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Div 2 FVSL Div. 2 results and banter: March '05

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Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
what summer league will everyone here be playing in this summer? i believe the royals will be playing in the richmond league. the knights league we played in last summer wasn't very well organzined.


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Well, I'm sure you're all stewing in anticipation, so I suppose I'll be the one to break the news. DFC Celtic vs. Port Moody Lions ended in a 1-1 tie. I hope I have alleviated some of the tension in all your lives.....Great day for a game today. Both teams played well and the game was very even throughout. All-in-all, a great game....no foul play, no bickering, all good times. And that does it for the season for both teams.

P.S. why did none of the Lions hang around for a beer? Jonny had to come over and drink with us just to have a few beer.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm confused I thought a tie from port moody puts the hades in the drivers seat to take the division


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
The hades were always in the drivers seat, even with a win from Port Moody. Provided Eagle Ridge wins their remaining 3 games, they will(would have) taken first place.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
yes that is why i was confused by the franchise. Although I don't see the Hades winning their remaining 3, they have struggled the whole second half of the year. How is it decided if they tie in points? more wins,goals, goals against?


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
How is it decided if they tie in points? more wins,goals, goals against?

I think the usual MO in case of a tie in points is to use the win total as the first tie-break, then likely GF/GA differential. Anyone can correct me if i'm wrong, of course.



New Member
Jan 5, 2005
Dirty Money
Canes vs GEU Tigers

Hurricanes 5 GEU 1

This one was over early. We scored in the 1st 2 mins and were up 5-0 by the 30th minute. That's when the Tigers thought they'd help their buddies on Poco by trying to draw cards. After that, we thought we were at a Rugby game. We had a guy red carded in the 44th minute after he picked up his 2nd yellow of the game. Hopefully he will only get 1 game for the 2 yellows as anything more would be a serious blow for us. In the 2nd half we went to our reserves as the rugby game continued. In the 75th minute, after one of their guys threw yet another hip check and I believe picked himself up a red, one of the guys on our sideline commented that this was soccer and not rugby. Their guy came after our guy on the sideline, at which time one of the guys' dads stepped in b/w and said everyone just take it easy. It was at that point I saw the most classless thing I've ever seen in soccer. The GEU player struck the 60 year old man, with a heart condition, right in the chest! One of our fans lost it, and you know what, for our players to not do something about it, took the most discipline imaginable as we didn't want to blow our whole season on the Tigers with Red Cards. The ref did everyone a favour by calling the game at this point. Since over 60 mins were played, the result will stand. Sheep, you guys took it to a new low today, talking among yourselves in the 2nd half that your goal was to entice us into as many cards as possible to fcuk us up down the line and even trying to challenge us to fights. Like we said during the game, we still have meaningful games to play.


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Hurricane and Tigers game was abandoned in the 75th minute as a full out brawl broke out. There were canes laying all over the turf. At the time of the brawl The Canes were down to 10 men and leading by a wide margin 5 – 1. I have said it before and I will say it again the Hurricanes are a bunch of classless pricks. I’m not saying all of them are but a select few of them are going to be in for a wake up call when they get to div1.

I will admit that the ref played a huge part in the way that the game ended up. The ref missed calls all game long and players were starting to take advantage of him and deck players when he wasn’t looking. I’m not joking it was ugly, there were cheep shots everywhere. By half time it was evident that things were getting out of control.

Late in the first one of their guys deliberately elbowed one of our guys and almost broke his nose, he was sent off with a red. It was about the only good call the ref made all night. By the time the second half rolled around things just kept getting uglier by the minute. There were so many dirty things that happened that I can’t even list them all right now, but I will take you to the 75th minute when all hell broke out.

On the Canes side of the field one of their guys on the sidelines yelled something at one of our guys who took offence to what he said and walked toward their sideline and said something back to him when out of no where some one came on to the field and shoved him. I could be wrong but I think it was the coach but it definitely was not one of their players. After that the punches were flying every where and our side of the field was cleared as everyone including some of our fans ran over to help us out and try and break it up. I know that one of our guys was laying on the ground as he was repeatedly being kicked and punched in the head by several of their players. Luckily both teams had the common sense to pull their players out of the mess as things could have been much worse.

