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Field & Facility Shortcomings


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
How bout getting changed on the sidelines at 9:23 with people yelling ,,,... 7 min till the lights go. (wow, let me take my tape off)
So the lights go. etc..
it sucked.
Hope changing rooms and showers are in the mix in the future.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Geu 1 Pau 0

Skip said:
P.S. Is there some bylaw in Maple Ridge which states that all parks must not be equiped with adequate changerooms?? Just wondering. Getting changed on the sidelines is really an embarrassment to the league, and the home club as far as I'm concerned.
We wouldn't be surprised if all we get is the two out houses at the end of the park. To be honest i'm totally shocked that the GEU mens teams are even allowed to play on this field and I only say that because we've been known to be treated poorly in the past. I thought it was a fairly even game with chances at both ends and the man in the middle doing not too bad till the last 3mins when the red card came out.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

It's actually part of the school next door, and i don't know many, if any school fields that have changerooms on them. Mind you they haven't finished the surrounding areas yet so possibly something is in the works. But don't hold your breathe.

In Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge there is only 1 complex that has proper changerooms and that's the fields in PM on Bonson. Problem is, no lights on any of those fields.

An embarrasment to the league? Not having a place to take of your socks and shoes, then drink beer is an embarrasment to the league and our team?
Your kidding right?
First of all the league has nothing to do with how the fields are built, and second neither does the team.
Write a letter to town hall in the local paper and whine about it.
Is it just me or do you guys complain alot for 1 game of the whole season?


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

LION said:
How bout getting changed on the sidelines at 9:23 with people yelling ,,,... 7 min till the lights go. (wow, let me take my tape off)
So the lights go. etc..
it sucked.
Hope changing rooms and showers are in the mix in the future.

Gotta agree with you Lion. Every park should be equipped at least half as well as your alma mater was.
Love the bunker.


New Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Actually Yoda

PM Athlectic (Bonson) has no change rooms at all! It's the same as Albion sports complex.
At Bonson we have the change rooms at the the pub that sponsors us Rovers/ice rink across the parking lot from our home pitch.
I will highly doubt there will be change rooms put down at the new turf field.What can we do it's the city!!!
Besides just another thing to whine about from Peace Arch!


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Really Rex?
I didn't realize that. I thougth that building had changerooms too? Is it just washrooms, storage and the concession then?

I guess both municipalities are inept at putting changerooms in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Hammond has changerooms. Top notch ones.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

You mean the washrooms that double as urinals?
Yeah, they're great.


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Yoda said:
Your kidding right?

No, I'm not kidding.

I'm not complaining about the game at all. I'm just saying, as I sat on my kit bag, under the pale moonlight in Maple Ridge, and the warm breeze kissed my tight buttocks as I slipped my shorts on.........I thought to myself:

"Gee, these guys must be a little embarrassed at the fact that teams will have to come all this way to play them, and barely have a place to piss....let alone get dressed"

Just my own thought Yoda. Maybe you guys think differently than me. That's fine too. I realize the club, nor the league had nothing to do with the construction of the new field.....but that doesn't mean they can't shake their head over it's shortcomings.

9:30......lights out



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Actually it's 9:25..........lights out.
We think the same as you, we're just over it and deal with it.
We didn't mind at all at Albion when you guys had to change in the washrooms. We weren't embarrassed about that at all.

It's been the same with our team for years, don't know why it's an issue now with everyone.
You didn't actually think things would change did you?
Hopefully when everything is finished at that school, there will be something (undercover at least), to change under or in. As mentioned though. Don't hold your breathe.

To be honest we'll take no changerooms over not having a field that's closed every week and a practice time where we actually have a field and a net to shoot on.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: too much fcuking whinging

You all need to stop whining and get on with it!!! :rolleyes: That's what's fcuking embarassing!!! ;)



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

I mean changerooms are nice but give me a break. you are too good to change on the side of the field. let me guess if the team mom doesn't have oranges at half time you walk.. Since when are fvsl premier players above getting changed on the park. I guess if you have alittle something embarrasing to hide.....


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Yeah....my bad.

I guess assuming that when 10's of thousands of dollars are spent on a brand new field, it's a bit much to expect them to put up a small shack beside it to change in. :rolleyes:

Done on the matter


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Originally posted by bulljive
Since when are fvsl premier players above getting changed on the park
There was a time when the league actually considered facilities as an important entity... Teams were actually held accountable for arranging this type of place... I realise farmers are not accustomed to changing indoors, but it was the "cool" thing to do for a few years!!! :rolleyes: Now we get to show our arses and vagina's to the local housing co-ops!!! ;)

Peace out~kip


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

The league can consider it important but they don't build, or pay, for the facilities, so they get what they get. You can try and hold us "accountable for not arranging this type of place", but if there is no such place what are we supposed to do? Hold a towel up while you guys change so nobody can see your fat asses?
But what idiot would want a towel around his waist at a soccer game. How stupid would that look.

