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Div 1 [FVSL Div 1] November '08 Results and Banter

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New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
If Moody does hang on to win the league they will continue the Yo-Yo effect, they will be back down in Div 1 the following year. They do move the ball well but aren't threatening with it.

The story of this game was the ref. He was equally bad for both teams but in the end it did favor Moody. The ref did his best to make it a non contact sport. Credit to Moody for battling back for the tie, they are relentless for sure. It was as good as a loss for us. You could see it on the field at the end of the game they celebrated like they won the cup. I sure got a kick out of their cockiness - which didn't show up until the last 2 minutes.

This is open mens soccer - if you choose to play then age doesn't matter. The 'tiny 17 year old' that got 'picked on', decided punching the 'like 40 year old biggest player on the team' was a good idea. The retaliation was a bad idea and he did get sent off but provoking someone to get them ejected is nothing to be proud of.

Younger, faster and better looking, please. We didn't hear about that until the game was tied. 11 Moody players are better than 10 Dewney players, congrats. For the other 70 -75 minutes Dewdney's 11 were far better. Over the last 4 years Moody is yet to defeat Dewdney.

With luck we will meet you in cup. Good Luck the rest of the year.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
If we scored the first 2 goals, does that not mean you tied us? ;)

Of course it was a better result for you. It feels like a win to you and a loss to us. I'd say that does feel better.

Overall it was a good game and you handled yourselves well, until you tied it then bunch of you guys got yappy about being better looking and younger. WTF? Then you lost all respect.

How much respect do you expect to get when you have JTL and bored are on here yapping all the time. Yes, it's TTP but they spend 90% of their time disrespecting Port Moody and everyone else. Everytime you lose they talk about how shitty the other team is but it was just your worst game of the year or you win and the other team was shite, you tie your old and the other team should feel shitty. Why should anyone respect your team when you don't show it to anyone else. How many red cards do you idiots have over the last year and a half. For guys that are supposed to have been there, seen it all and know better you team is full of idiots.


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
He's not 30, he is over 40 and knows better. The embarrassing part is that your young player decided it was a good idea to punch him in the side of the head when he wasn't looking.

Kinda like the elbow to the jaw you gave me in the first half JTL. Be realistic, you guys were just as chippy and chirpy as we were, and everyone knows it.

In all fairness though, the Port Moody team is probably best ready to play Premier next year. But I think any team from Div. 1 would get hammered in Premier and be right back to Div. 1 again the following year. Port Moody are better than last year but are still a long long way from being a Premier team. Too soft, especially Big Softie at center back who got pulled at half time because he was the shites. Anyways good luck.


I got pulled because coach wanted more of an offensive presence, strategy we had discussed in advance of the game and im pretty sure it was 0-0 at half so you calling me shite really means nothing to me. To me it means you are just as bad because you could not score when i was checking you. To be honest, you are probably one of the toughest strikers i have had to check and i would do nothing but praise you if you werent such a tool. You lose any integrity and respect you gain from your skill and presence by pulling shirts, diving, and acting like a child. If we had linesmen every jersey grab and btich-flop would be seen, its just unfortunate that you only got exploited for diving near the end of the game when you performed a dive worthy of olympic gold, or at least medal contention. "Big softie" seems to suit you for a nick-name just as much as it does me, which is quite a shame seeing that you should be one of the hardest to knock down in the league.

Honestly though, you are a tough opponent, as well as the rest of your team and for some reason we have more difficulty with you guys than anybody else in the league. It was a good, hard fought game, except for a few dives and plenty of chirping. However, you thinking you took it to us makes me laugh because it was a pretty even game, with us having maybe 80-20 posession in the 2nd half, you guys had two counter-attacks and scored on both of them, well-done.

Hopefully this isnt the last time we play each other, I will be waiting and ready for the game if we do.

Big Softie


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
Dirty Money
How does it feel to be outplayed by a bunch of over the hill, passed their prime oldtimers

Ya honestly JTL, lets get real here...Ive never seen two goals scored that were more against the play then that. The doggie pile celebration you guys had on the second goal (which honestly was a pretty sick cele) showed that you guys were just as shocked and amazed as we were that it was 2-0. The truth is that you and your other buddy up front had a great game with the limited time you had on the ball. However, everyone else in a dewdney jersey got outplayed everywhere else on the pitch.

JTL I know you dont actually think that you guys outplayed us, because your a good player which means that your smarter than that. We both know that you are just as happy with a tie after being up 2-0 as we are with a tie after being down 2-0.


New Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
PS. JTL you are the only one that can get me to post on this web-site, because of ur hilarious posts, so well done, ur keeping it enjoyable.


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think anyone is happy with a tie after being up 2 bagel but the positive of that is we did still get a point out of it.

Bulljive, the respect i was referring to was the respect i had for them as a good young team the played a good solid game.......until the "yapping" started.
On that note, you're team sucks!

Jack The Lad

Jan 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Ok, I will stop taking the piss and give you my real take on the game and the young Port Moody lads. I think the game was pretty even throughout with neither team having many chances in the first half. Port Moody are a young, quick skilled team that should win the league but perhaps not as threatening up front as they need to be. They played physical in the back and I enjoy playing against Big Softie because we get under each other's skin a bit - its always a good battle. They started come at us in bunches immediately after we scored our second goal and it didn't help matters at all when we went a man down with 15 to go. It obviously felt like a loss to us blowing a lead with very few minutes to go. We came into the game expecting to win. I do hope that we get a chance to play again as that was the best game we have been involved in all year. We will always give you guys a game because we take it seriously when we play the top teams in the league. Like I said before we come out haphazardly against some of the weaker teams for some reason.

Anyways best of luck and if any team deserves to get promoted I hope it is Port Moody as they seem to really want it. Us we are probably going to O35's next year.



Active Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money

BTW - nice work on the result and also on bringing Skullet out of the woodwork to pop his TTP cherry.

Us 'Gers are lookin' forward to OUR rematch against your Poco Premier/Dewd Celtic/Dewd Coachmen/Whatever you call yourselves this year Dewdney team.


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
They phoned in...they had 8 guys.

phoning in at 4:30 for a 6:30 game isn't too cool... though at least they phoned... we don't want a win that way, were looking forward to redeeming ourselves after our ndfc fiasco... not they way to right the ship... well, possibly onto mission next week.. assuming their field isn't a swimming pool, or if it is, we can get rescheduled to one of our turf fields...
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