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Scottish Premier League News 2005/06


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
sid said:
hey buck-plastic
in case your little pea brain was not aware,manchester united are a catholic based team,they are like liverpool,look at most proddy teams!ie rangers-blue ,everton-blue,man cshitty -blue,chelsea-blue,blackburn-blue these are all hun teams,catholic based teams.liverpool,united,forest,arsenal,these teams were the only teams that would sign Irish players 10 to 40 years ago ,fcuk the huns forever,fcuk you too plastic scotsman from canada with a pig farming daddy
:eek: :eek: :wa:

Did you fall on your keyboard and double click "submit reply"?

Can't wait to watch Wigan tomorrow. Good Protestant folk so they are.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
To get back on topic.........Is there a potentital WOBBLE in the 2006 CL winner's camp? :D GIRUY. Short term, yes, but it will do for now. :D Although those bastard mini-Huns managed to win again, opening up a SIX point lead over the Huns and 8 point lead over Celtic.....Kilmarnock is humping again...........definitely an interesting year.....

Wobble Wobble Loyal

Huns 0 Hibs 2

We are a peepil Loyal


Amazing what happens when a team has to play against 11 players for the full 90 minutes at Shitbrox, isn't it? ;) :D


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
This league is wide open this year.

Hearts 5 and 0.

No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too funny.

Bucky, oh Bucky........ ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
BlueNoseJohn said:
Sid, check your pea brain.

I work with an EVertonian, and now you shall stand corrected...
The Clubs in Liverpool both were founded by Middle Class Protestants. A historical myth suggests the opposite of what you suggest: Everton: Catholic, Liverpool : Protestant
The guy I work with from Liverpool who is a staunch Everton Supporter is a Roman Catholic.

Read this:http://www.toffeeweb.com/fans/beingblue/religion.asp

Further evidence that Sectarian Bigoty, although retaded and having no place in football is still only evident in the Old Firm.

hey jonny boy ,your wrong,i am 100% correct ya proddy cnut,from canada
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Bad showing at home today

Die Ivan Sproule, DIE.
Whoever the fcuk you are...

My fcuking God.

I was looking at the snaps of the match and seriously - Is there anyone over the age of 25 playing at Hibs?

We obviously got fcuking humped today and we better get into shape.
As much as the positive European campaign start has been brilliant it will mean FCUK ALL soon and we'll be in danger of not even having the chance next year to go to the CL.

As Coach and I said earlier, there appears to be three other sides in this year's campaign in the Jambos, the Sheep Shaggers and the Mini-Tims.
That one was for you Captain. ;)


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Bad showing at home today

Rangerforever said:
Die Ivan Sproule, DIE.
Whoever the fcuk you are...

My fcuking God.

I was looking at the snaps of the match and seriously - Is there anyone over the age of 25 playing at Hibs?

We obviously got fcuking humped today and we better get into shape.
As much as the positive European campaign start has been brilliant it will mean FCUK ALL soon and we'll be in danger of not even having the chance next year to go to the CL.

As Coach and I said earlier, there appears to be three other sides in this year's campaign in the Jambos, the Sheep Shaggers and the Mini-Tims.
That one was for you Captain. ;)


Don't worry too much about the humping today, RF. I heard that big Eck was resting everyone for his ASSAULT on the Champions League this year.............BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Like he said, they should be able to compete with all the big teams if everyone is healthy.......like the competed with Hibs today at home. Keeping it to 3 - 0 was good.......:D

Honestly, the scores this year are unbelievable......:)

This could be the closest SPL race in years, especially in terms of having more teams involved in the chace. Kilmarnock is even banging in a few goals......Here is the SPL.....5 games in and it looks a little strange.......

Bank of Scotland Scottish Premier League Table
1 Hearts 5 12 15
2 Kilmarnock 5 5 10
3 Hibernian 5 4 10
4 Rangers 5 2 9
5 Celtic 4 2 7
6 Inverness CT 4 2 7
7 Aberdeen 5 1 7
8 Motherwell 5 -4 4
9 Dundee Utd 4 -4 4
10 Falkirk 5 -7 3
11 Dunfermline 4 -2 2
12 Livingston 5 -11 1

Fcuk, we need to win by 3 clear goals tomorrow just to level with Kilmarnock. An interesting year indeed........

Hail Hail


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Report on SkySports News:

Scottish football chiefs have today dealt another blow to the already beleagured state of the game north of the border.

The Chairmen of Kilmarnock, Hearts and Hibernian called an emergency meeting to discuss the possibility of all 3 clubs moving to the English Premiership.

