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Div 3 [FVSL Div 3] Results and banter - Jan & Feb 2007

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The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Storm8 said:
What I said was we DIDN'T match their intensity because we have not been challenged week in and out like they are. Aside from myself, we are a young team with lots of potential. Be sure we will add player or two to shore up the team in the off season. We'll be fine and we will enjoy stiff competition each week. Looking forward to a game against the Rams.

Cheers, Storm8

I hope they completely re-do the format and form new groups this year. I hate how you play the same teams each year because the groups never change.


New Member
Jan 27, 2007
Dirty Money
I know lots of people will disagree wit me on this but why not form one division. Everyone plays everyone once. Top 3 get promotion bottom 3 get relegated. I know it's nice to get a rematch if you feel you could have done better in a game but it would raise the stakes for each game you play and might bring the intensity of each match up a bit.

Another suggestion would be to split div 2 into two tiers with relegation and promotion between the two. Top 2 in div 2a go to div 1, bottom 2 go to 2b and so on. Just some thoughts. Tough decisions to be made for those in charge over the summer I'm sure.

Cheers, Storm8


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
italian_stallion21 said:
Can guarantee we won't be an automatic 6 points, and most of the time I'm right on those (did say we'd walk through D3 this year). Definitely looking forward to it.
Well, unless Abby's players all go AWOL for the rest of the year, they will be the promotion team anyway. They're in control of thier destiny here, you're team is just waiting to see if they fall apart
Whalley Strikers 14 13 0 1 34 7 39
2 Abbotsford Storm 11 11 0 0 60 7 33

They have no losses or ties, and they have 3 games on you.... they also beat you last time.

You're in sort of the same position that we're in in 2C. The team behind us had games in hand, and neither team had lost... we had 3 ties, and they had 1. They beat us and vaulted over. They still have games in hand.... just as the storm do.
Gonna be interesting to see if they can keep the streak going.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
There are 4 teams in 2C that would be top 4 in 2 A this year.

I agree with you expect for this comment, if your including the Celtic and Port Moody Lions thats a funny joke.

I will give you Arsenal but nobody else. Aldergrove is better then Celtic and I promise you the Rams would give you a run for your money as well.

North Coquitlam (second place 2a) I haven't seen play but we beat them 4-0 so I will see them in two weeks for the rematch
Hmmmmm lets see here.... We've led this group since game 2 last year, up till last week (that's 30 games straight in 1st place for those trying to keep up) Yet you think us being in first in 2A is a "joke" and ACBC is not? Give yer noggin a shake.... we beat them 4 -1 and then tied them with a depleted squad 3 -3 (aggregate 7 - 4) ... how is it they would be ahead of us in 2A, when they're clearly well behind us now... they'll end thier season with 5 loses, and us with 1, possibly 2 at most?
I'll give you Aldergrove may be better than the Lions, however, the Lions for and against goals are similar, and they play tougher teams at the top of the table in ACBC, Celtic and CC Arsenal... Give them a shot in 2A and they'd be similar to Alder. The rest of that group is inferior. If the Rams beat NC United 4 - 0, that say's it all for NC. Not saying the Rams and NC wouldn't give us a run.. but neither would be ahead of us in the group.... that said, then the 4 teams I mentioned, plus Alder. would be top 5 in that group, and Alder likely tied with PM Lions for 4th...


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Storm8 said:
I know lots of people will disagree wit me on this but why not form one division. Everyone plays everyone once. Top 3 get promotion bottom 3 get relegated. I know it's nice to get a rematch if you feel you could have done better in a game but it would raise the stakes for each game you play and might bring the intensity of each match up a bit.

Another suggestion would be to split div 2 into two tiers with relegation and promotion between the two. Top 2 in div 2a go to div 1, bottom 2 go to 2b and so on. Just some thoughts. Tough decisions to be made for those in charge over the summer I'm sure.

