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Div 2 2003-2004 Predictions, Results & Post-Game Discussion Part I

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New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I suppose the Excellent Site forgot to take The Ranger's winning goal into account in our 8-0 win over the C-Men. The only thing really worth mentioning about this game was the finishing we managed to come up with.

There were some really fanastic strikes from a variety of players from well out -- shots that very few keepers would have any business getting near. I only hope that the boys didn't waste them on a blowout instead of saving them for a crucial match against one of the contenders.

That said, the C-Men keeper did indeed make some great saves amongst the numerous breakaways and goal-mouth scrambles.


The 12pm Indo/Sikh Temple (2 CAT) game was abandoned at around 1.15pm because of (I assume) abuse thrown at the ref. Funnily enough, neither team really seemed to complain about the abandonment. In fact, the majority of the Indo boys hung around with some pops until well after our game ended. Perhaps someone from that game can fill us in . . . but I doubt it.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
While out and about with Bonefish Jr., I decided to take in a little footy at David Lam. I was in the neighbourhood and was a little hopeful that a poignant contest between two rival, club teams would somehow help me put out of my mind the fact that my Missus was running around Yaletown with my credit card... Well, what I came to watch was a shelacking. Although, I missed Ranger's controversial goal :D , I did see 3 of those 8 goals which came in the final 20 of the game. C-Men were pretty flaccid on the day.... and as the scoreline suggests, impotent around the opposition's goal.

It was good meeting the Ranger although, my child had nightmares about all the freaking tatooes but he should recover fine. Thanks for the Bevie, and i will return the favor in a weeks time when the JB's are celebrating there 2nd straight victory....


P.S Therapist, I am seriously rethinking my training kit as you obviously have some tendencies that would be better fulfilled at the Gandy Dancer rather than the soccer pitch...


Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
RFC 5: EW 4

A tale of 2 halves. We came out strong and had a couple quick ones to go up 2-0. They got one back, then we buried 3 more to go up 5-1 at the half. I thought we dominated the first half, except for a few defensive brain farts. I had to watch this one from the sidelines, hobbled again by the hip flexor. Maybe that's why we were up :( . After the half, we fell apart and they took it to us. EWalk scored 3 goals, with the last coming in the 90th minute. We folded like a cheap suit and were lucky to escape with the 3 pts. If the game was 5 mins longer, it would have been a tie. Either way, we'll take the much-needed 3 pts. It feels good to not tie a game for once! Undefeated in 7, but only 3 wins to show for it. It's a shitty feeling knowing that we deserved to win every one of those ties, 4 goals out of first place! Our once-solid defence has started to let us down, and our once-absent offence is actually filling the net. If we can get both going at the same time, we'll sweep the second half of the schedule.


Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Blaze 2 - FF - 0

Blaze with a nice win over the Firefighters Rugby team today, 2-0.

We did not play very well, with two starters not playing today, including our dominating centre back..but managed to pull off the shutout. It was a hard fought battle for sure. They had us on the ropes for a ten minute spell in the 2nd half as we were sitting on the 1-0 lead. I nice counter-attack and a rocket shot from SW from about 20 yards out ...top right corner...2-0, game over.

Some idiot on the FF managed to ruin the game for everybody with 5 minutes left by trying to head tackle one of our players after he skinned him, for the 5th time, ......unfortuneatly for the Fireflake, he ended up with a bloody nose. What a clown. 2 red cards...our guy for just defending himself. Other than that incident it wasn't as chippy as anticipated...lots of shirtpulling from Firemen though....to make up for their lack of speed I guess.

The key to beating FF is score first. They have little if any offense. If you make them play catch up they leave some holes at the back and midfield....leaving them vulnerable, especially on the counter-attack.

Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money

Oh ya...Teelay, well done on the prediction mate...you were right on the money.

Keeper...better luck next time. Although it was nice to be posted as the underdog for once.

Big Bird

New Member
Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
PG "A" pulls off shocker

Shocker at the wonderfull strathcona field today.

0-0 keepers duel (I wans't in the pipes today)

A very lathargic and uninspired primos team didn't show up to play and got handed prob the biggest blow to our promotion hopes by coming out and playing down at the point grey level.

The field was also of no assistance as any time we seemed to be in a decent position to score the ball happened to take a horrbile bounce and f#ck us right up.

The whole team is dissapointed to say the least.

perhaps playing three of the worst teams in the league in a row has let us get rusty and perhaps a little overconfident.

The Ranger

Sep 5, 2003
Dirty Money
I had a feeling Signmaster would take the Ravens! The Ravens didn't impress me much... They are definetly not the second best team in our Division.. our the first.....

Keeper, sorry I couldn't meet up with you, hope you got my message.


New Member
Sep 21, 2003
Dirty Money

this was one BLAZE the firemen couldnt put out. we got up 1-0 within the first 10 minutes, should have been 2-0 when their keeper slipped & left a sitter for us which was missed . these guys shure can tug jerseys. pathetic. pure lack of skill or mabye just laziness, but its a f'n joke. for the most part, it was a clean game, except for #7. What a piece of crap. first, he stands right in front of one of our guys trying to make a throwin, so our guy hits him in the face. then he starts choking the guy. WOW - what a respectible fireman.then with no time remaining and us up 2-0, he gets burned, so what does he do? takes our guy down by the throat. what a loser, this biach shouldnt even be on your team. all he did was get burned & mouth.anyways your an idiot #7.IDIOT. dont really know why nobody else can score on these guys- we really should have had a few more as it were. hopefully we can keep the ball rollin next week & on . thats my 2 bits.


