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Allstars Fraser Valley All Stars vs Van Whitecaps

Knees United

Aug 27, 2003
Dirty Money
Sage said:
On behalf of the players, I just wanted to say a big Thank You to Kenny Cormack, Gary Moody, Mike Wagner and Larry Warcup for organizing last nights game. It was (once again) run extremely professional, with everything we needed as players to be ready and just play the game. It is times like this that the class of the FVSL executives comes through...Kenny and the coaching staff were also very encouraging and positive throughout the game, even when we were getting our asses handed to us out there :(

On behalf of my client Guinness, I would like to have his last remarks stricken from the record and insert above as HIS comments IF he was selected to the team this year.

COACH, regarding the other issue at hand, I do not forsee and legal action taking place from the Beaver Buzz camp, however the FVSL Execs are treading on the side of criminal neglagence using that Red Bull crap!!

On a serious note, unlucky on the result last night and thanks to all involved who contributed to the best showing we could have given the FVSL.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Why is everyone soo sensitive??? I am munted how everyone is taking exception to a few questions... I know Coach has done a great job for the program, I just stated some facts... Sorry to hear I lack so much class...

Here's why...

On the surface, it appears that you feel slighted about not being selected to this team. OK, so you've had yourself a good season, personally. Your squad has played very well. Good, no, great for you and your team. You netted 9 goals, which is great production out of midfield. We get that.

Now, with all due respect for your personal and team accomplishments, you would be DESTROYED in midfield against ANY Cap, starter or reserve. DESTROYED. Like, I know you think you can do these things Nemo, but you can't. As in, Rudy, you'll never start for Notre Dame. Frodo, you'll never get to the top of the mountain.

There is no Cinderella story in the making here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
For the record if it wasn't for the likes of Gary Moody, Mike Cain and Peter Thomas, who got this program off it's feet a few years ago, we wouldn't be commenting on the All-Stars playing the Caps at all.

The fact we have huge crowds at NAP and the Caps playing their starting line-up started with them getting the program going.

Old Crafty Cokcney is still an FVSL player in the Masters and let's not forget that one man does not make a club's decisions alone with respect to what leagues their club's teams play in.

Unless you're Marty Foden...:D.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
A you fcuking kidding me?

I definately agree with RF there, but what has that got to do with getting your knickers in a knot???
My question was why so sensitive and Dude comes back with personal attacks on my level compared to the Caps??? WTF???
To beat this horse to death...
posted by: Dude
On the surface, it appears that you feel slighted about not being selected to this team.
Honestly, I am not disappointed as I've only played the last two games sinse the end of January... PAU have some HUGE games coming up and that's what is important, not some recognition from outside observers...It's a team game and I'd play tennins if I wanted a pat on the back...
posted by: neverhasbeen
Now, with all due respect for your personal and team accomplishments, you would be DESTROYED in midfield against ANY Cap, starter or reserve. DESTROYED.
I don't know why I am even responding to this, because you should always consider the source... I am just munted on why DUDE (of all people) would attack MY playing ability???

My question was why so sensitive and you come back with personal attacks on my level comapred to the Caps??? WTF???

As a player in the FVSL that knows many of my peers (in all divisions), I stand by calling out Coach on his selection of 4 GN players, no Poco players and naming Crafty Cokcney as his gaffer!!! As a member of the league I have an opinion and am not affraid to voice it regardless if my buddies or I get recognized...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
There is noone on TTP more sensitive than you JC. Well, maybe I am... but you would be a close second.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Would you really play tennis? Come on now Rudy, I thought we were being honest with each other.

Besides, I was being complimentary. Nemo, despite his lucky fin, did touch the boat. Rudy, despite his slight stature, did dress for the Fighting Irish. And Frodo (only co-incidental that his comparison to the JC story comes up), despite crying many tears, and many hours on Sam's shoulder, did make it to the top of that mountain. Albeit, on Sam's shoulders, but he made it, damn it!

Guinness, you have reached hero, no, folk legend status amongst the rest of us neverhasbeens. You are indeed the little midfielder who could. When everyone else said, "Guinness, just give up", you said, "No, I think I can...I think I can...I think I can..."

TTPers for generations can Google "The JC Story", and live re-live the improbable accomplishments of a we man named Guinness. Who says the FVSL isn't a metaphore for real life? I say it is.

But, the JC Story aside, sincerest congratulations to your team for the success thus far, and to yourself on what has been a very productive season. And, sincerely, I do hope you guys can both win the Pak, and make a run in the Provincials. Dare I say TREBLE?