Cheers, Storm8

It should be D1-D5, then there's no 'well you were in the easier group of D#' crap. Problem being no one wants to play in D5, they'd rather play in D3H or something stupid like that. We should all be Premier, 10 teams in group A, 10 in B, and so on all the way to Z. It'd be fantastic, everyone could be premier players, and just move up or down through the alphabet. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
guru said:
Well, unless Abby's players all go AWOL for the rest of the year, they will be the promotion team anyway. They're in control of thier destiny here, you're team is just waiting to see if they fall apart
Whalley Strikers 14 13 0 1 34 7 39
2 Abbotsford Storm 11 11 0 0 60 7 33

They have no losses or ties, and they have 3 games on you.... they also beat you last time.

You're in sort of the same position that we're in in 2C. The team behind us had games in hand, and neither team had lost... we had 3 ties, and they had 1. They beat us and vaulted over. They still have games in hand.... just as the storm do.
Gonna be interesting to see if they can keep the streak going.

Except for the obvious fact pointed out many times before that the top two (2) teams in each group of D3 get promoted, meaning we will have a chance of being in your group and not being an easy 6 points. And the streak will be coming to an end on March 25 :D


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
italian_stallion21 said:
Except for the obvious fact pointed out many times before that the top two (2) teams in each group of D3 get promoted, meaning we will have a chance of being in your group and not being an easy 6 points. And the streak will be coming to an end on March 25 :D

OK.... that's a GOOOOD point.... My bad :eek: ... I was assuming the top from each go up, and bottom from each go down.... I like the top 2 and bottom 2 much better anyway...

I think the group idea isn't a bad one. Teams move up much quiker to a level they should be, and others move down as they get older and start to lose it.
There's always been the banter about whose group is better, and it's just that, banter. It doesn't hurt anyone, it's all just piss taking. Each group will change from year to year as to which is better. I think 3 years ago, the first year they went to this format, 2A was the better group over all, last year I think it was group 2B, this year I think it's group 2C... It's not based on whose on top in the group, nor which team did well in cup round... it's based on the over all team performance in each group. This season I think it's 2C. Just based on the battle at the top, and from what I've seen in other groups. I think we and CC Arsenal are fairly even, and ACBC is right there as well, PM Lions not far behind. in 2B, DFC Coach are walking away with the everything, and they're on par with DFC Celtic (IMO).


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Unfortunately there's no way to do that for D3, as some teams are clearly rec league, and some get stuck having to start in D3 (us). We'll be a solid D2 team, as some guys that couldn't make it out this year, are playing next year which will give us much needed depth. We played the Lion's to a scoreless draw, with one training session in a month, and we looked like it, so I figure we'll be alright next year.


Apr 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I believe teams stay in there respective divisions for travel purposes ( away games. ) A lot of good ideas brought up here as usual in respect to division alignment, promotion and relegation. I suggest you come to the FVSL AGM and propose what yoy would like to see changed, you would be suprised how much griping goes on here at TTP, yet you can here a pin drop at the AGM when its open floor for new business!!!! Good luck to all in league and cup play.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
If it's one thing I like it's the promotion/relegation system. It seems to work well with more of the lower teams being given a chance to move up, and only the proven higher calibre teams moving up to Premier.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Did either of you go to UCFV, and play in the now-defunct Arena Soccer League out in Langley? For some reason my brain decided to remember today that I recognized one of you from there, and one of the guys who played central D too.


New Member
Jan 27, 2007
Dirty Money
italian_stallion21 said:
Did either of you go to UCFV, and play in the now-defunct Arena Soccer League out in Langley? For some reason my brain decided to remember today that I recognized one of you from there, and one of the guys who played central D too.


Yes to both questions. I played in the midfield in college. It seems like so long ago....

Cheers, Storm8


New Member
Sep 11, 2006
Dirty Money
I didn't go to UCFV long enough to even try out, and I wouldn't have made it. But I did play in the Langley arena league, and a few guys from our back line played on my team.
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