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Div 2 [FVSL D2] Results & Banter 2010/2011

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Feb 24, 2008
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

We live in BC isn't weather always a factor? I was up at the sports park most of the weekend and the fields are holding up well so i wouldn't plan on the game being postponed if thats what your asking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

Perfect, I don't want the game cancelled, with the bradner cup teams are going to have to make up games as it is. And its always nice to play on a nice grass field. The more footy the better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

And since we're on about grass fields, Cantuzzi, how's Jackman park holding up? Big game this weekend :)


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Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

And since we're on about grass fields, Cantuzzi, how's Jackman park holding up? Big game this weekend :)

Field is in great shape... I personally prefer grass to turf, and Parkside/Jackman has always been good to the Grove boys! Definitely looking forward to the matchup this weekend I know we were both missing players week one should be a great battle this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

Wicked, love me a game on grass, but it's hard to find anything in good shape this time of year. Going to be a cracker this weekend, cheers!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

Cantuzzi, are there change rooms at Parkside/Jackman?

thats the park at 270th and 32nd right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter September & October 2010

ya thats the park JBN, and they do have changerooms last time I remembered but its a trek to the field from the changerooms. My uncles house is a 30 sec walk from the field. perhaps I will roll the bbq down for after the game, whether permitting


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
[FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

Cause I just realized we're 8 days in and still posting in October's thread.

Great idea House, I'm now really, really hoping for good weather.

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

You are a strange cat...

This cat just saw a form he shouldn't have. A formal complaint via written submission by the bcuniteddoehoeratbitches that we were drinking on the sidelines. The ref said he wasn't sure if it was alcohol or energy drinks but the other team said we were drunk and that the sidelines were drinking.

Lets just say I disgusted and embarrassed that we have a team in the league that rats a team out for having a fan on the sideline drinking a beer. I went back and read all their posts since Doegate and it all makes sense and is sadly easy to believe.

It's official div 2b is now a coed league.:mad:


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Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

This cat just saw a form he shouldn't have. A formal complaint via written submission by the bcuniteddoehoeratbitches that we were drinking on the sidelines. The ref said he wasn't sure if it was alcohol or energy drinks but the other team said we were drunk and that the sidelines were drinking.

Lets just say I disgusted and embarrassed that we have a team in the league that rats a team out for having a fan on the sideline drinking a beer. I went back and read all their posts since Doegate and it all makes sense and is sadly easy to believe.

It's official div 2b is now a coed league.:mad:


I don’t know why your getting all worked up about this. First off, the league was never going to dock you guys points or forfeit a game regardless what anyone says on TTP (Take the Piss), the most you were ever going to get was a fine, which happened.

Secondly, Didn’t the Ref report you guys? We sent a complaint on behalf of some onlookers, which there were a couple, which stopped them from complaining directly to the City of Surrey and put the decision making the league hands and kept everything in house.
If we didn’t they would have called Surrey City Hall and complained, and the league could/would have lost some fields, we could have lost ours.
Similar thing happened in the KSL this year as well, where onlookers/passers-by actually did contact and report drinking to Surrey City Hall, as a result the KSL lost some fields temporarily.

I really don't care if you or your team drinks on the sidelines TBL. But if you let it get out of hand and/or you get rowdy calling the ref an idiot, for example, then one day someone with kids just watching or passing by from the blenchers or houses behind the goal will make a big deal out of it. And then there’s nothing either team can do about it.

If you are going to drink, just be smart about it, because it can affect more than just your team if someone makes a big deal out it, that’s all.


New Member
Sep 20, 2007
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010


I don’t know why your getting all worked up about this. First off, the league was never going to dock you guys points or forfeit a game regardless what anyone says on TTP (Take the Piss), the most you were ever going to get was a fine, which happened.

Secondly, Didn’t the Ref report you guys? We sent a complaint on behalf of some onlookers, which there were a couple, which stopped them from complaining directly to the City of Surrey and put the decision making the league hands and kept everything in house.
If we didn’t they would have called Surrey City Hall and complained, and the league could/would have lost some fields, we could have lost ours.
Similar thing happened in the KSL this year as well, where onlookers/passers-by actually did contact and report drinking to Surrey City Hall, as a result the KSL lost some fields temporarily.

