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Field & Facility Shortcomings


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Simple solution.

Since GEU don't mind not having changerooms, simply lock your away changerooms whenever they visit.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Jinky said:
Simple solution.

Since GEU don't mind not having changerooms, simply lock your away changerooms whenever they visit.

Your a smart man hey.....read much or simply skip till the end and put your two cents in????? :confused:

We as a club have no control if changes rooms go in or not! Simple solution...if your scared of showing little pedro off come to the game suited up!


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Hey Jinky,
Let them think for themselves.

Besides we all come dressed in our uniforms anyways.
And we leave them on after the game so we can stop by McDonalds for our free orange drink.



New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Yoda said:
It wasn't until this season that youth would have anything to do with us, so we've never taken anything to give back?

Nicely done nicely :rolleyes:
I would suggest that everyone of us owes alot to the game of soccer and the many volunteer hours people put in to ensure we had fields, refs, linesmen, washrooms that were open, lines painted, nets strung, eguipment updated, uniforms purchased and sorted. etc..etc. Consider for a moment all the things that need to be done for you to play the game you love. You see when you become old enuff or mature enuff,things are supposed to come full circle. It's players with atitudes like yours that make guys like myself not want to do it anymore. If you give just for the sake of giving, not with the expectations of getting, you might be surprised at just how rewarding it can be.
I truely envy you, I remember the days when i just showed up at the park with my boots and played a game.

Get On With It

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Sep 20, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Well said Cainy!

Seems to me that the GEU lot were copmplaing about this time last year about the lack of fields and support they got from the club. Bottom line it's not the Club they need to worry about it's the man running the Club. He's the closest thing to Hitler this side of the Atlantic.

You can spend your time on here bitching about whatever you want. Really who's on here that's going to help you? Simple answer is yourself. Show up to the GEU AGM in March and get rid of the problem. Look for change and that must begin at the top. Speak to the young boy at First Touch he might point you in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
sixfyv said:
PM me when you want next season's sign up sheet.

Right, and once done, PM me for an exhibition match. :)

Re: Facilities

Back in the day EVERY Premier team had to have facilities.
If you didn't get your shite together within a year you were relegated from the show.
I vividly remember a native team, I think they were called Sasquatch Inn, being relegated because the shack they called a changeroom was deemed unacceptable by the FVSL on that island pitch they played on.
I think the room doubled as the smoked salmon hut. ;)
There was no water in it, no lights and no heat.
Trust me, after playing 90 minutes in the rain on Seagull Island or whatever the fcuk it was called way out in the middle of nowhere was harsh compared to what the other clubs had to offer.
Even Mission FC let you into Hatzic Elementary before and after the match.
No showers but still...

As much as getting a game in on turf when you need to get the matches in due to the weather is one thing, GEU must acknowledge they need to step up somehow with the whole field and facility issue.
You're a great mens club - Fcuking sort it out somehow.
If it means you go to Mission or whatever, do it.
Delta Parks kept fcuking us around so we bolted to Surrey FC after a couple of years of bullshit.
BTW - Why the fcuk can't you play out of Hammond?
That's a great little facility.

Cainy's right.
You'd be amazed if you got involved with your youth clubs, went to meetings, did the odd bit of pro bono coaching clinic work, etc., you just might get rewarded.



Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Rangerforever said:
match. :)
I vividly remember a native team, I think they were called Sasquatch Inn, being relegated because the shack they called a changeroom was deemed unacceptable by the FVSL on that island pitch they played on.

Even Mission FC let you into Hatzic Elementary before and after the match.
No showers but still...

As much as getting a game in on turf when you need to get the matches in due to the weather is one thing, GEU must acknowledge they need to step up somehow with the whole field and facility issue.
You're a great mens club - Fcuking sort it out somehow.
If it means you go to Mission or whatever, do it.