New Member
Feb 25, 2003
Dirty Money
Somebody forgot to let the cattle out during the last week, Beach Grove is a pasture, the grass was tall enough to hide the snipers in it that kept droping their forwards as soon as they reached our 18. Thankfully a seasoned ref was not buying their oscar attempts. I will not deny that there was some shirt pulling out there, there always will be(both ways!!!!!)

Firemen take their first defeat of the season.Finally our lack of goal production got the better of us. They are definately a beatable team. They are fit and pressure the ball well. It was our best competiton of the season thus far. They came at us strong from the start, and before we could adjust to theie speed they knocked one in and almost got another when our keeper slipped trying to play a loose ball at the top of the box. Credit to our keeper for getting back and making the save that kept them from going up 2. When then played it fairly evenly for the rest of the half. With about 20 minutes left we were pinching and that gave them a couple of odd man rushes which they were unable to capitalize on before cracking a great volley for the second.

No comment on the incident at the end of the game.
Now on to Cobras next week to get back the 2 points that they stole from us the first game of the season.


Dec 2, 2001
Dirty Money
BANG! There's the sound of our season just imploding ... :rolleyes:

Having played at Strathcona and Gordon Park I have to say that Strathcona makes Gordon look positively world class. Passing at Strathcona is virtually impossible - no chance for any type of passing game ... numerous chances foiled by divots and the ditches teh city decided to dig for drainage purposes :mad:


Sep 22, 2002
Dirty Money
NK 2 Persian Pricks ZILCH

These guys were, what can I say...........Probably destined to be CARBOOMS at one point in there life!:D You would think that they would not try to make war out of a soccer game! :confused: These guys are the DIRTIEST team in the VMSL, And I'm not talking Hygeine here! ;) I would have Loved to have gotten a clean shot at one of these S.O.B's and take his head off and did to bad it was the nice guy!:( How did PGR lose to these ,unclean barely humans anyway?:confused: It is looking good on the TRAIN right now!we finally have our best player in uniform ,and ready to win out the rest of the year!We are a totally different team now and dont think anyone we cant beat in our Div! We dropped to many points that we should have had ,and although Promotion is out of the question , look for us to make a run for the cup!Still a long ways to go boys ,but boy do things look brighter! :) Oh yeah we finally have a guy other than Erion to score for us ,off a perfect free kick from 25 out and around the "Wall of scum"!:eek:The other an Eion Arrapi PK.Next stop,Adanac Park against PGR,should be a beauty!Have fun trying to stop the new guy!;)


New Member
Feb 25, 2003
Dirty Money
Primos 0 - PG 0

At least Primos dropped a few points to keep them at bay. They have played one more game than the rest of us.

Hey Dirty Birdy any luck on getting your gear back???

Oh yeah I thought I might also state that their keeper came up big when he had to with 3 BIG SAVES. 2 on a goal mouth scramble and one from a howitzer from about 30 yards out. Could have had a different ending.

Looking forward to the rematch.

Blaze rep.1

New Member
Dec 11, 2002
Dirty Money

Tough luck Teelay....I really thought we would be battling you guyz for promo this season. You're a much better team than Firemen and "B" United are.

I wouldn't give up hope yet though....remember how Polska was promoted to Div. 1 this season. ;)


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money

These weirdos from Persia FC sat around for an hour before the game listening intently to this fukcing banana guru who looked like "deepak chopra" telling them crap and drawing shite on a board. What a pack of losers. We had a persian spy on our team who told us that they were being incited to behave the way they were by this ayahtolla. Pure classless filth. They must have gotten 15 cards (only one red) from the inept ref. He even ordered freakshow to leave the park, only to let him stay. All in all a win is a win and we are not looking forward to meeting these weirdos again. Our fellow Canadians! Who lets these guys in the country? Our maestro made his debut today and there is no doubt he is one of, if not the top, player in all of the VMSL. Lookout everyone who stands on the tracks in the second half of this season as the train is gathering momentum and appears to be bordering on running the table and going very deep in the cup.



New Member
Sep 20, 2002
Dirty Money
hey blaze rep ,if ya like teelay so much just ask him out.Every time i read a post from you you're suckin some primo c**k.
As for #7 and the headlock at the end of the game,your cb took a run at our young guyand he stepped in and bitchslapped the big lad.not to mention he was eggin him on all game....wasn't a big deal anyways.
Porkchop was right about the shocking pitch but it was like old trafford compared to our home park

Big Bird

New Member
Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
yes porkchop we definetly DROPPED a few points to say the least.

no luck on the gear, I am going to get it replaced this friday, I'm pretty sure it was one of the deep cove alumni div 1 cat guys, but I'm not one to point fingers.

anyways were are a game up on you guys but your make up game is versus "b" so I am predicting a draw and a tight race for 2,3 and 4 in our group the rest of the way unless we get some help slowing down the blaze.

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