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The May 17th Election

Who will you be voting for?

  • Liberals

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • NDP

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • Greens

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Who do you think will win? I think it's pretty obvious who will win, but I beleive the party in opposition will definitely have more than three seats. If the Liberals aren't careful.........

Being a union man it's pretty obvious who I will vote for. The ripping up of contracts sealed that deal for me.

What about you? There is a poll attached, but it's an anonymous one. Just like realy voting!

What about this election reform referendum. I haven't heard or read much about it. Anyone have any info on it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Solidarity Brother!!! I agree also... all we need is for that Drunk to tear up our city contracts and i get screwed just like my mom and friends that worked in the hospital did. I still think it will be a liberal win though :( , but there should be many more NDPers with seats as well. Hopefully. :confused:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A strong opposition will be good for a strong economy under a Liberal majority moving forward- so yes, your votes are valued.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
So far we have an intense battle between the Libs and the NDP. A 7 - 7 tie and a government essentially controlled by the Greens. God help us.

After the huge debate last night, has anyone swayed one way or the other?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I was swayed into believing that the Greens, not the NDP, would be the best party in opposition. Adrian Carr (SP?) seems to be very bright, with some good ideas, while Carol James and her party have no imagination, and do nothing to assure me that in government they wouldn't destroy the economy like they did before.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
The Adrian Carr crapola is being perpetrated by the Liberals and the Greens to keep down the NDP vote. She will hopefully win her seat but will not likely carry anyone else in with her. That is fine. Her Green Party philosophy is severely at odds with the very society and economy we have here in BC so that won't work in government.

The campaign run by James and the NDP is brilliant and low key which will get her a ton of support on May 17. Contrary to what Gordon Campbell said in asking voters to elect a government, many BC voters will be doing what they can to elect an Official Opposition with sufficient numbers to qualify for staff and research funding to enable them to oppose properly.

Two opposition MLAs is too few to have a democracy. Many of the back bench Liberal clowns who sat on their butts quietly in front of the Premier and who came home to deliver bad news after bad news will not be rejoining the Premier in the Government caucus after this election is done. He will have a smaller majority this time and I would not at all be surprised if by May 17th this is even looking closer.

Governments are like coaches. They get too much credit when a team is winning and too much blame during bad times. Right now, commodity prices (metals, wood, etc. are sky high) and interest rates continue to be low. These two together have done more to create a decent BC economy in terms of GDP than any action of govenment including their tax cuts. What was chosen by the government was to make progress on the backs of the lower income citizens around BC by upping user fees for heath and MSP big time. These guys in the first two years AFTER their tax cut for the rich ran BC's deficits to the highest levels ever and also ran up our provincial debt. The federal government with our federal tax dollars have funded much of our recent progress in BC.

If you think Gordon Campbell treated British Columbians like a drunken wife beater then wait and see what he does if he wins big.

I can tell you that you will be getting more expensive car insurance if the Liberals are back. They have put in place legislation that allows Cabinet to dismantle all or part of ICBC without ANY legislative debate. Check out the rates in Ontario for drivers under 25 or singles living with roommates or a fiancee with a couple of tickets. The legislation (on the books) but unproclaimed yet provides for an "insurer of last resort" meaning that in open competition where they won't insure you because you live in Surrey and have no car garage you can go to the insurer of last resort who will cover you for the highest rates in the country. In Ontario, this called the Facility Association and the rates are out of sight for most. The government in Ontario now is trying to get insurers to reduce the number of people in the insurer of last resort who have NEVER HAD A CRASH OR CLAIM (eg. theft or at fault crash).

I have always liked moderate governments but I fear a big majority for Premier Campbell will lead to him doing a lot more bad stuff than he did last time as he just might pull a Bill Bennett and say who cares as I am not going to run for a third term.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You are on the mark with your assessment of the righting of the economy, in that much of the improvement has to do with outside forces. I'd argue that a lot of the "red tape" that existed previously in the mining sector has been eliminated, making it much easier for that sector to run it's business, but whatever.

One factor you forget to mention is the intangible: optimism. You recall what it was like in the midst of Clark's Government...terrible. Businesses big and small closing shop or moving to Alberta, and a general negative atmosphere. I recall the first day after the Liberals were elected, there was an extra bounce in the step of my clients; they were excited, for once, about the future, that FINALLY we had a pro-business government in place. The difference, from day one was very noticeable, and I think most companies- after hitting rock bottom in the 6 months after 911- will tell you that since then the bottom line has shown nothing but improvement.

