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Friends of Soccer: Quebec Turban Ban Cannot Stand.

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trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Actually, having played on a team with Gurps, he is only scary to small animals, and dangerous only to himself.;) His point is valid, however. When I coached traditionalist Sikh kids, they would wear patkas instead of turbans (like the player in his photo). Fulfills the religious requirements, but doesn't contain anything except hair (unlike the Petr Chech rugby helmet, which I've also seen VMSL players wearing)...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Because religion and political discussions never end well but since you asked. Comparing someones religious symbols to codpiece and tilly hats and suggesting that someone who wants to wear a turban somehow has also asked to bring a ceremonial dagger on the field is ignorant IMO and you would think someone would think twice about posting it. Yes it is TTP but when real discrimination like what is happening all over the world, even in a forward thinking country like Canada, it looses its humor. I am not a religious person for many reasons but I respect the beliefs of those that are. If there was a real threat of injury to themselves or another player then they should be banned but this is just ignorance...again in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Regs, I don't think he's being cryptic about it... it's hard to justify "playing devils advocate" when it comes to talking about religious traditions, especially when there's tones of Evangelical Atheism in there.

If you don't care about religion or don't believe in a god/God/gods/etc then why pass any judgement? If it doesn't impact you in any way - it truly shouldn't matter.

My humble $0.02.

I don't want to speak for them, but I doubt Gurps or Sandman have any problem with TTP'esque posts about the topic, but the stuff about "Take it Off and play the game with your hair in a pony tail" "Wear your turban I'll wear my tilly hat" "Should we allow ceremonial sword too?" "wearing a turban on the field invites racism..." etc is weaksauce at best.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Funny how my TTP "name" Gurps actually originated back when I used to work as a server in my University days and that "ju kick my dog" skit came out, with the main villain being Kerpal. Being the only brown guy in the place my co workers heard the skit and started calling me Gurps, hence the nickname. I found it funny, not offensive, and don't take any offence to silly jokes and TTP'ing. Its in good fun.

I am the first to call out anyone who uses racism as an excuse, as it does more harm then good in situations where there is no racism. I do not even know if it is racism in tho situation, or someone who is simply uninformed that a piece of cloth is not dangerous. I do not know the people who run Quebec soccer. They could be good people for all I know and not racist at all. So I cannot judge them. They may just be honestly stupid or simply ignorant.

I am a Sikh, but not baptized. I only posted about this as I think the whole situation is a joke, and claiming that a piece of cloth would hurt anyone is bizarre. I have seen guys wear knee braces that could slice open legs.

So, if you got a good joke about Indian people, have at er, I will laugh. But when some kid cannot play soccer due to some stupid ruling, that is wear the line is crossed.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Gurps - thank you for bringing logic and level headedness (and humor) to the conversation.

I was not trying to offend anyone specifically, instead everyone everywhere who is trying to make something out of what should be nothing.

When religion and soccer get onto the same field, it is time for everyone to go. The game at that point is ruined.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Nothing cryptic at all Regs. I'm all for a good piss take but I’m dismayed at the ignorance and lack of tolerance from some TTP’ers who I share an online community with.

The merits of the Quebec Soccer Federation’s ruling can be debated. The merits of the some of the comments in this thread can not.

By the way, I have never seen a soccer player wear a turban – what is usually worn is called a patka which is simply a non evasive cloth (also pictured and posted by Gurps). If that solicits comments of daggers, kilts and tilly hats…so be it.

But to have someone in our soccer community suggest they may not cross a ball to a person with a patka on because it may "fcuk up a play"…is not even laughable. I wonder what a young soccer playing lad wearing a patka reading some of these comments would think. But like Freddy said...he's not trying offend anyone specifically.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Regs, I don't think he's being cryptic about it... it's hard to justify "playing devils advocate" when it comes to talking about religious traditions, especially when there's tones of Evangelical Atheism in there.

If you don't care about religion or don't believe in a god/God/gods/etc then why pass any judgement? If it doesn't impact you in any way - it truly shouldn't matter.

My humble $0.02.

I don't want to speak for them, but I doubt Gurps or Sandman have any problem with TTP'esque posts about the topic, but the stuff about "Take it Off and play the game with your hair in a pony tail" "Wear your turban I'll wear my tilly hat" "Should we allow ceremonial sword too?" "wearing a turban on the field invites racism..." etc is weaksauce at best.

Jesus talk about taking a comment and running with it in a different direction. Where did I suggest people shouldn't be allowed to play with a turban, patka or whatever headgarment they choose as long as it doesn't affect player safety. What I was more alluding to is ridiculous hot button decisions like this would never happen. Why can't I wear my tilly hat for **** sakes, because it doesn't come with a religious reason it makes it less important and justified and a joke? Why would any of my believes be less important or justified? I've played with and against people wearing a patka, I don't see the safety issue and I haven't read the articles nor do I intend do. My big thing is I'm tired of shite like this, People get offended, excluded, outraged. Just doesn't need to happen in my clearly offensive opinion. #wow


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Regs, I don't think he's being cryptic about it... it's hard to justify "playing devils advocate" when it comes to talking about religious traditions, especially when there's tones of Evangelical Atheism in there.

