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TTP Champions League - food for thought

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
It is going to be nothing more than a whole lot of talk untill others step in.
What can I or the Dipper or anyone else do at this point except offer opinions and support?
We need the guys with pull and leverage to their respective clubs and leagues to step in and help at this point.

It sounds like there is a theory as to the schedule and timeline etc...format of tourney etc... We just need a buy in now, so that the day the Leagues are over, and final tables are posted, Rich and Regs can do a drw here live on TTP Radio for all to hear for the 2008-2009 TTP Champions League, or CSL OCC Western Qualification Tourney, or Marcus Dressel Memorial, or whatever the competition is called.

I can offer not much at this time. I have talked to Rich in the flesh, on TTP, and on the phone...but i am not going to waltz into Azzi's office, as most of us on TTP here would look foolish doing so, and demand he buys in...I am a manager and player of a new team in the FVSL and a new team to LUFC. I have limited contacts other than knowing players.

I think I could do a good job penning a support letter that each team could forward (petition style) to Azzi and any other Hurdles we may encounter for a buy in at that level...

I echo your comments Dude. People can talk, but it means nothing without putting feet to ground. I appreciate and agree with Ghouses vision and work ethic on this, and will help in any fashion I can, Big dippers ideas aside, but the number 1 hurdle right now is getting the leagues blessings. If we knock that fence down then I would imagine smooth sailing the rest of the way.
Jun 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Dude, shut the hell up.

It was bad typing on my part. I was going to email him anyways, I already did. Poor choice of words.

You are one to talk about bailing, go deal with your "personal matters"....


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I just got off the phone with Rich, he apologizes for not being here 24/7 ;) as he is competing in a Poker Tourney at the River Rock...

We did chat a bit and he said he will be on here a bit later on

a few suggestions
1. we keep piss taking down to a minimum here to avoid flare ups trying to organize a tourney (some people don't get the gist of it if you know what I mean;) )
2. we stage meetings at pre-determined times here on TTP in a dedicated thread from time to time, it seems that since the city is a bit far and wide, and we all have busy lives and families, this may be the easiest way to organise, for now...
3. People with no interest or postive input should refrain from posting to keep things moving in a forward manner
4. People,especially TTP'ers, should talk about the prospect of such a tourney with their managers, players, and league officials they know and deal with regularly to keep bumping and gauging interest levels so that this can be a reality


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not going to get into that, but believe me you little pissant, you wouldn't want any part of my "personal" stuff. Trust me- leave it at that.

You get on here and attack Bluenose, completely unprovoked. You take shots at guys all over this site, yet don't have the balls to step up and tell them who you play for.

You claim you are a Premier player and would like a cup like this? Well, do something about it. I will not be participating in any form, I'd just like to see this go through for the betterment of soccer in general. It is people like you and Bluenose who have a vested interest that need to do something about it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Okay, don't know the best way to attach a download...so i will post in the letter so far...please read it and make comments/edits/etc... to it, please keep and criticism constructive
To Whom It May Concern,

Re: TTP Champions League (actual name to be confirmed later)

Rich G*********, President of the Athletic Club of BC, has for the last two years staged an open tournament open to all wishing to enter, from various leagues such as the VMSL, FVSL, BMSA, VISL, and RSSL. Then last summer Rich was able to parlay that tournament into a berth in the Semi Finals at the CSL Open Canada Cup, the closest thing that Canadian Senior Soccer has to an FA Cup style tournament, where the chance that an Amateur side can compete with Professional or semi-professional sides for a truly National Tournament. Columbus Clan of BC lost in the tournament finals, and from all accounts truly enjoyed the experience.

The thought is to stage an FA Cup or UEFA Champions League style tournament, with midweek games so as not to conflict with league and cup games, where the eventual winner will be able to compete in the CSL OCC, win some prize money, and have another trophy/cup out there for teams and clubs to aspire to winning. A tournament that will allow teams to play other teams in other leagues is something that most Senior Soccer Clubs, teams, managers, and players would relish. The format has yet to be 100% finalized, that being said the tournament will be a long-running, multi-month tournament whereby teams are drawn to play games at the various rounds with a single knockout and introduce teams as the rounds progress based on their performance from the Year previous, again, reminiscent of the UEFA Champions League. The idea, thus far, has FVSL and VMSL Division 2 Teams randomly drawn to play each other, and leave half of the initial draw as eliminated. The FVSL and VMSL Division1 teams would then be drawn in to face the successful Division 2 sides in either a two game aggregate score or single knockout format. Then the Premier Teams would enter the fold and so on. VMSL and FVSL division 3 teams would only be allowed to participate on an invite only basis to ensure competion is kept at the desired level and that would be the same for other Leagues that participate in BC Soccer sanctioned leagues, whereby the teams would be allowed to participate with their respective leagues blessing (BMSA, RSSL, VISL)

