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2004 AMSL Crap and Gossip...


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Not taking sides here but...

Spazz said:
Let me spell it out for you STD....

It's "you're" as in YOU ARE not "your".....

Glad you play better than you spell!! (blinky smilie would be good here)

I blame the school system, the beer, the drugs, the girls, the total lack of interest in anything educational, a low IQ, my parents for poor jeans :rolleyes: , my friends for being a bad influence and pretty well anything but myself.

Sincerly George W Bush jr.


New Member
Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Not taking sides here but...

Spazz said:
Let me spell it out for you STD....

It's "you're" as in YOU ARE not "your".....

Glad you play better than you spell!! (blinky smilie would be good here)

Figured it wouldn't take too long for Ru Paul to bite on that one...

What's so sad about your post Spazz is that if what you state is true, then given STD's playing ability, I'm surprised he got out of 3rd grade...

:D :p

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Like SC said at the Park today, EPIC Day for Co-Ed

There was HOS showing up for the 4:30 game, getting the call for the start and he was Everywear or is that Underwear, one of the two, but I did score off a great pass for Renne (the chick not the ref).
Old Reggy was there, but he forgot the WHITE Boots at home so he just had pints and gave abuse to all. Notty was there serving some of the best Red Wine Co-ed has ever seen. SC started, and thats all I can say about her day, well done.
Herb was on fire in the middle of the park, a lecture for HOS right before kick-off, and then a 10 minute mis-conduct for my goal celebration, i guess he wasn't impressed with the package, but the ladies sure were.

HOS, Lets Go Dragon Side, or is it Lets Go Hairy Cheats, Or is it Mighty Blue Dragoneats.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
You got it, you wanted it, what abou t your post, post your coed naked dance? beautiful by the way...
If there wasn't ever a dream, Travis would be the money... Good showing Regs, Notty and HOS...and travi by the way... R-E-S-P-E-C-T-pasta penne, M-O-N-E-Y

I'm not quite sure what happened with the above post, actually, I'd say that the day was tragic for me. Red wine and pints from friends don't mix on the pitch :eek: .

Nice showing by HOS, and I'm having a hard time posting the picture of your birkinstock shin pads :D . I'm making my way back today, if I play, then look out for the spewing Hairy Cheatsidergoon :eek:

Always great to see Regs ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm having a protien shake right now in anticipation of my first Co-ed action of the year.

Mmmmmmmm..............college lesbian co-ed action............aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............:eek:


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
What a great day it turned out to be yesterday.

Unfortunately Team No Fun took the title. I know Dial 911 and the Concokcter will get on here and wank, but my God are the Young guns a bunch of wanks. They take Co-ed just a tad too serious. Brining in their "ringer" for the final was a joke. A guy taking a PK was a joke. Girls cheering when guys "skin" girls is a joke. Their keeper showboating in the final by chesting the ball over his head when no one was anywhere near him and lettiing it roll towards the net before scooping it up was a joke. The red we took in the semi was warrented, but had someone hacked me like that guy hacked Dan five minutes in, I'd want to run him too. Who hacks in Co-ed? Young Guns are sucking the fun out of the league. Too bad we have to play them two more times this year.

Rant over.

Other then that it was a good day. We battled the Union Jackers to a fun drama filled 3 - 3 tie in the morning to put us through. We needed to score in the final seconds to tie it up. Good FUN game with two teams that "understand" what Co-ed is about.

The pints were happening everywhere and the atmosphere on the Buddha sideline, even though they werre getting stomped by a bunch of tryhard wankers, in the final was electric. It sort of reminded me on the beer garden in Penticton and got me more than a little excited for the May long weekend. Good times.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Their keeper showboating in the final by chesting the ball over his head when no one was anywhere near him and lettiing it roll towards the net before scooping it up was a joke.
Sorry TR, but there is nothing wrong with that in my opinion. HOS has done scorpions on the goalline and no one had a problem with it then... sometimes you have to do things you wouldn't do in a competitive game because, well, because you can and it's fun :D



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Good point, but HOS doesn't do it to showboat. He does it cause he is a clown. There aren't any clowns on the Young Guns.

Did anyone ever see the CSI episode where the chick only shags clowns and then murders one? Strange stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

Are you sure about that TheRob? HOS craves attention and will do anything to get it. Only white guy on a brown team, can't get the best GAA so he get the worst, show boating Scorpions, union banter, wearing a snuggly in a beer garden, the list goes on....

Heard about your teams red card...(yes, red card in co-ed) sounds like you guys were just mad because you were losing at your own game. :eek:

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
HOS has done scorpions on the goalline and no one had a problem with it then...

Scorpions are done on my own goalline, no one has a problem with that, the only reason knvb doesn't like that, is because he would hurt himself trying any kind of athletic soccer move, ie. BikeKick

Knvb, you are a joker, talk about calling the pot black with comments about seeking attention.

TheRob, that is my favorite CSI episode of all-time, I love when the clown gets the girl, even if he does get killed after, funny stuff.

HOS only played 10 minutes of the Co-ed game, and he was able to score, celebrate by talking of his shorts, get a 10 minute suspension from Herb, and get all the attention I crave for a full weekend, I just want to be liked.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
To TR,Safeway has a special on Scotties tissue paper from May 2nd -7th!!Remember Scotties softens the blow :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
That's very witty and somewhat helpful, unfortunately I shop at Save On. Perhaps they'll price match.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I was happy with the way we played in the final since we were sore, tired, and and lost a few to injuries. Good day for the kids to get out and play too.

