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Lets help the Southsiders


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
Too funny, here's what the president of the SS posted:

I've talked to this guy once and then he disappeared. Funny thing is that I've critiqued them and also gave credit here on TTP :confused:

Oh well, I take back my $100 offer to the cause in this thread due to the biggest wienie of them all :D

First in Venom!!! Regs you made it onto their radar!!!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I am like a cobra.

Ready to strike from section 210 at a moments notice.

Let's chant White Caps with the section beside us and then blame the rest of the stadium for sitting on their hands!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
There's nothing to say really. Aside from the 10-15 mates of mine at the Southsiders, I'm pretty much done with the group for a lot of reasons... 1. I miss Swangard and the quaint little mickey mouse atmosphere... it was fun to be obnoxious etc while singing and chanting. 2. The Southsiders as a group at large have a very "us vs. them" mentality, and it comes from an honest place...the President (Johnnie Monster) and I went through quite the little war on behalf of the SS with the dreadful security folks and gameday ops staff from the Caps FO... but there's really no need to have such an "us vs them" mentality now, instead of focusing time and energy there, they could be doing a lot more stuff with their time that would serve them and the Caps better imho. 3. Tha Caps have been awful this year for all the wrong reason... I have little motivation to spend my money at a venue or with an organization that is so awfully mismanaged from top down...and a group that treats ALL of their customers so poorly. If I treated my clients like the Caps treat their clients I'd be out of a job.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
There's nothing to say really. Aside from the 10-15 mates of mine at the Southsiders, I'm pretty much done with the group for a lot of reasons... 1. I miss Swangard and the quaint little mickey mouse atmosphere... it was fun to be obnoxious etc while singing and chanting. 2. The Southsiders as a group at large have a very "us vs. them" mentality, and it comes from an honest place...the President (Johnnie Monster) and I went through quite the little war on behalf of the SS with the dreadful security folks and gameday ops staff from the Caps FO... but there's really no need to have such an "us vs them" mentality now, instead of focusing time and energy there, they could be doing a lot more stuff with their time that would serve them and the Caps better imho. 3. Tha Caps have been awful this year for all the wrong reason... I have little motivation to spend my money at a venue or with an organization that is so awfully mismanaged from top down...and a group that treats ALL of their customers so poorly. If I treated my clients like the Caps treat their clients I'd be out of a job.

Jonnie Monster


He can Chupe mantequilla de mi culo!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
3. TheRangers have been awful most years for all the wrong reason... I have little motivation to spend my money at a venue or with an organization that is so awfully mismanaged from top down...

I made a few corrections for you JBN perhaps Regs can move this to the proper thread.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok, I've been silent about these clowns for far too long. I'm a season ticket holder, as well attended both games in Seattle and Portland. Let's forget for a moment that the SS'ers are an off shoot of the Johnny Sulentic fan club of Croats that occupied the South side of Swangard many moons ago. Let's also forget that they're about as organized as an elementary school fire drill. What I'd like to focus on is the lack of class exhibited in Seattle by these fake accent hoodlums!

Example. 11 year old (approx) kid in a Sounders jersey walks up the Whitecaps fan section in Seattle (probably on a bet). Walked right up to the top, and attempted to walk back down. Idiot SS'ers are calling him a cnut, a piece of shite, etc..etc. As he is making his way down a very steep set of stairs, a very brave thirty-something SS'er pushes him in the back nearly sending him head over heels down the stairs, while his counterparts took turns punching him. Did I mention he was roughly 11 years old?? When security comes up to save the kid, the brave thirty-something is hidden by his cohorts, and even with myself and the rest of the disgusted non SS'ers trying to point him out, he is left to high five his "mates". We were getting evil stares for the rest of the game, but given that we were older than a Junior High student, nobody said or did anything to us.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
That is disgusting stuff Bronco, back when I was a very active member of the SS, who you correctly pointed out got their start in life from the croats who used to congregate behind the south goal, I remember that, we used to be have drinks and be friendly with the Timbers Army folks and ECS... that's the sort of stuff you're gonna get when you grow from a disorganized group of 30-70 people depending on the game/weather to 700+ paid members, half of which think it's a firm from Football Factories.

Blue and White Army

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Dirty Money
Lots of armchair critics, here.