It will be interesting to see how the league deals with this game as they will be well aware of how it was all started when the ref sends in his report and we send in ours. I hope at the very least the Canes are slapped with a huge fine. I’m not a 100% sure but I do believe that the Canes will still get the points as the game only had 15 minutes to go. If this had happened earlier in the game I don’t think the game would have counted and the Canes div1 promotion run may have been in jeopardy. Anyways, quite a night out at Rotary Turf.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Interesting interpretation of the facts Sheep. Too bad the ref's report is nothing like your version. Let me tell you what the ref's report says, your guy #11 was given a red card, one of the guys on our sideline made a comment that this was a soccer game, he took offense to it and came after our guy on the sideline. After that, the game was abandoned. He had been given a red card and had no business even coming towards our sideline let alone assaulting a 60 year old man trying to keep the peace. He wasn't a coach, he was my dad who comes to watch all our soccer games. After that, one of the guys on our sideline jumped into it and a fist fight broke out b/w the 2 of them. Other than that, it was pushing and shoving as your whole sideline of fans and players ran into it while our fans stayed outside the fence as we asked them to. If you know league rules, you will know that it will be the Tigers that will be hit with the HUGE fine as you guys left your sideline and came into an altercation. It was your guy who came outside the white lines to start the whole thing. Ref's report reflects this so good luck to you guys...And Sheep, be careful of antagonizing the guys anymore thru TTP cuz guys weren't happy about having to hold back as it was...


Aug 16, 2004
Dirty Money
I don't think you need to bring poco's name into this... It's funny how you always blame the other team for these altercations that your team always gets into....You're the only team we've gotten into any kind of altercation, yet we're not the only team you seem to get into things with... by the way the Tigers are definately not our buddies !! No matter what happens on the field, I don't think coming on here and making threats against people is very classy either....grow up it's not high school ! That's how people get criminal records.... s h i t happens, no need to keep it up after the game is done. That is why you guys are getting the bad reputation. You say you guys have alot of class, then prove it and stop coming on ttp and threatening people.

I'm not condoning punching an old man either, if that's how it happened then that guy is an idiot too, but there is no need to prolong the altercation after the game is done.

Let the league take care of the discipline issues, whatever the ref says in his report will have to do. They're not always right but that's the authority we have to follow ...... :( :( :(


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Wow, I'm wondering now if PocoCity United is going to get a pass to div one because of this. I love it.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Maybe I did not come across right. I am certainly not trying to threaten anyone or prolong this. All I am saying is that it took alot for me to get my guys to leave the field after the game. I am asking Sheep not to add fuel to the fire by making stupid statements like there were Hurricanes lying all over the field, etc. If you want to see our discipline record, go to the league website and check individual cards. Take away the cards in our 1st game against Poco and we probably have less than 5 yellow cards all season and only 1 red. Yesterday was the epitamy of bush league as the Tigers once they got down 5-0 started throwing body check after body check. We did not respond other than one of our guys who lost his cool and picked up 2 yellows. He was out of the game and that was that. We only picked up 1 yellow card after that. We've got to much to play for and GEU knew it. They were hacking at guys as they went to their sidelines for throw ins, were challenging guys to fights and so on. I am proud of the guys that they showed restraint and didn't throw our season down the tubes. All I am saying to Sheep at this point is, let the league sort out fines and discipline based on the refs report and refrain from pushin guys buttons. Everyone on the team has alot of respect for the older guy your #11 went after, and he is well respected in the community. People are very pissed off about what happened, and I am doing my best to make sure this doesn't go any further.

Superstriker said:
I'm not condoning punching an old man either, if that's how it happened then that guy is an idiot too, but there is no need to prolong the altercation after the game is done.