If you don't care about religion or don't believe in a god/God/gods/etc then why pass any judgement? If it doesn't impact you in any way - it truly shouldn't matter.

My humble $0.02.

I don't want to speak for them, but I doubt Gurps or Sandman have any problem with TTP'esque posts about the topic, but the stuff about "Take it Off and play the game with your hair in a pony tail" "Wear your turban I'll wear my tilly hat" "Should we allow ceremonial sword too?" "wearing a turban on the field invites racism..." etc is weaksauce at best.

Jesus talk about taking a comment and running with it in a different direction. Where did I suggest people shouldn't be allowed to play with a turban, patka or whatever headgarment they choose as long as it doesn't affect player safety. What I was more alluding to is ridiculous hot button decisions like this would never happen. Why can't I wear my tilly hat for **** sakes, because it doesn't come with a religious reason it makes it less important and justified and a joke? Why would any of my believes be less important or justified? I've played with and against people wearing a patka, I don't see the safety issue and I haven't read the articles nor do I intend do. My big thing is I'm tired of shite like this, I really am.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
In the context it was given I didn't think it was funny, fair enough?...
I look forward to a day where religion no longer exists. Nothing but problems and ridiculous issues like this. Where your turban, ill wear my Tilly hat. Join me, I don't wonder if I'm going to heaven or hell, where we all came from, nor do I feel a need to thank god first after accomplishing something( like winning a fukcing golf tournament). I just enjoy life while I'm here, no wars, no major conflict, simple really. I find it amazing that logical human beings waste their time with all this nonsense.

Your context was an attack on religion mixing in sport, not making a joke about it. It's also funny that you essentially infer all or most major conflicts or wars are caused because of religion, which is just untrue. You tioe up your post with saying you're tired of shite like this, you really are...tired of what shite? Religion? Conflict? War? Patkas? Quebec's Federation and their insanity?

I also said ti was weaksauce, I wasn't commenting on your post per se, just saying...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Jesus talk about taking a comment and running with it in a different direction. Where did I suggest people shouldn't be allowed to play with a turban, patka or whatever headgarment they choose as long as it doesn't affect player safety. What I was more alluding to is ridiculous hot button decisions like this would never happen. Why can't I wear my tilly hat for **** sakes, because it doesn't come with a religious reason it makes it less important and justified and a joke? Why would any of my believes be less important or justified? I've played with and against people wearing a patka, I don't see the safety issue and I haven't read the articles nor do I intend do. My big thing is I'm tired of shite like this, People get offended, excluded, outraged. Just doesn't need to happen in my clearly offensive opinion. #wow

you alright? you seem a little rattled, if you need to talk, we're here.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Nothing cryptic at all Regs. I'm all for a good piss take but I’m dismayed at the ignorance and lack of tolerance from some TTP’ers who I share an online community with.

The merits of the Quebec Soccer Federation’s ruling can be debated. The merits of the some of the comments in this thread can not.

By the way, I have never seen a soccer player wear a turban – what is usually worn is called a patka which is simply a non evasive cloth (also pictured and posted by Gurps). If that solicits comments of daggers, kilts and tilly hats…so be it.

But to have someone in our soccer community suggest they may not cross a ball to a person with a patka on because it may "fcuk up a play"…is not even laughable. I wonder what a young soccer playing lad wearing a patka reading some of these comments would think. But like Freddy said...he's not trying offend anyone specifically.

who the fcuk said it was meant to be laughable in the first place? :confused:

Dont twist my comments please...

The point i was trying to make is thought exists and will be out their whether u like it or not.

Stop looking at the issue with tunnel vision and maybe educate us a little

Im not religious so pardon my iggnorance on the matter but perhaps someone with knowledge could educate the community on the signifigance of wearing the turban/pakta and the fallout/consequences of the religion should one have remove it before playing?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I'll give it a try. The tradition of growing the hair and wearing a turban started when Sikh's and the Hindu were fighting. Remember Sikh's are greatly out numbered in India and it was common for Sikh's at the time to change sides when things were not going well. So to prevent this Sikh's were to grow their hair and wear a turban because it would not be easy to cut your hair in the middle of a battle to change sides. Now it is a tradition to identify you are a Sikh and it is not mandatory but a choice, most that choose to wear one take it very seriously. The bracelet they wear is not only good for opening beer it represent the armour of the day when they would wear a whole bunch to protect them in battle. I believe the dagger is a symbol to protect the faith.

Gurps how did this Irish/Slovenian do?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
I'll give it a try. The tradition of growing the hair and wearing a turban started when Sikh's and the Hindu were fighting. Remember Sikh's are greatly out numbered in India and it was common for Sikh's at the time to change sides when things were not going well. So to prevent this Sikh's were to grow their hair and wear a turban because it would not be easy to cut your hair in the middle of a battle to change sides. Now it is a tradition to identify you are a Sikh and it is not mandatory but a choice, most that choose to wear one take it very seriously. The bracelet they wear is not only good for opening beer it represent the armour of the day when they would wear a whole bunch to protect them in battle. I believe the dagger is a symbol to protect the faith.

Gurps how did this Irish/Slovenian do?

A lot better then most Sikhs I know would do!!!! Well Done! And I just found out a new way to use the bracelet!
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