. So we will take it.

Norvan next week...and we can't wait!

cerebral smallsy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Westside 1
Croatia 1

one of those games where both teams should be happy with the point, but disappointed not to have all three.
croatia was all over us in the first half. some uncharacteristic poor finishing let us off the hook. could have easily been down a few, but we got to the half at bagels.
second half was a much better effort on our part. a fantastic 25 yard free kick from dancing bear beat didar at full stretch inside the post. up 1-0 and belief that we can take the points. a few minutes later, one our young ubc kids hits a screamer of a free kick from 40 yards and rings it off the underside of the bar. would have been an unbelievable goal, but wasn't to be. we absorbed some pressure the rest of the way but seemed to be in control. heartbreak in the last minute as sulentic gets in behind and sneaks one under our oncoming keeper who played very well. gutted to lose the three points so late for the second time in three weeks, but, as stated above, we'll take the point for the effort against one of the better teams we've faced.


Aug 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Sporting 1-2 Metroford

Sucks when you score all three goals in a game and lose! We scored in the first half on a PK to go up 1-0. 2nd half Metroford scored on two set pieces. The first one I headed into my own net (great finish I must say), second one was also put in by one of our own players. Oh well, it was a good hard fought game and good on Metroford for coming up with the win though I think we deserved a better result. Just jumped into a frozen out door pool at our coaches house, lol, good for the muscles, but fcuking cold! Then hit the hot tub. Karoke coming up in a bit! Just heard from Hard Ballz that Indo won 2-0 over Norvan.



New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Indo 2 - Norvan 0

I really don't want to write this report as we're disgusted with the result. The game had us with the majority of possession but not a lot of great chances on our end; that said, there were certainly enough to get 3 points tonight. I trust this goal-scoring curse will end soon enough. Anyways, 1st goal was apparently 4 yards offside. Second half we pushed for the equalizer and then with 15 mins to go, another through ball this time caught our backline off-guard, allowing their striker with a free header.

I'm not sure if I feel comfortable saying this, but not a bad performance on our end - just no finishing in the attacking 1/3. Same old song.



Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
All quiet from Sandbagger, KNVB, Whataboutbob. What happened yesterday? The wonderful site says 3-2 for Scurvy FC. The CAT game also appears to have been abandoned. Why?


New Member
Aug 27, 2007
Dirty Money
Surrey 3 Sapp 2

Surrey with a goal off a header 5 minutes in (I think the scorer's name was Mike Mcahan). Sapp tied it 25 in on a long-range shot to the top corner that Sheps almost stopped. Sapp went ahead at the 35-minute mark on a goal mouth scramble that Gibby buried. Then the gong-show began. A miscommunication between Sapp's player-coach (me) and Sapp's executive brass (WAB et. al) led to an ill-advised substitution whereby our starting centre back was pulled in favour of a 19-year-old kid. The kid was nervous as hell marking Surrey's speedy forward. In the second half he took down 2 players in our box on two separate occasions, caused two penalties, and we lost 3-2. As coach I have to accept responsibility for the substitution and the loss. I'll chalk it up to a learning experience. Man I hope I get fired soon :rolleyes:.

The CAT game was abandoned because a Surrey kid broke his arm and dislocated his collarbone. I didn't see it, so maybe WAB can fill us in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Come one sandbagger, give your first goal a little more credit than that. It was an absolute screamer from about 30 yards out the Sheps got a full hand on and still couldn't keep it out. Great strike.

We were a little lucky to be rewarded two PK's but by the same token we had two pretty wide open opportunities to score had Rizel not been taken down. We somehow managed to hang on for dear life being down a man for last 20 + 10 minutes of injury time. Ugly but we’ll take it.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Indo 2 Norvan 0

Norvan did have a good chunk of possession but if you can't penetrate you can't score. I don't recall any good chances for Norvan to be honest. The first goal was clearly onside as he came from the outside left position....usually teams who play the offside 'trap' get caught on it periodically. That's what happened. The second goal was a great cross by Carlos who also set up the first one and out left midfielder, Lavy, powered home a great header. Three points which we needed especially with Metro Ford 'stealing' a win against Sporting.......Hopefully we can do the same next weekend. :) Things have tightened up a fair amount over the last few weeks and hopefully we can add a couple of players to give us a bit more depth, which all the teams are probably looking for.

BTW, Seds, having possession in your backline and/or outside flanks is nice especially when the opposing team lets you........:D


New Member
Aug 27, 2007
Dirty Money
Took in the Clanbus/AFC game today. 1-1. Clanbus all over AFC in the first half, scored off of a Xausa corner to TK at the near post. AFC came on in the second, and were dangerous down both wings. #9 scored off a scramble (picked the corner nicely) with about 15 left. From there it was back and forth until the dying moments when....Clanbus knocks a long ball forward and the AFC keeper comes racing way outside his box to get it. Tino knocks it by him and is now one-on-one with the last remaining defender. He dribbles in to about the six and tries to go low to the corner. The AFC defender kicks out his right leg and makes a save reminiscent of a young Ken Dryden, the final whistle blows...game over.


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Indo 2 Norvan 0

Norvan did have a good chunk of possession but if you can't penetrate you can't score.

BTW, Seds, having possession in your backline and/or outside flanks is nice especially when the opposing team lets you........:D

I'm not going to disagree with you on this one - there's a lot of work for us ahead with respect to our attack in the final third. There were no doubt opportunities for us though that we simply never capitalized on. Our crosses from out wide were not effective by any means either, which also made the difference. As for the 1st goal, I can't really comment because I wasn't in a position to make that call.
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