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2013 Whitecaps Game Thread

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Rennie made a mistake on his assistant coach. In realaty it coast him his job. Caps can only aford Robson. I gues he has a darn good chasnce to be in charge. See I would bring Miller in.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
What would make Kreis a great fit though?

Sustained success in MLS
Success coaching in CONCACAF Champs League
Team-first mentality, that he instills in all of his players
History of successfully developing young players (Luis Gil, Chris Schuler, Sebastien Velasquez)
Ability to get the most out of his players (Joao Plata... compare him this year to what he was @ TFC)
Essentially blew up a successful team due to MLS Salary Cap issues, and then turned around and put out a new team that could still win
Successful MLS playing career (if you care about that)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
With the amount of crap written into the back office rules side of MLS coupled with the league's lack of willingness to accept Intl Play Dates, and the largest land area of any pro league in the world- I think someone with MLS Experience is key... because outside the players the only other guy/gal at VWFC with MLS Experience is Bob. And he's an idiot.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sustained success in MLS
Success coaching in CONCACAF Champs League
Team-first mentality, that he instills in all of his players
History of successfully developing young players (Luis Gil, Chris Schuler, Sebastien Velasquez)
Ability to get the most out of his players (Joao Plata... compare him this year to what he was @ TFC)
Essentially blew up a successful team due to MLS Salary Cap issues, and then turned around and put out a new team that could still win
Successful MLS playing career (if you care about that)
I see nothing there about experience with The Football Committee which makes all other accomplishments... moot.


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
MLS is nothing more than big fast and dirty league. With American refs pulling for their clubs. Getting small fast guys will not cut it. You have to match them in size and in speed. We have Brasilian and African and Jamacan if he pulls the string out of his ars. No problem scoring goals.
The problem with this club is lack of speed in D position and lack of phisical presence in C/D and in C midfield. It realy does not matter who the coach is. In my opinion a Canadian would do the best job. Soccer here is about phisical presence. Getting a coach that loves passing is boring soccer. We all like Enlish five top teams. Speed ying yang and power on the ball.
This is the reason Dasovic should coach. He played in Scotland for years. He played for Caps, He coached for Canada, He played in Europe.
See Bob does not anybody that has more experiance than he does. That's why we spin our wheels here in many areras. This province needs new blod new ideas our kids deseve better. Tveny add thousand at every game are all from Canada. I think it's time for him to man up and give a Canadian a chance. If I head that much time this city would have three cups fore sure.
Owners are blind in my opinion. We need more here.
If the club takes Robson as a coach things will be the same maybe worse. If he gives Miller another year as a player things will get worse for sure. For Coaker he can get a centere D with size ansd speed. We need to build from the back out. Two young keepers are very good. Left D no chance. Right D left the game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I see nothing there about experience with The Football Committee which makes all other accomplishments... moot.


Is the committee better or worse than Joey Saputo? Rumour of the day is that he, not the coach, picked the starting XI for yesterday's playoff match.

Sad state of affairs at all 3 Canadian MLS franchises.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs it's not easy for Canadian sides in MLS. American refs all stick for their country. Our Clubs will have to buy few top top players to make a move. Caps were one win away. Montreal made it. If you wached the game and did see how American refs work. You would see the crap that goes on. Montreal is realy nothing for me. But if you ever have played in US as I have and I did coach aginst American Clubs. You must score two goals to play a tie against them. Not easy at all. You did see Rennie go blue lots of times.
In my opinion the more Canadian kids we get to play the better the clubs will do over all. Lots of kids from US run around like chikens with heads cut off. Baba likes them because the boot the long balls and go and chase it.
Dezza we need players we don't need a coach. Rick the trainer can coach.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Maybe we should give Jackie Chan a chance. What the frack is going on with the new coach. Yallop gave them a curve ball. North Burnaby gang must be itching hoping their guy will get the job. If he does MSL will fold and let HPL go forward. Gong show every year with big Bob.
I say give him his sandolina and let him sale in the darkness of the knight. Bring in a Brit with balls to buy some players. We need four sixfoot four guys to kick the crap out of big American Clubs like Seattle and Portland. It is more fun to play golf in the rain than to watch Bob make his moves every year. Always blaming the new guy. Top fish is gone stail.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Come on Cascade we get pushed around. We need to add size in the midle and in the back. Maybe Fonseca will come this way. Upper program is not doing so well. Ship is sliding down slowley. Time to run before it gets worse.
I still think Dasovic should get a chance from Bob.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I think we need to focus more on getting players with actual talent than pure speed or size. Don't get me wrong, size and speed are important but basic fundamentals especially when it comes to a "pro" team should be a priority. A coach that knows how to put a line up together is important and will be a nice change to have. I really hope we get to have a consistent line up, something that can build weekly and grow. I'll take a guy who wants to be there and will bust his ass daily (demerit) over a guy who feels like he should be there and doesn't prove it (Mattocks) any day of the week. Really looking forward to all the changes coming and hopefully a positive 2014 year.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Does Darren wear white shoes?

PS. Awesome left cross by that ref in the highlite reel!

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Mattacks is just a selfish child. We need guys that come to play each game. Not some usless guy that talks the talk. His first tatch is good as donkey piano lesen. Young man is full of hot air and we all hope he sails away. In my opinion he could have been the reason of Caps making the playoffs.
Did you guys see his interview a total dumb lammy slamer. If he thinks Barkley league is ging togive him a chance he has something comming to him.
I wish him luck but mistakes like that cost guys jobs.
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