I take it as a compliment when a team has to call in a ringer for themselves in the final. Where most teams just bring out whoever they can grab off the sidelines to fill in the holes, others bring in fresh legs (fast ones at that) from somewhere else. To each his/her own.
I also overheard there was another team that stacked themselves for the tournament. :confused: What's the point? Not only is it just the opening tournament, it's CO-ED!

On a side note, nice to see so many BBQ's out, although some were giving off alot of smoke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Win at all costs...

What's wrong with stacking a team? Why go in with a bunch of softies? Going into a tournament for fun is, quite simply, for losers... and the Scotts. Have a sports day if looking for childish fun. Go on then...go off and buy a carton of eggs, dye a Frisbee or two. Pick up your blue, red, green and the ultimate insult purple ribbon and make yourself some rewards. Bring the kids. Make a day of it because at the end of it all they're the only ones who will (want to) look up to you.

Tournaments whether it be co-ed or the World Cup are meant to not only be won, but to be used to embarrass every team you squash on the way to the top. I say if you have the opportunity to pick up a 'ringer' or two why freak'n not? Who cares if they take away playing time from more committed members? Tell em to suck it up and get a thicker skin. Chances are they're rubbish anyhow you just have them around because no one else wants to toat(sp) the cooler about.

It's time to grow up Yoda.....The sack race was last week.

SC, any new major signings for the Dragons this year? I hear the Caps may still make a few cuts think we have a shot at any? If we're tight for space I don't mind sending TheRob to cooler patrol. He'll understand.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Ahhh Robbie...I can't believe how much you hate us. Kind of sad really. You appear to take this league a tad too seriously. We love to make championship shirts and take photos with dusty trophies just because it makes you want to kill us...like that clown on CSI. Loved that episode!

News to you...we actually like you guys...and Cheatside...and Buddha! Scurvs...great guy. He ordered a couple YG Inc t-shirts. Skytrain...barrell of laughs! We're giving him a t-shirt for being such a good guy. Kirby...hard working bloke. Jackson...do they come any cooler? Yoda...still working on him.

Anyhow...let's clarify that rant of yours. Why can't you take the piss like KNVB or Regs or HOS? As much as I've banged heads with KNVB, I must admit, he can take the piss with the best of them. Shamrock and Fastshow...two of my favourites as well. But Robbie...you gotta get all emotional and everything. No fun in that, and I can tell that you're all about fun!

"Unfortunately Team No Fun took the title. I know Dial 911 and the Concokcter will get on here and wank, but my God are the Young guns a bunch of wanks."
-Yeah, that's us.

"They take Co-ed just a tad too serious."
-You mean like complaining to the ref to stop the time when the ball went out of bounds? And running to get the ball after their first goal? We didn't think you guys were even keeping score!

"Bringing in their "ringer" for the final was a joke."
-Yeah, Frank's been with us for three years. That makes him a ringer. He worked the 10PM - 1PM (15+ hour shift) working the marathon. We weren't even expecting him. Nothing like "fresh legs" eh, Yoda? Take that as a compliment.

"A guy taking a PK was a joke."
-A girl took our first one...and scored. What you saying? That girls suck and, therefore, must take PKs? Something tells me that you're not too popular with the ladies, Robbie.

"Girls cheering when guys "skin" girls is a joke."
-Just cause someone skinned you and you have tits, that shouldn't be classified as skinning a girl.

"Their keeper showboating in the final by chesting the ball over his head when no one was anywhere near him and lettiing it roll towards the net before scooping it up was a joke."
-That happened? Too bad I missed it. I must have been on the other field too cool to watch the final.

"The red we took in the semi was warrented, but had someone hacked me like that guy hacked Dan five minutes in, I'd want to run him too. Who hacks in Co-ed?"
-That guy who got a red on your team does. And, what phantom hack are you talking about? Maybe Todd can clarify?

"Young Guns are sucking the fun out of the league. Too bad we have to play them two more times this year."
-Hey we still like you.

"Rant over."
-No, actually it continues...read on.

"Other then that it was a good day. We battled the Union Jackers to a fun drama filled 3 - 3 tie in the morning to put us through. We needed to score in the final seconds to tie it up. Good FUN game with two teams that "understand" what Co-ed is about."
-You guys weren't battling hard to tie it up, right? It was probably an own goal or something!

"The pints were happening everywhere and the atmosphere on the Buddha sideline, even though they werre getting stomped by a bunch of tryhard wankers, in the final was electric."
-How the Fukc would you guys know? You were too cool for school. Hanging out at a different field for the first 25 minutes of the half. Sitting on the other side...alone. Taking off 5 minutes after the final. What planet are you from, Robbie? We stayed late with a couple Buddha guys, a Cosmo and our drunk president, Paul who told us about fifteen times that the Union Jackers could win it all if they tried. Where have I heard that before? Still love ya Paul. You can hang out with us and Buddha and the Beernuts anytime.

"It sort of reminded me on the beer garden in Penticton and got me more than a little excited for the May long weekend. Good times."
-Yeah...they were. Did you guys sit alone then as well?

Peace, Robbie. I hope you get that hate under control, because it ain't healthy.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Crap and gossip is right. This is the guy that makes co-ed for me. I'm lovin' the celebratory removal of the shorts and dance after the goals...nothin' but smiles :)


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Co-ed is all about the props, these ones are the best yet. I hadn't heard about birkenstock shin pads until this guy came along. Notice HOS is wearing shorts in the picture... :)

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