The day the NDP is re-elected in this Province is the day I will give very strong consideration to selling out and moving the familly out of the province, possibly the country. I just can't go through that again.

Besides running a brilliant campaign, can you tell me what- if any- original ideas Carol James will bring to government? She's a muppet in the true sense of the word. What I hope happens is that whatever happens, we have a strong minority that will keep the libs accountable, especially for some of the boneheaded moves these guys have done in the past 4 years to stick it to social programs. A balanced budget is important, but not at the cost of the needy...and that's the moral dilemma I've had as a voter. I could give a flying fcuk about all the union rhetoric (most of the union sector will vote without a thought to the real impact of a majority NDP government..."I stick with my brothers"...fcuking sheep), but I have a problem with the needy not being looked after.


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
Do large oppositions actually help? I figure they just intentionally screw the majority every chance the can bottle-necking the political process. They seem to typically work not to help the people but make the majority look bad so that they can hopefully win the next election...
I always find myself choosing the lesser of two evils. If Liberals get in and have tax cuts and so forth but close hospital beds, I'd end up spending the difference on insurance incase I need to go pay for surgery in the states if I need it.
But if the NDP is in then there may be a bed but no doctor since they spend so friggon long on strike every time the NDP gets into office.
So where will I actually see a difference? What can the NDP offer the other half of the population who isn't a union lacky? I suppose that with Liberals in power at least when your contract gets torn up there is still a job out there somewhere for you...
I guess my question is; does the NDP really look out for me if I'm not in a union? If so, how? And just so I that I understand... how does the NDP help union members? Practically the whole province was on strike when the NDP ran the show... isn't that how the Liberals got in in the first place (that and those ferries)?


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I predict a Liberal victory, not sure by how much though. Another intangible to consider is property values(even though low interest rates are a main factor). Home owners may be thinking of this on election day, sometimes status quo may be the way to go.

As far as taxes go, its the increase in most consumption taxes where this government eloquently keeps silent. Even with the half percent decrease in pst, there is a net increase in consumption taxes. If the Liberals really want my vote, then scrap the extra 3.5 cent fuel tax imposed a year ago and lower the pst to 5 percent.
Provincial income taxes have slightly decreased, but I doubt most of us have really noticed. :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Personally, I don't see the need to have to promise more tax breaks. I think a promise- and a kept promise- to focus on an improved Medicare system at the current tax rate will go farther with most voters. Spending commitments to improve facilities.

In the last election, Campbell made the promise and followed through with lowering income tax. He didn't have to...he had that election in the bag going in, but he did this anyhow. Most high earners don't notice a big gain there. But, on the net level, the loss of income to the Province was significant. If you want to lower taxes for the individual, give more breaks in the form of write-offs: allow families to write-off things like sports registration, swimming lessons, skating lessons, music lessons, etc. Anyone who pays $50.00 to enter the Sun Run. Whatever- just get creative.

On the last go around, to use a negotiating term, he "left a lot of money at the table" he didn't need to. I thought it was a dumb and unnecessary scheme to buy votes he already had.


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
The medical system needs more money? Perhaps in the short term, but another solution needs to be figured out. A fully operational Private and public health care system may be the way to go. Lets not keep throwing money at the problem.

Those tax credits for recreational activities are fine, I would encourage this idea. How about downsizing government, if we amalgamate a few ridings how much would we save in expenditures? This could mean more tax cuts, which would potentially lead to more investment in the province.

Mr. Rempa

Jul 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Dude said:
The day the NDP is re-elected in this Province is the day I will give very strong consideration to selling out and moving the familly out of the province, possibly the country.

Go NDP go :D :D :wa:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A mile away Gerry! :D I have to admit, after teeing it up like that, I was a little shocked not to see a fast reply from KNVB.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
vratar said:
The medical system needs more money? Perhaps in the short term, but another solution needs to be figured out. A fully operational Private and public health care system may be the way to go. Lets not keep throwing money at the problem.

Those tax credits for recreational activities are fine, I would encourage this idea. How about downsizing government, if we amalgamate a few ridings how much would we save in expenditures? This could mean more tax cuts, which would potentially lead to more investment in the province.