In an exclusive interview, Hearts manager, George Burley said, "Obviously, the three clubs are doing well but we have nowhere to go from here. We need Premiership football to remain competitive and avoid going stagnant, we do feel for the clubs that are left behind but believe that in the long run, they would be better off in a more evenly matched league."

The clubs' competitors in the SPL have reacted angrily to the proposed move. Rangers' ropey Danish winger, Peter Lovenkrands said, "This is just typical of the influence money has in the modern game. I can't believe that the so-called "big boys" in the SPL would try to cut us adrift and not expect us to moan".

Celtic, whilst refusing an interview, released the following statement, "Celtic football club are strongly opposed to this move and will fight it by any means necessary as long as it doesn't cost any money. We feel that it is just another example of the leagues bias towards Rangers and the ongoing conspiracy against Celtic."
SkySports would like to point out that this is the same statement that Celtic have released every week for the last 7 years.

In other news, Total Network Solutions' application to join the Premiership on the grounds that they finished in the top half of the League Of Wales, erm, league, has been rejected by Arsenal diety, David Dien.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Did you see the game today? Did Hibs deserve to win by that much? :confused: Big Eck said Rangers squandered a few chances in the first half(though he usually says this in defeat) and Hibs took their chances in the second half.......


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Thankfully, I missed today's match. Another late night wedding event followed by a solid session of kitchen renovation. Domestic life is fcukin' bliss.

Can't speak to the performance, but will take Eck's word for it. Obviously he's got it under control :rolleyes:

Maybe I was onto something with the Valencia shout? Or how about Barca for me and Royal Madrid for you? Gotta keep it spicy.


PS - send my regards to your Oirish partner in crime. That Sid's a laugh.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Early update.......

Dunfermline 0 Celtic 2

Zurawski finally scores with a neat finish and Hartson scores after the Dunfermline defense decided to give him a goal.......

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Dunfermline have taking over the game as Celtic are looking lethargic....leading to a Dun penalty which is saved by big Boruc. This guy looks great.....

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Dunfermline 0 Celtic 4

Zurawski with another goal after Nakamura scores his first for the Hoops. Zurawski was lively today and Hartson was a fat cnut. Fcuking disgraceful........

Lennon and Thompson no longer need to play for Celtic.....Lawson came on for Virgo, who was mince, and can do that job(Lennon's) very easily. He shut the middle down and Petrov was fcuking brilliant today. The proper captain wore the band today. Overall, a much better second half from the Bhoys, as Dunfermline were unlucky to be down by 2 goals at the half.......A fcuking great gift by the goalie to Hartson gave Celtic the second......

I think that moves Celtic into 3rd place behind Kilmarnock. :D and the Huns move to FIFTH.......


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Bad showing at home today

Captain Shamrock said:
Don't worry too much about the humping today, RF. I heard that big Eck was resting everyone for his ASSAULT on the Champions League this year.............BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


The daft cnut didn't rest ANYONE.
He was going with the same 11 that beat Famagusta until the last minute when he only inserted Stevie Thompson and Alex Rae into the line up.
Yes, you can have your laugh.
Let me continue.
However, yes, apparently we missed chance after chance in the first half but got outclassed in the second half.
Not the smartest of maneuvers to not make some changes early playing against the youth of Hibs.
Apparently young McCormack got into the match in the second half and was our lone bright light.
Too fcuking late by then.

Ian Murray must have been right fcuking choked after that performance and probably got the piss taken out of him by his ex-mates and support.

Good stuff on the SkySports Report Bucky. :D

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I saw the highlights, RF, and RAngers had two chances in the first half....Diddy Parsnips missed a sitter, as he put a rebound right into the keepers arms. The other effort was a longer shot but Nacho Nogoals.

All of the Hibs goals were IDENTICAL as everyone was a potent counter attack Brown ran the length of the park twice and another was an intercepted pass which led to the hat-trick hero getting behind a very SLOW looking Huns defense.......Bellamy would have had a field day against that defense. :D

Anyway, tight after 3 weeks, but I can't believe I'm hoping for the Huns to beat the mini-Huns when they meet next......