In order to get the new tournament organized and rolling the Tournament committee wishes to have the Leagues approve of the tournament prior to having member clubs participate. BC Soccer Association, the Vancouver Metro Soccer League, and the Fraser Valley Soccer League are the three crucial parties that need to buy in to make this idea a reality for the Senior Soccer players in the Lower Mainland. In fact we would be more than happy to have input and advice from the people and organizations that run said leagues, while realizing that those individuals already have a large workload due to their current roles as executive and committee members of their organizations. We are not asking for the Leagues to administrate or manage our tournament. A committee is being formed, sponsors are being signed up, format and schedules will soon follow, but of course the committee wishes to be given the blessing of the VMSL, FVSL and BC Soccer association, without the blessing, wisdom, advice, and input of the Big Three, this entire thought is simply a pipedream.
-wasn't sure if Ghouse wanted his last name posted up here...


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Sorry Guys I was playin and I might add winning at the BC Poker Championships at River Rock today. I will be out for another day ,tomorrow as well as I won the quallifier today.
I then raced down to 8rinks to play (ACBC vs Romainians FC )soccer where we won 4-1..All and all a good yet crazy day.
Man tonight was a cold one.
Anyways,I have not read this letter yet and will as soon as I have a second. Right now I am off to bed as 3.5 million is up for grabs and I could use some of it for sure.
Please bear with me for the next day or so.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
"The idea, thus far, has FVSL and VMSL Division 2 Teams randomly drawn to play each other, and leave half of the initial draw as eliminated. The FVSL and VMSL Division1 teams would then be drawn in to face the successful Division 2 sides in either a two game aggregate score or single knockout format. Then the Premier Teams would enter the fold and so on. VMSL and FVSL division 3 teams would only be allowed to participate on an invite only basis to ensure competion is kept at the desired level and that would be the same for other Leagues that participate in BC Soccer sanctioned leagues, whereby the teams would be allowed to participate with their respective leagues blessing (BMSA, RSSL, VISL)"

Great idea to have everyone included, but where are you going to find the field times, is Ghouse going to build another Burnaby Lake Turf?

The Imperial Cup used to be like the FA Cup, with Div. 3 teams starting out in Round 1 and then higher level teams coming in for the later rounds, what a great Cup. Well this no longer happens, one it is tougher to get field times and two, lower division teams are tired of drawing a Premier team onlyto get humped.

I thought this was going to be the best of the leagues, not include the crap of both leagues, just so everyone feels included and gets a chance at a Champions League game.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Not speaking for them, but I'd think:

1. The field availability issue is now lessened by a very large increase in lit turf facilities accross the lower mainland.

2. They'd only invite selected div. 3 teams.

I'd also say that it is at this point in concept only, and that details like that would be addressed only after getting the league(s) initial sanctioning. First you need their support to move forward w/ the idea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Fields shouldn't be a massive issue, not with the glut of turf etc available...I could be wrong.

The law of averages would state that an invited div 3 team or div 2 team that plays a premier team would be an exception and not the rule...The teams get introduced as the rounds progress...it would be a real cinderella run for a Div 3 team to playing an Inter or Columbus or Sporting in this tournament. It would stand to reason that the D1 teams would knock them off first...but the beauty of the thing is that upsets DO happen.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Fields shouldn't be a massive issue, not with the glut of turf etc available...I could be wrong.

Ya you are right, thats why there are 6 teams training at the same time on turf fields, and that the Mighty ACBC have to train at 10pm in Burnaby. There are lots of field times, how about 8pm on Sunday night in Abby.

Fields will be the biggest hurdle for this event, even bigger than the Azzi hurdle;).

Good luck, why not do it in the late summer, when there are lots of fields, and you don't need lights to play under.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Good luck, why not do it in the late summer, when there are lots of fields, and you don't need lights to play under.


You mean, like the ACBC Open, in August? Novel idea. Sombody should do that.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
You plan on playing all those games in 3 days, shitt you are going to have to move the tourny to the far north, can play games around the clock, the sun only goes down for an hour or so at night.

When is the best time for it then Dud, how about the X-mas break, there are no tourny's at that time of year?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Okay okay, I appreciate the input, but let's keep it going in a positive direction...no need to clutter.

Burnaby Lakes is a possibility, it is nice and central for most peeps, the reality of midweek games is that you will only get one game on a field, so as to ensure most folks can get there after work, and be up with more than 5 hours of sleep for work the next day. Therefore 7 or 8 pm kickoffs are going to proabably be the route to go.

Fields may or may not be an issue, but with a year to plan, perhaps we can iron out that wrinkle...keep in mind not all games in each round need to be played the same day.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday on a twice a month rotation should do it...