You're going to criticize some Southies for being fat/old/bald? News flash: these are primarily supporters, not players. Ever looked at the BC Lions or Canucks crowd? They're not supermodels, either. And if VMSL/FVSL/PCSL players are supposedly the epitome of fitness, here's a recent photo of Jason Jordan:


The Southies have been going for 12 years now. It's easy to scoff; and to those that do, just what have you contributed in terms of atmosphere at Whitecaps matches? Drinking six plastic cups of rice- and corn-brewed Budweiser doesn't count, other than making you a walking ATM for PavCo.

There have been countless little pockets of guys who have talked smack against the Southsiders since the MLS era started, arguing that they could out-do the Southsiders for noise. None now exist. They have all dissipated into nothing... just like the accoustics at Empire!

So, quite frankly, either step up, or STFU. Because the only chant I've heard all season long from the sidelines is "WHITE - CAPS".

As for "Supporting you tonight" being too "kumbaya"... it's the Chilean chant "Vamos Chilenos". It has a great beat when done with a drum. I suppose most people on here aren't familiar with chants other than British ones... your loss, really.

The core of the Southsiders get on fine with Portland supporters. We went to one of their benefit events this summer, and likewise we hosted an event the night before the recent Vancouver-Portland match that both Southsiders and Timbers Army attended.

As Johnnybluenose stated, the group grew from 30-70 people to 700+ paid members in a short span of time. It was inevitable that some douchebags would enter the group. They will fall away with due course.

Is it really fair to tarnish the reputation of the entire 700+ group for the actions of one small group of dickheads? If your allegations are correct, it's shameful behaviour, and I would have called them out for it, had I seen it. But regardless of the age, invading the opposition's segregated section is a stupid act. It doesn't excuse the alleged actions of the group of dickheads, but it's still provocation. Try it anywhere else in the world and see how you get on.

Speaking of provocation, I've seen players scrap at nearly every single VMSL/PCSL match I've seen to, so let's not play the holier-than-thou card just yet, yeah?

Smooches! :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Lots of armchair critics, here.

You're going to criticize some Southies for being fat/old/bald? News flash: these are primarily supporters, not players. Ever looked at the BC Lions or Canucks crowd? They're not supermodels, either. And if VMSL/FVSL/PCSL players supposedly are........

you obviously missed the PAU Christmas Calendar a few years back :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think you are missing the point...

And the embarrasment of your group started long before MLS.

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
But regardless of the age, invading the opposition's segregated section is a stupid act. It doesn't excuse the alleged actions of the group of dickheads, but it's still provocation. Try it anywhere else in the world and see how you get on.

Speaking of provocation, I've seen players scrap at nearly every single VMSL/PCSL match I've seen to, so let's not play the holier-than-thou card just yet, yeah?

Smooches! :p

I'm not here to get into this pish except to ask, 'how exactly does an 11 year old provoke an adult?' You're suggesting that 'anywhere else in the world', an 11 year old could be in soapy bubble for how did you put it again.....ah yes....'invading' a segregated section?? You're having a laugh, right?

I agree that it is unfair to paint the group entire with one paintbrush, but if they are representing the group, then the group either have to deal with the backlash or sort it internally.....maybe a wee kangaroo court or something:rolleyes:

You say that the group of dickheads can't be excused for their actions yet you blame the idiocy of an 11 year old??!!?? Mate, if you are amongst the honourable, sensible portion of the South Siders, then perhaps that paintbrush just got wider.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
As for "Supporting you tonight" being too "kumbaya"... it's the Chilean chant "Vamos Chilenos". It has a great beat when done with a drum. I suppose most people on here aren't familiar with chants other than British ones... your loss, really.

I am very familiar with many non-british chants (Italy, France, Spain) thank you very much but I stand firmly by the statement I made. It's too Kumbaya, nevermind that it's from Vamos Chilenos. Don't take it personally mate I also lump "You'll never walk alone" into that category (HI REGS!!!).


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
B&W Army,

You start with:

Lots of armchair critics, here

You're going to criticize some Southies for being fat/old/bald?

And further on you say:

Is it really fair to tarnish the reputation of the entire 700+ group for the actions of one small group of dickheads?

I've gone through this thread and one poster went with a physical appearance slag.

Nice touch with the JJ comeback, I would guess he was a SS fav back when he was USL MVP? Seems pretty "douchy" thing to do but what do I know?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money

I, personally, enjoy the atmosphere and fun at the games. Maybe its because I have a few pints and have a go at the opposition on throw-ins, and corners. And my kids love it too. "Hey 12... your shoe's untied"... "nice pass... you have a club foot??"... all in good fun. And i will stick up for the SSers... the constant singing and chanting is great for the atmosphere. Including the "whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah..... YOU FAT BASTARD" on goal kicks.... and the "BOOOOOM" when Joe hits one. Kids freakin love it, and I love it when they're having a good time (the kids know bastard is a bad word, and they can only say it at the soccer games).