I didn't say more money, but less won't help either. Agree that a complete overhaul is needed, but you have to keep current funding in place to invest in improvements to facilities. The administration of the services would be the one area where we could save astronomically.

Not sure if I'll ever agree that we need more outright cuts to our personal tax levels, but there is an argument to be made for corporate tax cuts to attract capital investment. How far they could go before increasing returns stop is a totally different question.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:
... but there is an argument to be made for corporate tax cuts to attract capital investment.

Ya, great idea cutting taxes for the HUGE corporate sector (all of Campbells buddies) so we can become more like the United States, the exact place Dude wants to move if the NDP (a political party for the people) gets in. I second, "Go NDP Go". I tell ya, I would love to move out of this province if the Damn Liberals and Mr. Campbell get in for another 4 years. All he has done is go after the working class people of this province in order to help BIG Business, he calls the NDP "BIG Labour" well lets tell it like it is, he is BIG Business, Fukc the working class, lets get everyone working for 6 bucks an hour, with all the profits going to share holders and all this over-sea's investment. 6 bucks, ya right, well thats what Campbell did to the minimum wage and the kids that make it. How about trying to sell of the Coq. Hwy., at least he was stopped on that one. He takes credit for getting the Olympics to Vancouver and kick starting the province, come on he is riding the coat tails of these Olympics, any party in power would look good, with all the Federal money that is coming into this province for the Olympics.

I am hoping that BIG LABOUR will get involved with this election coming up, if all the ridings in BC are going to be fairly close, which the polls say they will, if every Union Member in each one of those ridings gets out and votes against the Liberals, then this Mad Man might be stopped, if not, sit back and watch what he is going to do to all the working people in this province in the next 4 years.



New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
how exactly does the proposed electoral reform work? i am still not sure as to what they are seeking and if it would be a more effective and efficient system.

as much as i do not want to vote for the liberals for many reasons such as the rising costs of post secondary education and the farce that is the increased spots in universities and colleges, i do not see the ndp, the green party or any other really offering a positive alternative. the ndp seems to be saying what people want to hear. cut this, improve that, and they really are not even publicizing any plan to implement their changes. i am a reform liberal by ideology but the bc liberals are not as they tend to classical liberalists with a heavy emphasis on big business. this is a concern as foreign investment is needed and as such it could push local companies out as the olympics near.

the much promoted expansion of spaces in post secondary is coming at a huge cost to students already in attendance and even more so to bc students in the future. instead of providing funds for students who are unable to afford the increasing tuition rates, they have cut funding to student financial plans such as loans and general funding to schools. this was done to increase spaces at these institutions. what isnt focused on so much is the fact that there is no guarnatee that these spots will go to bc students. the most likely way it will play itself, and at ubc especially, these spots will go to those from outside the province and international students who pay larger tuitions as a way to compensate for less funding. this creates a lot of tension as many people i know had the grades necessary to be at either sfu or ubc but were not accepted due to students coming in from outside bc.

unfortunately the government in place now has operated in such a fashion that has alienated much of the middle class and below as it neglects the needs of the majority. the liberals have created many more employment positions but how many of them are actually jobs with decent wages with strong opportunities for advancement? the softwood lumber tariffs have hurt that section of the economy as many have been laid off. the lowering of minimum wage to 6.00 was something that was understandable with the idea that once a student is trained the student could now earn 8.00. the problem with that is that it does not take 500 hrs to learn how to do a few tasks repeatedly and as workers near 500 hrs, their hours are cut to slow down a process which could take well over a year. as such, many have left those jobs directly for higher paying jobs that do not leave enough free time to go to school or even to get a trade.

it is difficult and i will probably end up voting for an independent out of frustration with all parties as they only seem to be running their wheels to get the support of key demographics with none trying to find the solutions best for the province.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Fish on!

House would be a shack, subject to being blown away every winter, and lots of sand fleas...but we could get ourselves a spear, a couple of lobster bags, and a wireless connection. No footy to speak of, but good surf.

Keep the cooler stocked, the mast ready, and the coals on standby. I'm liking this already.


Back on topic: union guys are sheep, down with NDP.


New Member
Apr 19, 2005
Dirty Money
NDP=The "I don't wanna work party, I just wanna bang on my drum all day." LIBERALS baby another term in office to help correct the days of darkness the NDP spiraled our province into. "Dude" you make some great points! Unions geez, unions are the same reason we don't have hockey this year!

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