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Entertaining the Captain


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny stuff

This is quickly becoming my favorite thread to read. Hillarious shite. One question: what is a
King Shti

Must be an East Indian saying you're not letting us in on, Champ.

As for the Captain and his delightfull cheesepuffs...I had the misfortune of marking him in a tourney game a couple of summers ago- lethal left foot. Screw U...I don't think I even got a dirty tackle in that day, did I? The ellusive Captain...lucky bugger. One of the few to escape the rath of Dude-where'smycar?...I have good excuses though: hangover, 9 players on our side vs. 11 and 3 subs...

Hey, one man never does make a team, but one player's leadership can. Club I was a great team a few years back, and will take its rightfull spot back in the Premiership in time. Give them 3-4 years, tops. Strong leadership creates strong loyalty in the team, and it looks like Club I has found the formula. Wait till next year when guys start flocking back...then you'll have real problems!

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
real problems


I agree, lots of entertainment bang for your buck in this thread.

As for the Captain and his delightfull cheesepuffs...I had the misfortune of marking him in a tourney game a couple of summers ago- lethal left foot. Screw U...I don't think I even got a dirty tackle in that day, did I?

It sure wasn't from lack of trying...

As for the Captain being a has-been, I'm not buying it, but I do have a theory to explain the troubles this year.

No one is sticking his nose up my arse and unfortunately, I mean fortunately, no one is sucking my mickey gilley

We all hope you can find the magic again Captain.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Club 18

Club 18,

Your one smart fellow..

King shite, hows that, understand now? Good.

Your exactly right, Club I is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.. simple as that..


The Champ :cool:

Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Irish 18

Irish 18, youre comments are absolutely brilliant. I too believe that Animals skills in net, are at about the same awkward level as Uglyballs skills with the ladies. As for Animals sister, is she dirty too?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well said, Big Bollocks. The only thing that was accurate about your post was that my career was a thing of the past, or something to that nature. I have no come back for a change. Hopefully, I get a chance to play against you before the leg stops functioning completely, because it would be a lot of fun megging you, that is assuming you play. Keep the slags coming, I deserve everyone of them.



New Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dirty Money
How stupid are you two

You want to fukc with me fine, start with my sister and and you want last. You stupid little fukc if you think she dirty you should see me play soccer. Don't worry about it you will find out soon enough, You keep going on about how unclassy we are and you pull this shite. You are going to find out how unclassy I really fukcing am. Patrick Dickenson will look like a complete angel when I get through with you you little shite.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Good point.....


It is not really TTP out of someone when you start bringing other members of the family into it, especially to this nature. It wouldn't be a nice thing for Animal's sister to read, if and when she ever gets on the site. Personally, I know I wouldn't be too pleased if someone started slagging my daughters.

Just stick to abusing Animal, because he is the only one that truly deserves having the piss taken out of him, especially when he passes out in corners. :D

In the words of Fasty again, carry on.


Irish 18


take it easy on the family members

just keep talking about the lack of skill RU has okay

Captain= I hope your working on your dart game
cause your gonna need all the help you can get
come this saturday

that title is as good as mine

Bottoms up!


If the club i champ is the u-21 keeper, then both the keeper from the current div2 squad as well as their keeper of the future are both sivs!!!! This must be cause for concern for the club I faithful. Perhaps bringing back that very dark fellow that transferred to bosna is the answer. I personally like ttping the club I boys, as the only player more accomplished than me on that team is the captain who, once again has seen better days, and the young lads are full of piss and vinegar, and have been sold false hopes of one day being up in premier. Not one of the current club I players would see the pitch in premier.......period! And if anyone disagrees with me do come down and witness a revelation = a club I practice. Touches like blacksmiths. Once again I'd rather have animal on my team than almost every member of the club I team. And remember that the captain is your team, and when he retires next year, we'll se ya back in div2 (if you make it there)


First to div. 1 where we should be able to stay and then sometime in the future maybe premiership. But acording to your theory if a team was once good and then faulters, they can never rebuild and be a good team again.

Once again my comments have been misconstrued....... I never said that if a team was ONCE GOOD and then falters can NEVER BE A GOOD TEAM AGAIN, I simply stated that club I is a team from the past, and with the exception of 2-3 players no one from the current issue club I team would have even be picked for the club I team from 5 years ago....... and this is the truth. No players with any amount of talent will choose to play for the club without the captain playing for them, because the captain represents what club I was, and should be. I don't think anyone would want to lace up the boots for club I just because bitme, homebrew, irish 18, or the club I champ are playing for the team, whereas there was a time quality players would play for the mighty I just because the captain was part of the club. Club I has no depth, their 3 best players will retire to the best beer league in the world, the RSSL, and once again club I will be putting ads in the richmond review to try to recruit new superstars! I hope that next year the mighty club I are as pompous, and arrogant while they are being taught a lesson in div1............ CHEERZ.......BBZ:D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I know the problem with Club I

Wow bigballz that was quite a post. I am an ex-Club I player among other things. I was very well accepted into the fold as a young player and had the pleasure of sharing center midfield duties with the Captain. He was a very key figure as was Mckinty and a couple of other leprauchans. I was the only Greek on the team to accompany a Turk, and a couple of Afro-Canadian lads. The Club I brass enjoyed having a plethora of nationalities to share pints with and it was a very enjoyable atmosphere to partake in.