Let the league take care of the discipline issues, whatever the ref says in his report will have to do. They're not always right but that's the authority we have to follow ...... :( :( :(


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Worst soccer game i have ever seen, quite classless. Sheep your team showed no class, you guys were down by a lot of goals and instead of playing hard and playing through it you guys went in for late tackles and cheap shots. Your the one that came on here and claimed you guys could beat us but we put you guys away in the first 10 mins. That was the quickest goal we have ever scored. Your team sucks, you guys have no skill, no heart and no fking idea what the hell you guys are doing out there! We made you guys look like fools out there and dont talk about guys lying all over the field becuase i was right there and one of your guys hit the ground and one of our guys did, other than that it was just pushing and shoving and people breaking it up, i understand that you're only 4 feet tall and couldnt see anything but please dont come on here and talk shite.


Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Im not trying to be ****y here but the truth of the matter is that we're so much better than teams like the tigers that the score gets out of hand very early and they have to resort to cheap shots. When we played the clones and won that close game there were no fights or altercations because it was close and everyone was competing, same thing in the whalley game. Its not our fault that the tigers fking suck ass and couldnt beat a u-14 girls if there lives depended on it! Anyways i feel sorry for the team we play next because we are going to make a mockery of them, i gurantee it.
Superstriker said:
I don't think you need to bring poco's name into this... It's funny how you always blame the other team for these altercations that your team always gets into....You're the only team we've gotten into any kind of altercation, yet we're not the only team you seem to get into things with...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
NDFC 6-0 Aldergrove

funny enough no fights, no 60 year old men getting assaulted. Their was a lot of aldergrove bitching going on though. The score was 6-0 I don't think it would have mattered who officiated the game. I do find it interesting how the Hurricanes are always involved but in this case I believe them because the Tigers have always been cheap and classless. Div 2a champs.. doesn't sound like much to me either


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
On behalf of the Tigers I want to apologize for the 60 year old Dad getting punched out. Although, the next time maybe he should keep his comments to himself. We had no idea at the time who he was. I didn’t see how it all got started but according to our #11 the old man entered the playing field first. Things happened so quickly its hard to tell who really started it but in my opinion both teams were at fault. To be honest I think the game should have been called at half time as you could tell things were just going to get worse.

Hurricanes just so you know its not our style to play the way we did. The first time we played you it was relatively clean and we definitely had a better showing against you. Some of the reasons that the guys were so pissed off last night were brought on by the comments you were making during the game by your players and your fans. I’m sure you will remember early in the game when one of your young guys was yelling out that we have no skill and that we suck. That’s the type of stuff that got under our skin and to have some of your fans get in on it to only added fuel to the fire. Those type of comments are uncalled for.

On another note the Hurricanes are a very talented team and don’t belong in div2. As long as their young guys can learn a little discipline and respect they will give the top div 1 teams a run for their money. Any ways that’s all I m going to say about the game and we will let the league deal with the mess. As of right now we will be missing 3 or 4 guys for next weekend because of this game.


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
as the bull said 6-0not much really to say score says it all...had 5players score the goals which is good for confidence seeing as how our last games have all been 1-0 and teams forfiting on us..so it was good to watch the ball go in the net..over..and over and over....in responce to all the hoopla that went on punching anyone that looks older is not cool at all...i said it before ill say it again...the tigers stink they are not near any decent soccer level...they just try to hurt people which is pretty gay seeing as how the hurricanes have lots of kids with promising futures and for them to be taken out by some old fuc*er thats pissed off cause he realizes that his team is shite....its defferent if you go in hard miss the ball cause atleast your not doing it on purpose........5-0in first 35....thats classic....what a slap in your face huh sheep....bit*h...out...


Not Bright
Jan 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Sheep said:
I’m sure you will remember early in the game when one of your young guys was yelling out that we have no skill and that we suck.

this just in... if you ever play the tigers the way to get under their skin is to tell them the truth...they cant take it.....out

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Canes vs GEU Tigers

Pilsner said:
Hurricanes 5 GEU 1

, Mr. Shaun Cavenaugh, ask yourself this, is it really over???

Last time I checked that was a threat and it should be a banning. (Shaven, Reg)Personalizing someones name and calling him out! Now that underlines classless.

Not justifing the situation but I heard a completly different story which doesn't match up to this.
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