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
That was a decent performance by the Hoops today under the circumstances. Due to the changes enforced by Scotland's new number 1 whistler Grand Tube Douglas, Celtic looked less a team than a group of individuals. Strangely enough Dougal may have done us a favour by forcing WGS to make big changes. What they lacked in cohesion they made up for with skillful individual performances, mostly. Telfer was pish, a right back who can't tackle or pass. Bobo played well and was his usual commanding self, covered in someone else's blood. McManus, covered in his own blood isn't the finished product yet, either that or he really isn't good enough to play for Celtic. Camara has come on very well in his last two performances, though it would have been hard to be worse. Big Boruc may just be something Celtic haven't had in a long time, a quality goalie who doesn't lack confidence, the polar opposite of Big Rab. He made a great save from young Spock's well taken penalty, a peno caused by the lumbering clumsiness of Adam Virgo. I'm sure the boy is talented or WGS wouldn't have spent the money on him but he did not look comfortable replacing Lennon, (he could stand to lose a stone or two) and Celtic looked a much better organized unit after he was replaced by young Lawson. RF will be happy to know that Lawson is very much in the Paul Lambert mould.

Petrov performed superbly in the Captain's armband and showed exactly why so many of us were calling for him to be given it in the first place. Beattie played well on both flanks but was probably more effective on the left providing some great long low passes to Zurawski. Nakamura looked every bit the passenger he was last week at Legoland in the first half. Luckily he was much ,much more involved in the second, skinning, scoring, running, defending, he did it all. Hartson's single marker was embarrassingly easy and though his best contribution was accidently breaking Mason's cheekbone, I wouldn't call him a disgrace, he could tell that the day belonged to the no longer Tragic Magic Zurawski and he supported the pole suitably.

Magic scored two beauties and set up Naka's tap in. He makes great runs and obviously has the potential to be another Lubo.

I'm wondering if anyone else caught one of those monkey faced bastards (either Derek or Darren Young) forcefully shoving the linesman today as he got between Nakamura and Campbell? Hopefully it will be in the highlites on Fox tonight. It was much worse than anything Lennon did last week yet no foul was given and I don't see the papers calling for Young's execution yet.

I think I'll laugh at Rangers now.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
That was a decent performance by the Hoops today under the circumstances. Due to the changes enforced by Scotland's new number 1 whistler Grand Tube Douglas, Celtic looked less a team than a group of individuals. Strangely enough Dougal may have done us a favour by forcing WGS to make big changes. What they lacked in cohesion they made up for with skillful individual performances, mostly. Telfer was pish, a right back who can't tackle or pass. Bobo played well and was his usual commanding self, covered in someone else's blood. McManus, covered in his own blood isn't the finished product yet, either that or he really isn't good enough to play for Celtic. Camara has come on very well in his last two performances, though it would have been hard to be worse. Big Boruc may just be something Celtic haven't had in a long time, a quality goalie who doesn't lack confidence, the polar opposite of Big Rab. He made a great save from young Spock's well taken penalty, a peno caused by the lumbering clumsiness of Adam Virgo. I'm sure the boy is talented or WGS wouldn't have spent the money on him but he did not look comfortable replacing Lennon, (he could stand to lose a stone or two) and Celtic looked a much better organized unit after he was replaced by young Lawson. RF will be happy to know that Lawson is very much in the Paul Lambert mould.

Petrov performed superbly in the Captain's armband and showed exactly why so many of us were calling for him to be given it in the first place. Beattie played well on both flanks but was probably more effective on the left providing some great long low passes to Zurawski. Nakamura looked every bit the passenger he was last week at Legoland in the first half. Luckily he was much ,much more involved in the second, skinning, scoring, running, defending, he did it all. Hartson's single marker was embarrassingly easy and though his best contribution was accidently breaking Mason's cheekbone, I wouldn't call him a disgrace, he could tell that the day belonged to the no longer Tragic Magic Zurawski and he supported the pole suitably.

Magic scored two beauties and set up Naka's tap in. He makes great runs and obviously has the potential to be another Lubo.

I'm wondering if anyone else caught one of those monkey faced bastards (either Derek or Darren Young) forcefully shoving the linesman today as he got between Nakamura and Campbell? Hopefully it will be in the highlites on Fox tonight. It was much worse than anything Lennon did last week yet no foul was given and I don't see the papers calling for Young's execution yet.

I think I'll laugh at Rangers now.

Yah, that was unbelievable. Young pulled a bit and then shoved........Jinky, totally agree with everything but I would like to say that is was fcuking embarrassing watching Hartson today. He didn't give a fcuk about anything and should have been yanked well before half-time......Once again, the tub of shite failed to score past the 48 minute mark, which happens to be the latest he has scored this year. His fitness appears to be getting worse instead of better and he is giving up on balls. He was working hard the first 3 / 4 games and has been diabolical over the last 3. He needs a seat on the bench immediately..........

Hail Hail

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