As mentioned, you can bitch all you want about the facilities, but we aren't the ones who gave the OK to the facilities design, or pay the bills on it, so we get what we get. Next time your in the area, visiting one of our many game farms, please feel free to stop and fill out one of our complaint cards at the local municipality offices. Just to warn you though, they don't have washrooms there either.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

I agree it would be great if they all had one. but its a privelage not a neccessity but thats just my opinion. We are lucky just to have fields like this. i have seen the commercials some people are playing with taped up grocery bags in the shape of a ball on dirt fields. I'm sure little Paco wouldn't mind getting changed on the side of a nice new turf field. but hey no changerooms what has the world come too, but what do I know i play bush league div 2 I couldn't shine your guys holly boots.


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

The company i work for is part of the construction of that high school next to GEU's new park. I am checking the drawings as i write this. i will keep you posted if i hear anything about a field house going in. but from the drawings i have i dont see anything. it will either be attached to a part of the school most likely. or an addition later on.

as for last nights game. i was quite impressed at how well the PDD and the premier guys worked together. it was a pretty close game well battled. good work guys.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

Yoda said:
The league can consider it important but they don't build, or pay, for the facilities, so they get what they get. You can try and hold us "accountable for not arranging this type of place", but if there is no such place what are we supposed to do? , but we aren't the ones who gave the OK to the facilities design, or pay the bills on it, so we get what we get. Next time your in the area, visiting one of our many game farms, please feel free to stop and fill out one of our complaint cards at the local municipality offices. Just to warn you though, they don't have washrooms there either.
This is exactly the hillbilly mentality you should try to get past. You do pay the bills, if your a tax payer that is, mind you maybe you just sqwat in the bushes behind the field. Your council members have to aprove proposals for new developments, which you can attend, start a petition. Also as for as the treatment your mens program gets, I have a solution get a mens rep on the youths executive commitee, attend all the meetings, give something back to the youth, and you'll be surprised what can happen. I have a feeling you have all been staring out the window, watching the swine for to long, civilized people don't shyte and piss where they play. If they build a washroom but don't stock it with toilet paper do you wipe your arse with your hand, and then say, it's not our falt we just get what we get. I think i here a banjo in the background :rolleyes:
Great game last night boys


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

cainy said:
Your council members have to approve proposals for new developments, which you can attend, start a petition.

So your saying start a Petition "WE WANT WASHROOMS!!!"
Sounds like something a great many people would sign up for, i'll just tell them that teams from other cities don't like coming to play on our fields becuase their tight asses get wet sitting on the ground. They'll be lining up to sign it i'm sure.

cainy said:
I have a solution get a mens rep on the youths executive commitee, attend all the meetings, give something back to the youth, and you'll be surprised what can happen.

It wasn't until this season that youth would have anything to do with us, so we've never taken anything to give back? They've never wanted to be supported by us or associated with us. Besides, we've had members meet together from youth and mens, be told one thing, and then get stabbed in the back by the club. You wonder why we don't want to help them out. At some point, you realize that the lies never stop. If banding together and singing cumbiya (insert banjo tune here) would get washrooms to make you guys happy, then we'll do it.

cainy said:
If they build a washroom but don't stock it with toilet paper do you wipe your arse with your hand, and then say, it's not our falt we just get what we get. I think i here a banjo in the background :rolleyes:
Great game last night boys

No actually, i hold it all in until i get somewhere i can let it all out. Usually at home while watching the swine run around the farm. :rolleyes

We would we do all this for you guys to have a warm place to sit and shite. Personally i don't care that there are no washrooms, i'm just trying to tell you that it's not our decision. Sure i could sit in on meetings etc, but as i said, i'm fine without them. If you guys want them, then go sit in on the meetings and ask for them.

Over and out on the topic. Now joining skip on the sidelines of this one.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

You are a joke.

on the changing room subject. This might be an extreme comparison, but..
Imagine if hockey teams didn't have changing rooms. They have equipment and sweat. But when they get these arenas built, changerooms are part of the game. Why not soccer?
When you play basketball most gyms have changing rooms with showers. There is even less equipment there. If equipment has anything to do with it.

With all these million dollar fields going up in every valley city. how much do you think it would have costed them extra to finish the job with a nice clubhouse beside the field. Mackie park as well. I would guess a 100 k or so. With showers, most teams might feel good win or lose and go out to a local bar in your city. Spend there hard earned Vancouver money. Raising your economy and the maple ridge dollar. We would be creating jobs, maybe meeting the girl of our dreams from the ridge and choose to move out there buying land and raising children in the community. If the city only knew what some showers would do. What could have been.

i don't mind changing on the field. We all did it growing up in the game. Last night was a nice night. But after changing on the field most/all teams like to pull out the ol'cooler and bullshit over the game. It felt like a drill last night. 7 min. ..... 4 min......2 min..... ...... BLACKNESS! (not talking about knightrider)

The scrammble to your car in blackness with your sweat not even dried up after a loss. thats what sucked. :( I am sure there will be more teams to go through this event in the future. They might just not post about it.

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