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Canucks 2015/16 season

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Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Moved recently and haven't set up cable or internet yet so I have been listening to the games on the radio. Reminds me of when I was a kid listening to CKNW instead of doing my homework, we did a lot of loosing back then also so it really brings back the memories. Now only if the Steamer would lace them back up and Gretzky can break another record against us. Those were the days of a happy childhood that will forever shape me as disgruntled Vancouver sports fan.

A special hello to hospital patients, and shut-in's. The pensioners , the blind. The people who can't get out to games, but enjoy our broadcasts.....


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Always hated being called a shut-in but loved our lunch bucket teams that came out to play every game hard with very little skill.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bure, Adams, Twins, McLain,one will always remember. Twins are still by far the best two players club has.
I hoe they stay here as part of brass and build this club to future power house.
I hope Shnids gets the same treatment as Chicago keeper. Team is hard to watch at times and than again game like last knight.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
How about two big strong D to clear around the net Trace. Team plays well D sucks this year. Club has recalled Pedan a big strong guy I hope he gets to play and send one of them minos packing.
Robson was dam good TV guy same for Tommy. Those two guys now are like some clipped their testies.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs that is what life brings one starts as a child and one leave as on. Very few are lucky to be the other way.
Age is like good apple make sure you take care of it. Canucks can give you few extra scabs each year.
Their D is good for AHL, NHL standard needs more grit. I hope Benning goes and gets one or two guys with balls to clear around the net. At times we have five forwards and no D.
O well that's Canucks hockey lately. If it was not for twin brows we might need four games to see a goal score.
Horvat and Verinen need to wake up and shoot. Higgens should start a golf school. Edler needs bit more
Miller god help us perhaps second old lady on the side.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
True team test will be tonight, Canucks have lost seven straight games to the Stars. By beating M-Sota they show that top line and second line are OK. I hope they take the points in Dallas but that will be a huge task. Team should look at Mike Barkovski and Jake Kulevitch both have what it take to play in NHL. Both guys in their early twenties with high skating and puck moving ability. Both will be in NHL soon.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trace watching that game last knight showed that Canucks have no chance making play-off's this year. First line and fourth line are hard working lines. Second and third line are mostly dogging it. Guy like Vrbata should be moved to get a draft pick back and a younger guy to step it up with more size and pace same goes for Higgins. McCann is doing enough or more to stay here Hutten the same. Verinen could do way more, in my opinion Utica two years,Gernier here to take his spot. Ducks LA, and Arizona are way bigger clubs with same ability to skate. Some one has to do dirty work on the team to help the smaller players.
Prust should have kicked Gatzlafs ars.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Move Edler while we can still get something for him.

That being said, I'm willing to give the team a mulligan for last night's shite show.

We will be hard pressed to make the playoffs this year though.

Side note: Does WD look like he has turrets when the camera pans over to him behind the bench?

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs WD has a nervous twitch. Many hockey guys get that with high stress. In my opinion he needs to ask for trades to help his club, forget all that positive talk. It just makes him look like a junior coach.Turrets is a sad thing to have many young people suffer from that now days.
Perhaps Vrbata and Higgens have doggy turrets, both need kick in the ars and you are right Edler is just blowing smoke now days Burrows the same every since he got hurt last year. All four should go,to get bit of return.
If club misses the play-off's we will get zilch for each one. Fourth rounders are not making NHL now days. Except keepers.
Markstrom should play more than Miller, we would do better in the standings.
That's how I see it.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Both Edmonton and Canucks need help. Edmonton needs help on D Canucks up front. Both will not make the play-off's the way the are now. Edler needs new home,he is getting worse due to no respect for the coaches. Eberly and Hops to Vancouver Edler Shinkaruk to Edmonton. Both teams could end up in play-off's at the end of the season. We need speed and skill they need D and stronger wingers.
WD is twitching more and more. Edler will send WD home with a three week flue if he keeps on doing dumb things as he has been lately.
Even old Bieksa is doing better than Edler. Torts was spot on about Edler.
Fans will go nuts with his play and his and Hamies give away's. We need Randy C here to throw garbage can at him to wake up.Even Linden is getting old with these guys.
I don't know how Benning does it. He must be using more Pepto lately. Hard to watch, dart tournament looks better than our team last few games.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Frenchi I can not blame Prust or Dorsett. But I do think both coach and GM stinck. D is a total mess under size. We need C man with defensive mind that can win face offs. Riely Nash is avelable. Give them Vrbata bring the young man. He would be big help to D under preasure.
Club has four guys in the miners with way better size and strength than Biega or Weber. Archibuald is a forward that can also play D. Guys has size and dam strength. Should be here. Prdan should be here.
Jensen and Gernier both should be here. Vrbata should be moved same for Higgens or Burrows. Dam old no legs no point. If you are going to loose than do it with youth for future.
I can not understand WD he looks like he is going to die behind the bench. You can see Doug Lidster talking to all the players. Bo is trying to beat three guys each time he has puck. Dam well knows even one guy is not easy. Fourth line plays better than second and third.
Henrik needs to go to GM and ask for youth movement or for a trade for Higgens Burrows or Vrbata.
Team plays worse than with Torts.
Sea wall running would do the team world of good. Most could get rid of gas they are full of.
Sad to watch guys that make millions dog F-ing it.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trace that is what team lacks, Bingo bango and cheers. Prust and Dorssett woke up. Poor coach is way over his head,I hope he sorts it out soon.
Some how I think Greener will be here soon, it would do WD world of good to go to Utica and coach. It's no where near the pressure as NHL. But that is just my opinion. Green asks way more from his guys and sends them packing if they do not produce. WD protects the players from broadcasters. We all know every team goes through ups and downs but not this long with out player movement.

If it does not work change the team. I am sure there is five teams who could use Higgens,Vrbata or Burrows.
Nucks need bigger stronger more mean players.
Given chance Gernier and Archibuald will do better than Buirrows and Higgens. I am not sure if WD will ever give them a chance also Jensen to take place of Vrbata.

From with in I would change it. Go and buy few guys to help Utica. There is tons of college guys out there to help Utica. It is way much for young McCann and Vertinen. Both need AHL for a year or two. McCann is doing better but you can see he is very safe now. Big guys are running him every chance they get.
Vertinen is trying to figure it out but he needs to spend more time on thinking how to score than just crash and bash. He could be Cam Nealy if he spends way more time on shooting and cutting in. Corners are for twins.
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