My beef with the SSers is the unnecessary swearing. It doesnt add anything. It shows lack of creativity.

I think with a little help with creativity and organization, the SSers will continue to grow and continue to add to the atmosphere at the park.

Part of the reason why i would like to call back the "White is the color" song. It is well known, and I would bet you that a lot of people in the stadium would chime in and sing it if it had a good start from the SSers. There is no debating they can be heard loud and clear from my section (209). Really... how cool would it be to have the whole stadium singing like YNWA.

Looking forward to the game tonight. Taking my wife and parents for their first time at the new stadium. Go 'Caps!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
There was a chant at one point in the old days to the effect of "Who ate all the pies and then won the golden boot? JJ Did..." or something to that effect.


I guess, afaik, only myself and Stallion are card carrying Southsiders who are also frequent TTP participators... both of us are very VERY arms length to the SS now but were certainly always present at Swangard tailgates and Southside during matches and such.

I can be the first to admit that these days the SS is just not the same. I get what they're doing and these days it's just not for me, on may levels for various reasons. (I'm not trying to speak on behalf of IS21 either)

to Dude's comment. I know Dude is always half serious half windup and always blunt... I don't know what is "embarrassing" about the SS really... the actions and activities might be fun for some and embarrassing for others, I guess it's opinion/perception etc... Dude, what specifically is embarrassing re the Southsiders iyho?

I'd say that the tifo activities of the SS pale in comparison to those from the ECS and TA, and I'd also suggest that the FO of the Timbers and the Sounders also have a very good or at least amiable relationship with their supporters groups, in fact even helping them promote themselves and give themselves every opportunity to grow their brand etc...whereas the Caps FO has always had a standoffish relationship with the SS'ers, I know: I was one of the two O.G. Southsider FO liaisons back in the day alongside Johnnie Monster. Hopefully the pesudo-roof in the form of a sail helps the SS voices carry further than at tempire and at Swangard in the past and they can be heard loud and clear. Whether you like it or not the SS will be present and will be, out of sheer numbers alone, the loudest fans at games at BC Place, unless, of course, the TA or ECS are in town... :p

Blue and White Army

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Dirty Money
Well, the main argument I'm reading is that the Southsiders are an embarrassment. However, no actual examples of how they are embarrassing are noted. Are they supposed to guess?

The criticism I hear from TTP members of the Southsiders is exactly the same as many of the douchebags who attended Whitecaps matches this year because it's a "major-league event". And that is: "Ewwwww, gross! They're making effort! That's so uncool! I'll rather just sit around passively in my seat and be entertained by some kingfisher mascot while spilling cheap lager down my pie-hole. I wouldn't be caught dead making any sort of effort to contribute to the atmosphere!"

If that was the mentality in Toronto, Seattle and Portland, then their MLS matches would have no atmosphere either. Think about it.

If being passive at a match is your thing, then fine. But complimenting Portland or Seattle supporters, and then turning around and slagging off the Vancouver supporters, is moronic.

The post on the Southsiders' forum that the TTP crew have no idea what it takes to organize a supporters group is absolutely spot-on. You haven't a clue. I'd love to see you try. (And I genuinely mean that.)

Most of the chants I've seen posted on here have already been done. Same old, tired UK chants. If you think a list of three or four old songs is going to beat more than a decade of effort with the Southsiders... you're having a laugh.

The noise at the second BC Place match was much, much better than the first match. Don't forget that the Portland supporters you've complimented have had the luxury of having a large, general-admission stand with a roof for many years now... as well as a cooperative (if not outright supportive) front office. Meanwhile, the Southsiders were given two rickety aluminum bleachers (with no roof for amplification) at Swangard, which prevented numbers from growing from year to year. They were basically starting over from scratch at Empire Field, and again (to a lesser degree) at BC Place. And don't get me started on how many barriers this new "Tottenham" version of Vancouver Whitecaps have put up against the Southies.

If you lot are too lazy/passive to get involved with creating atmosphere, then that's fine... but slagging off those who make effort, because they make effort, while you lot make absolutely zero effort... speaks for itself.

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