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
If Hockey games can be played 9/10pm on week day games i dont see why soccer games cannot... Teams that are interested can give up a practice time during a week to host the home game can they not? most teams have 2 practices and a game, why not just have 2 games and a practice? Might be easier then trying to secure a couple central tournament location


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Great for soccer in the lower mainland

Dutch13... Good point...
If started in the last week of August, you could get the first 3 rounds over by the end of September. Plus they could all be on grass fields before any light times become an issue. With the current situation in South Surrey, (October on) we could possibly play a Thursday night game at 9pm. The facility is great, imagine having big clean changerooms with showers (novel idea) and no burnaby parks board muppet kicking you out for having A beer! :rolleyes:

More food for thought... We all know Willie loves to come on TTP and find out everybody is talking about him (makes him feel important), but the bottom line is if BC soccer is on board and teams are willing to play then his opinion means fcuk all. He cannot stop any team from the VMSL playing in a BC soccer sanctioned tournament. Willie Azzi's existance is irrelivant here. Why would he (VMSL) support this tourney? His league has absolutely nothing to gain other than a few teams having bragging rights and spectators being treated to midweek games! :rolleyes: He did not come up with the idea nor will he support it. Dominance and superiority may be questioned if some mucker FVSL team beat one of the "top tier" VMSL teams? He doesn't want to jeapordise that now does he? The man just doesn't endorse anything he cannot control from start to finish. Sad state of existance if you ask me. ;)

Oh sorry, I thought this was TakeThePiss? Why over the last few years has good ole Azzi continued to balk on the idea of an allstar game with the FVSL? They should kill any pish the FVSL puts out on the pitch under ANY circumstance! :eek:


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Sorry guys I am back for a day then I am off to River Rock on Saturday as I have managed tp find my way onto the finals of the Poker tournament out there. Man If I can make it to Sunday Im going to throw one hellova party.
77k in chips in top 10%.
I am catchin up on here and lets see where to start.
I love all the Ideas which are being posted.
Before we get ahead of ourselves I need to have a few private meetings with some league guys to see if we can get our tournament sanctioned.
We do need a League to (sponcer) us for a lack of a better word.
That being said. We then need to put together a Fall/Winter/Spring Rough outline schedule.
Get a commitee of people together,people who will make it out to meetings and such.
Come up with a formate and rules.
Put it and the Idea down on paper.
Find sponcers,come up with a name.So but it will most likely be called the (Sponcers name) Champions Cup or something like that.
Decide what we are playing for.
Find refs and we should have linesmen too as to look pro and have way better games.Pay refs a little more than other games so as to ensure we are priority and get their attention,and quite frankly they deserve it. (the good ones).
5 subs a game is good for me aswell.
Signed or carded players for your team is who playes for you. NO pickups period. What ever id is used for each league the team is in is what will be used. Callups are allowed if your league allows it. But not after your league permits are frozen. (eg.FVSL Jan15)
Obviusly there are many more things that have to be discussed and hammered out.
Fields will be easyer than you think.
But you will get a late night 10pm game. Not many but you will.
Sorry . It sucks but nothing is perfect. Dont worry im sure you all have stayed up late once and a while havein beers,This will be easyer,unless you have beers too. LOL
We will have to make a sacrifice in the beginning to get this going. I am super confident that as time goes on more and more people and leagues and teams will love what we are doing and donate fields and contacts and help get teams from everyleague involved because we are havein so much fun.
Lets not bash Mr Azzi anymore when it comes to this topic as again he is not our enemy,as I do really beleive he only wants what is best for his league as that is his job.
We will come up with something to playfor for sure.
We will find support,We will find sponcers,We will find fields.
We will find someone to run this year after year as I am only starting it off.
Lets please stay focused on here and be posative. Ya its TTP ,,but you do know what im talking about. Capeesh.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Dude, Steller letter you wrote up.
I hope you dont mind if I use this as an outline for most of the work there is to do because you hit almost every point.

For those of you who do not know ,Dude sent me a proposal letter that I am not going to post as it is long and detailed and will not interest most for those reasons. But if you wish to see it please message me and I will forward it to you. With your permission Dude of coarse.
In short it details all what we have been discussing here. Only people wanting,, no let me refraze. Only people who are going to for sure help out please massage me..
Thanx again Dude


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No worries- do as you please with it.

The document I sent you is only an outline, and can be used as a platform for a full proposal to come. A final proposal, or business plan, will need to be presented to the FVSL & VMSL boards if / when they give the YES vote (w/ contingencies). I'll be happy to help you guys put it together.

At this time the executive(s) need to be directed to review it, comment on it, and vote on it. From here, you bring the two parties into the same room, address concerns, and hammer out the outline. Only once you get their sanctioning and agreement (and you make them sign a document to that extent), you bring it to the BCSA.

That's the way I see it falling in place, anyhow.

I also sent JBN a couple of my thoughts on strategy- who and how to approach first, prior to tableing the idea at a meeting.

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