Ranger you were on a roll there, however, let me clarify. The Native team was called the Chehalis Chiefs and the Sasquatch Inn was a great fun to have a couple pops. :rolleyes: Mission FC = Mission Fraser Valley Athletics. :D As for going to Mission, most of the squad will be their next year so the Black Knights can fight the fight.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Two quality changerooms that always seeem to be available without crowds for the right people. :D
As long as Downtown isn't making making Pina Coladas as parents with kids walk by...
You live and learn eh Johnny?
And what?
Like Cloverdale Athletic is any better? ;)

I stand corrected Bert.
Chehalis Chiefs - How could I forget? :D
Actually I think Sasquatch Inn was their reserve team actually.
And yes, a not bad place for wobbly pops to warm up your wet frozen ass as I recollect.
Now fcuk off you Cow Town, outdoor football starved, wannabe. ;)


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Sasquatch Inn was what they wrote on the sub slip.

Sasquatch Inn

Cougar Bob Out


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005


All this because you guys complained about changerooms. Not sure how all of a sudden we don't do enough in our club has to do with you guys wanting washrooms, but i'll try to clear things up.
As i stated i'm OK with no change rooms, it doesn't bother me as it apparently does you. They would have been nice, but i can handle it. I was just stating what the club state is like for us, i wasn't complaining that it's our right to get more from the club for nothing. We do help them out, with camps and tryouts.
We do however pay over $200+ each year to play in the club, per person for Monday night practices on gravel, Albion fields for games, and youth jerseys. Our current blue and white uniforms, balls etc, are all paid for by our own team fundraising (over and above the already paid $200)Are other clubs like this? Wednesday last week was the first time we practiced on a grass or turf field WITH A NET in about 8 years.
I do appreciate that people spend numerous hours volunteering for all the teams in GEU, our coaches and players are some of them.
Not that i expect that because we have helped out with camps that the municipality would install washrooms just for us, but maybe some game balls, a practice field time that can be realistically used by our teams (not the Monday night shite they give us) would be nice.
Get over it, i understand that the King of the Club is quite the ruling body, i don't preach on here to get him ousted. PAU players complained about no washrooms, i explained the situation to them, and they told ME to get involved then, and do something about it. WHY? So they can have washrooms? I am fine with no washrooms.
I'll get in touch with First Touch. AGM marked on my calendar as well.

Now i'm done.

crafty cokcney

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Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Some interesting comments with regard to fields/change rooms. There is no doubt that the facilities offered to the mens program in GEU is absolute shyte and it's a problem that does not seem to be improving anytime soon. I hate going there and seeing our lads having to go in a womens washroom to change plus a long drive home without a shower. It sucks. Whalley is no better and neither is GN and the Lions home park, but they are a little closer to home. I am agreed with those that believe it would help raise the bar and give the FVSL some more credibility if it were mandatory for all Premier teams to have home and away team change rooms with showers and washrooms. I really don't get municipalities building new fields without change rooms etc. :confused:
Anyway, I'm sure the league would never enforce it as the Premier league would be down to 5 or 6 teams, but one can only hope.



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

I think its because the new fields getting build are turf and cost alot more then grass fields. I know at mackie the gravel field beside was also supposed to be a turf field but they ran way over budget on the first one so we are left with gravel beside and no new change rooms. it's not like these fields are cheap to build and I think they have enough trouble getting money to build them. canada loves hockey, if our national program could crawl out of 70th or whatever they are and actually qualify for the world cup maybe some money will come our way.