I really don't care if you or your team drinks on the sidelines TBL. But if you let it get out of hand and/or you get rowdy calling the ref an idiot, for example, then one day someone with kids just watching or passing by from the blenchers or houses behind the goal will make a big deal out of it. And then there’s nothing either team can do about it.

If you are going to drink, just be smart about it, because it can affect more than just your team if someone makes a big deal out it, that’s all.

Well said !!!! If a team is drinking while the game is being played and it costs the league a field then that becomes more serious because i know for me im not going to travel across BC to play soccer because some fool didnt wait till after the game to open a beer


Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

I agree with making sure it's not out in the open..but ratting to the league? WOW!!! and making up bullshit that someone was going to rat to surrey is bullshit. Why not tell them you will tell your league and just don't. The league wouldn't lose the field it might get a waqrning you rat fink.

TBL is right that's pretty funny shite. Rather sad


New Member
Sep 20, 2007
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

I agree with making sure it's not out in the open..but ratting to the league? WOW!!! and making up bullshit that someone was going to rat to surrey is bullshit. Why not tell them you will tell your league and just don't. The league wouldn't lose the field it might get a waqrning you rat fink.

TBL is right that's pretty funny shite. Rather sad

Wait a min !!! So there is no way that the city of Surrey would take the field away for someone drinking ? They would not take away any points just a fine ?


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

RAT FINK! RAT FINK! RAT FINK! RAT FINK! RAT FINK! RAT FINK! No10bumburgler, you're a nancy boy. I'm no friend of TBL or WC, just dislike anyone who rats!


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

I agree with making sure it's not out in the open..but ratting to the league? WOW!!! and making up bullshit that someone was going to rat to surrey is bullshit. Why not tell them you will tell your league and just don't. The league wouldn't lose the field it might get a waqrning you rat fink.

TBL is right that's pretty funny shite. Rather sad

Westcoast, a person or person(s) can always call the league and confirm a complaint has been made by someone, a team, a ref and so on. All you need to do is call the league and say "has such a complaint been made". The league checks and tells them. So no you can't say I will tell the league and then don't. Especially when they make a big deal out of it.

And weren't you in the same Division in KSL this year that lost Berkshire Field for a while because of a public complaint to City due to drinking. If not check the KSL thread, a field can be taken away by a public complaint.

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL D2] Results & Banter November & December 2010

Westcoast, a person or person(s) can always call the league and confirm a complaint has been made by someone, a team, a ref and so on. All you need to do is call the league and say "has such a complaint been made". The league checks and tells them. So no you can't say I will tell the league and then don't. Especially when they make a big deal out of it.

And weren't you in the same Division in KSL this year that lost Berkshire Field for a while because of a public complaint to City due to drinking. If not check the KSL thread, a field can be taken away by a public complaint.

You are rats. You are complaining lying bitch snitches. We have made it clear that players were not drinking and that spectators were under the " dugout" as it was pissing rain. This was not a saturday or friday night, it was a sunday night. We were there to play and get the **** out. You were so hurt the we had 9 subs for an away game and your unprofessional female rat team was short players for your own home game that you lied ratted and made a fool of your self and your team. In a cheaters mentality you actually went so low as to lie and taddle tell in an effort to actually attempt to have points removed for our win over a bottom/mid of the pack team.

I knew about your rat ass complaint for a week. I think it's fair that all teams you rat sluts play against are well aware of what they up against.

Don't get me wrong I don't let my players drink and nor do they want to. We don't even have a beer cooler. The new driving rules eliminated that part of the after game activities until we hit a pub. Envy is a pretty ugly amongst men, but good god damn does it get sad when you bring ladies into it.

On sunday Walley had guys showing up 5 minutes before kickoff , 5 minutes after kickoff while our team was there an hr before game time and when the whistle blew I had 7 players on the sidelines focused, warm, committed, and ready to go in. Walley understood the situation and directed their anger towards themselves as 9-1 isin't pretty.

Don't bring up any summer bullshit that is irrelevant to this and you rats.

The ref has a hard job as it is, I understood he wasn't happy as we were loud in general but when he came over I showed him the rockstar. It all didn't make sense to me until I found out a group of world of warcraft chicks ratted us out.

You girls lied and ratted in an attempt to paint my team in a bad light. In just about any other year your accusations may have been right but not this year and not with this current group.

Our meeting after the winter break just keeps getting better and better. :mad:


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