We were a very competitive team but not a championship team. The Captain was and is made of glass and continually was breaking. Mckinty was still going through puberty and was intimidated by the big black lads in the showers. Let me say there was good reason for this. The showers illustrated just how white and blotchy pink Irishmen are, especially when standing next to Greeks and Afro-Canadians. I was the only one who could stand confidently next to big Chucky or Gerry, and yes even Clive. Sadly this wasn't the case for the Captain or Mckinty.

Anyway, it was a great team to play with and I believe they may need to attract some more non-Irish players with large penises to be competitive. This may be the path to the Premier. Captain, your comments?


New Member
Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money

I don't think anyone would want to lace up the boots for club I just because bitme, homebrew, irish 18, or the club I champ are playing for the team

First I never said I was going to bring the team into premiership. Actually, my time with the senior team is running dry, especially if we get promoted. Yes, I admit I am a div. 2 calibre player at best. But, I believe that the team is starting to lay the ground work for a very competitive team. And when the captain retires, he will have taught some of the young guns how to play the game with not only their natural skill but also their minds.

Your post makes it sound like the only way for the team to get better it to attract players from other teams. What about building from your youth system and then adding some key players?

I don't understand how you got pompous and arrogant from my post?


Obviously you have not heard the nickname of one our players: MEAT!!


Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
In the First Game


I calmly slotted one by you in the first U21 game against RUFC. Before you go off about why I was playing for the U21's, I'll explain. We were short guys on the day and I was brought in to help the Youths.

As for Club I. I have seen them when they were in Premier and have seen them drop to Div 2. It is a credit to the Captain to want to right the ship and restore that club back to prominence but they will have to build up their youth system and recruit players. Doing one of the two will not work. This is the same situation that RUFC have undertaken. We tried to only bring up a youth system but the now Toontown stabbed us in the back and we had to start again. Good Luck:cool:


Sep 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Can't believe I'm defending Sportstown!


I am not going to take the piss, but you say the boys from Toontown stabbed you guys in the back. From what I witnessed RUFC never really gave them a chance. You may have called a few players up but for the most part they were getting screwed over. Most of them (not all) could have easily have been playing for you guys. There are some guys on your team that are not div 1 players. You look now and most of the young guys that left you are playing premier or div 1 so how can you say they stabbed you in the back. That is my two cents worth.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A couple of glaring mistakes.....


I have to clarify a few things. First of all, the penis issue. You never took showers back then. Remember, you are Greek and showering to your people is apparently, highly overrated. As for myself, I never showered. I always smelled good so there was not need to shower. Besides, I was only 15 and my sweat glands were just forming. I never went around looking at other fellow's willies like yourself, so I can't comment on the size of the units of players on our team. Maybe that is why we could rarely compete with Croatia and Columbus because you were too infatuated with looking at the bulges in their shorts, or lack of bulges in many of the cases. So your shower theory is bunk.

The second thing had something to do with you playing center midfield. That was funny. You never played in the middle. You played left outside more often than not and when you did play, it certainly was not in the middle. We had guys like Paul Roberts(Gazza) dominating the middle so your place was on the bench and you learned your role well. The only thing I liked about you then, was Sue. Actually, come to think of it, she is still the only thing I like about you. You are still bragging about being a dominant player in the O30's and you are still probably a water boy.

As for Club Ireland teams, we had a few very good teams in the late 80s and early 90s. I think they were better than the ones that started in the Coast League but having said that, it was quite a 'unit' in our Coast League days, and I am not talking about Chuck here.

So next time you decide to TTP out of my unit and glass frame(you aren't much better BTW), think again, or I might have to pull other things out of the closet.


BTW, say hello to Sue to me. Tell her that I miss her. :)
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money

Ballbaby some of your comments are true, but with the name balls like a baby, how can you make a comment about another mans penis is funny.But what you said about Club Ireland of old is some what correct,they where missing a player or two, the weakest spot was goalie, i think you will agree when you think about who was in net before Edwards,it took him a couple of years in senior league before he was good.
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money

As far as sportstown goes, when they where apart of RUFC,they only had two or three players at their age that showed any potential of being able to play at senior mens level, thats why the coach at the time chose them to play, but the rest of the select team had no where to go , and i think they decided to stick together , thats when they moved to vancouver and called themselves thunderbirds, then they moved back to richmond and are now in priemer and are called sporstown.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A couple of quick things.....


I don't see where you got arrogant from either. Sort yourself out.

Also, have you ever played premier?

The Curious Captain

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