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

I agree with Crafty, shocker eh? Langley scene. We are always 1 beer can away from losing not only changeroom/bunker priveleges but fields as well. That message on the FVSL site about turf issues rings true for us. As everybody says cosy up to the youth which I also agree with, but one of the first things you figure out is how much pressure there is within youth for fields, simply not enough.
Secondly, budgets. Not an expert but I can see how the changerooms are axed. I would imagine they are part of every plan, but when push comes to shove an easy place to cut if it is tight getting approval through whomever, usually the municipal council. Took forever in Langley, years actually.
Solution? Not sure exactly but closer ties at maybe not all costs with youth is the way to go. Here, 3500 kids play, guessing 3-400 adults on organized FVSL or MWSL teams. Pretty simple really. Or continue to fight the losing battle.
I think another thing we need to do is look at why we are not always welcomed with open arms. Take a step back sometime and without talking to your buddy or having a few beers watch a game. Now imagine you are a youth soccer parent watching this. The language can be a touch colorful, as well as the after game festivities. I am by no means a saint, but running one of these teams you figure out pretty quickly how accountable you are to your squads behavior. One dumb thing in front of the wrong person is all it takes.
There was an incident involving a team in the FVSL last year where something very stupid happened (aledgedly sp?) and opened up a huge can of worms for the FVSL. Almost lost all the fields in one large municipality over one idiots alleged actions. Not sure I need to give more details as I am not sure how it was all resolved, but it can all be taken away.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

bulljive said:
I think its because the new fields getting build are turf and cost alot more then grass fields. I know at mackie the gravel field beside was also supposed to be a turf field but they ran way over budget on the first one so we are left with gravel beside and no new change rooms. it's not like these fields are cheap to build and I think they have enough trouble getting money to build them. canada loves hockey, if our national program could crawl out of 70th or whatever they are and actually qualify for the world cup maybe some money will come our way.

Since Skip no doubt split this thread in the middle of my pisstake, I'll re-post here for the sake of context,

I think you're on to something here bulljive.

It has everything to do with Canada's poor world ranking in soccer.

That's right, it's FIFA's fault GEU has no changerooms!



New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Field & Facility shortfalls


Yes. Noticed your post after I had done the splitting. Too lazy to bring it over. Glad you did so. It was even funnier the second time'round. :D



Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Field & Facility shortfalls

Some very good points by all.

Yoda, what did your team do after there big win on fiday night.
Would it not have been fun to have a pint with your team or the other team and chat about the match?

What about the teams like Chilliwack or players from downtown that play a fri or sat game in the pouring rain. Would it not be nice at the least to have a nice hot shower and clean up a bit?

I know not all teams can do this, but if you get a little creative you can be a good host and make some kind of arangements. Remeber it used to be mandatory to suply some kind of change room.

Surrey United used to even open up Princes Marget for teams to get cleaned up. Sure it cost a little, but it was the right thing to do.

Mission opened up an elementary school so the boys had a nice dry place to change in.

Chehalis even gave us a barn to change in one year.

It can be done but does take some work and maybe some money.(and i am not talking about building some changerooms)
Even if a team has a five minute drive from the field, it is definatley worth it.

Just some thoughts


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Field & Facility shortfalls

ive heard from a valuable sorce that along with full bleachers there will be 2 portables put up for change rooms. That field is about 2 weeks old. Give it a couple months before we start bashing it. The school isnt done, the road around the school and parking lot are yet to be paved. Still a lot of work to be done to that facility. As for right now we GEU are happy to have a brand new turf field. With the GEU Prem, Black Knights div.1, and a couple of the GEU div.2 teams moving to this home field where does that leave that Albion Sports Complex. 3 Unreal fields that they babied a little bit too long. and plus...no changerooms there!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Field & Facility shortfalls

I hope you are right outkast. That would be great to have portables as i believe Delta has. Doesn't need to be fancy, just a shitter, and a place to sit and keep warm to change.

Lion, we sat at our cars in the dark and had a beer under the taillights of our cars. You could very well have joined us but you probably coundlt find us in the dark.
The cops made an appearance. and being that it was a new field we weren't sure of thier response to us being their so we packed it all up and got ready to head out. Some went home (work next day) others of us went to a home and had a few more.

Someone here mentioned that they saw the plans for the field and didn't see anything for changerooms.

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