PS: 2 beer for you. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
To take a page out of your book JC, I'll comment although I don't really know why I have to.

First off, you've gone over the top with your criticism of Cormack.
Something you fail to understand or acknowledge.
And, it's very obvious you've had your fcuking knickers in a twist over it for what looks to be well over a year.
Again, you don't seem to see that.
You speak of 'buddies'.
I seriously thought he was one of yours.
I expect that from other folk on here but not you.
Fer fcuk's sake man - You and I are good pals.

The good part about having the likes of Gary and Kenny in the program is they will be 'objective' and select a side without any preferential treatment as they have no Premier team interests.
DMU had no additions yet Crafty was there.
And don't even go there with anything about Bailey.
He is a Masters player but I defy anyone to say he couldn't start for any team in Premier and be a stud.
He is top class. You know it - I know it.

As is said, many people would and could have picked completely different teams and could have had better or worse success on the night.
But to jump all over it the day after when most should be congratulating and rallying suport baffles me.

Guinness said:
Class is actually a set of values and can be judged in the way you present yourself in public (wash your face and brush your teeth), how you react in difficult moments (bad loser), the cheap shots you don't take when a guys back is turned and the mum you would never bang!!!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I believe word probably spread quickly from last years game through the Poco squad anyways.
There was a particular player that was asked to play on the All-Star squad last year, that participated in all pre-Whitecap-game practices etc, but when game time came he saw none of the field. Really was disappointed by it and i imagine he wouldn't have promoted the selection to anyone after that experience.
Possibly why the coach said no.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Hear Hear!

plus, Dude is a cnut.

Next year have a poll on what players should play on the Fraser Valley All-star team, some what like the NHL game, but with out the Rory factor, but the Rudy factor could be fun.


Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
As always around here, I'll be the voice of maturity and reason.

Teams picked and thats that, they are onto game 2.
Moving onto that game, when the shite is it?

You are all gettin personal and fired up over nothing and it's gettin sad to read. Rudy was munted he didnt make the squad and voiced it...move on

RF, are you still playing these days?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
'attempting' to play.
Masters is where it's at. :cool:
See you in 10-15 years...
Or maybe next year on a call down. :D ;)

Havin fun though and still a Rudy fan,


New Member
Oct 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Yoda said:
There was a particular player that was asked to play on the All-Star squad last year, that participated in all pre-Whitecap-game practices etc, but when game time came he saw none of the field. Really was disappointed by it and i imagine he wouldn't have promoted the selection to anyone after that experience.
Possibly why the coach said no.
We beat our U21's last night so I thought I should post:rolleyes:

Just to clear up something that is slithering around on this site......poco did put 5 players forward as all premier teams were asked to do and none were picked, end of story.:cool:Good luck to those picked as they move on to the VMSL game. Should be fun to watch!


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Rangerforever said:
And don't even go there with anything about Bailey.
He is a Masters player but I defy anyone to say he couldn't start for any team in Premier and be a stud.
He is top class. You know it - I know it.

I have to say something...
He is a great player....class person, but I dont think ANY masters player or Div 1 player for that matter, should take part in the All Star Team/Program.

It should be strictly for the Premier teams.

There should be a seperate Div 1 All star team....a Masters All Star team ETC Etc.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
posted by: TimBL
You are all gettin personal and fired up over nothing and it's gettin sad to read.
Sadly, you are completely right.
After reading how over the top my comments must have been, I feel there is no longer any point to post on this subject as clearly some guys are taking it rather too seriously.
Everything was done to perfection and who the hell am I to point out a couple of mistakes? :rolleyes:
Bitter no, disappointed in a few TTPers, yes.



Nov 23, 2006
Dirty Money
Zaurrini said:
I have to say something...
He is a great player....class person, but I dont think ANY masters player or Div 1 player for that matter, should take part in the All Star Team/Program.

It should be strictly for the Premier teams.

There should be a seperate Div 1 All star team....a Masters All Star team ETC Etc.

Now I play for one of the bottom Masters teams, but I would gaurantee that the top two or three in our division would challenge and/or beat any Premier team in the league. I for one don't think that an all Premier All Star Team has enough depth to challenge the B team of the Caps "without some key players outside of Premier. Most Masters players are ex Premier anyway, just nicely seasoned.
Thats just my opinion and all due respect to the team that was chosen.:D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money

maybe the Rangers would challenge/beat a premier side.
I maybe would agree with you, but the only team that would be a battle for PAU would be the Rangers.

You should come out and watch some games.

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