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Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter - November 2005

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New Member
Feb 12, 2003
Dirty Money
Cainy, I have to say you are wrong. I believe I called BSLU a CNUT, lucky for him he is a scoring CNUT...on the field that is


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Rangerforever said:
Who is this little tit?
he's BSLU remember the name everybody :rolleyes: I like Utahs guys Pat Rohla was a great player and obviously a great thinker of the game. Springett could do it all, Muzz could still play on, and be the best striker or centerback on your squad, Hozle, and the Dormers would have to round it off for me. Utah wasn't bad either when he was 18 or so, but he was wearing Surrey United colors then.
BSLU your a fcukin muppet, and i'm sure the new generation of players, don't want punks like you speaking for them. And now i know why your teamates think your a wanker and haven't come to your defense.

The unsilent majority strikes again :wa:


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
BSLU said:
Never seen em play or heard of em...And those were my picks IMO. And just like in every sport, the younger players coming up are typically better that the older players were at their age. (ex-crosby, Lebron, owen, ronaldinho)
but the fact is the best players in the future will be and are younger ones.

Crosby is good no doubt, but in the same league as Gretzsky or Lemieux no chance. Lebron /Jordan? Owen is good but being a scouse i can name loads of strikers who played for Liverpool alone who were better. King Kenny ( Dalglish) hands down was better. You may have a point with Ronaldinho, but there were dinosaurs like George Best :D Son your wrong, you don't even know the recent history of your own club or the league you play in let alone any other.


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
Quite amusing this banter. Seems like our old friend Fenian the mole is back at it spilling our dirty laundary. BSLU can handle himself, just think Skip should ante up a touch of his commision to BSLU for the number of posts in an otherwise dead thread.

Can only tell the kids so much about our 7-0 trouncings to PAU not so many years ago, the catcalls from the sidelines, the walk of shame after trying to wake the squad up (once again sorry Dragon), the indignation of being called the worst ever premier team on TTP. Good times those were. If it takes TTP and cranky Cainy posts to wind BSLU up come Saturday night, I'll take it. Wherever the hate comes from is insignificant, the fact that it is present is what is important.

Now it's funny how all this has turned into a romp down Langley's memory lane. All these guys you speak of are all still kicking around, and I know and respect them as coaches now in the youth ranks locally. Nobody has mentioned Dude yet, and we can arguably say his arrival was the beginning of rosier times in Langley land. Cost us nothing except a couple of old gravel balls, and a few head shaking evenings trying to figure out what his issues were. Of all the names, Murray is the best in my mind, as he can still do it into his 40's at a very high level. The Valley's Sheringham, except tougher.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Nobody has mentioned Dude yet, and we can arguably say his arrival was the beginning of rosier times in Langley land. Cost us nothing except a couple of old gravel balls, and a few head shaking evenings trying to figure out what his issues were.


There was a roll of tape somewhere in there too, but the joke's on you- I have a good 4 or 5 retro Langley Thunder kits in my soccer bin. They'll be back in style in 10 or so years, I figure.

~Red Shorts.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
LFC2 said:
Quite amusing this banter. Seems like our old friend Fenian the mole is back at it spilling our dirty laundary. . If it takes TTP and cranky Cainy posts to wind BSLU up come Saturday night, I'll take it. Wherever the hate comes from is insignificant, the fact that it is present is what is important.

This is the last i'll say on the issue, ive been quite and stuck to mainly lurking for almost a year. For no particular reason other than the banter has been fairly boring stuff. As i lurk i keep reading BSLU and he winds me up, instead of posting i just log it into my brain that BSLU is a bit of a shyte stain. However his brainless, arrogant, and disrespectful post regarding Osama dragged me out of my lurking state. As a crotchidy older player whose legs have gone maybe i'm a tad sensitive. BSLU philosophy about the new breed of player stinks. Many players transend time . Sure younger players have all the benifits of training techniques, video analysis, clinics, nutrition, their bodies sculpted for specific positions and sports, but the brain is what makes a player truely great. it cannot be measured like a percentage of body fat or how quick yo do a 40yd sprint, or how high you jump. its all about vision and creativity.
Today a 300pd lineman can run a 40 faster than Joe Montana could ever run one, he never had a cannon for an arm, or size, but he was and still is arguabley the best to ever play his position. How do you explain what he was able to accomplish, when he wasn't as fast or big or strong as the rest of his competition? It's called vision, Gretzkey, had it the ability to see the game in slow motion when nobody else could. Patience, composure, games within a game, being able to lead, inspire, character, exploit weekness, use your teamates. These are all thing that you can't teach entirely. So your theory that older player pass on their knowledge to younger player therefore younger players will always be better is crap.

As far as i'm concerned guys like BSLU should head down to LFC2s shop get himself a flashy pair of colourful boots, and buy a TERELL OWENS jersey. ;)


New Member
Sep 22, 2005
Dirty Money
Yea..you're right.. it does sound dumb.. no validity whatsoever. It is ironic though that one of the fastest growing trends in college and pro sports is mental skill coaching, and sports pyschology. Young kids are recieving all of these tools... but cainy don't you worry...your crusy copa's and two cent opinion are much better off. I mean if mediocrity is what you're aiming for, you may obtain that goal.


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
As entertaining as this banter may be (and believe me, this thread needs it), I do think it's veered a bit off topic. Perhaps someone should start a Joe Montana/TO thread, or a Gretzky/Crosby thread.

Point taken though Cainy, and I agree with you. Sometimes the more athletic, younger player may not have as much to offer as the older, wiser veteran. There is much to be said for experience, and vision. ;)

BSLU is obviously young, with potential......but lacks the maturity to recognize and appreciate the qualities listed above. In short, that makes him a dumb CNUT! :D

On topic:

I hope this fog lifts, so we can all have a crystal clear view of BSLU as he puts on his clinic this weekend.


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Somebody just give me this Cackbreath's Jersey # so I can fcuk him up, when i'm back playing next year. Teddy, give this no-mind a old school langley howser elbow during practice. Mom, ground him from his computer for two weeks for talkin such stupid shiznit on here. Could be a fired up game this weekend. My Prediction: Sir Cainy to start in Center Mid, with Hos to clean up any scraps left behind by this punk.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
He should be pretty easy to find Studsup. Look for the guy with the 'didas runners undone, really baggy pants halfway down the crack of his ass and jockey's showing. He'll be representing with some spawnscrered hoody. Probably drive up in a lowered 1997 Honday Civic with one of those really cool black lights underneath it and a CD hanging from the rearview. License plate # IBSLU.

It's what all the young kids are doing these days.

Saw the GEU Premier team train last night.

There. Back on topic.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Just because he's arrogant, ignorant, immature and wears trousers far too big to cover his ma's arse doesn't make him a typical Langley suburbanite punk does it???

The loud minority want to know


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Nice, finally a fired up match worth watching.

Sounds to me like the Ambulance should be on stand by.

Play fair boys. ;)

Knees United

Aug 27, 2003
Dirty Money
cainy said:
it cannot be measured like a percentage of body fat or how quick yo do a 40yd sprint, or how high you jump. its all about vision and creativity.

Shite, there goes my game!!

I too have to apologize for spending a lot of time lurking and very little time posting....but unless you have something worth saying (take note BSLU) then what's the point in posting?!

Have to say though, this got the juices flowin' - I'm thinking the BSLU vs. Cainy rant could turn into "legendary" status IF a few more creative posts are made. This made me think of a few other noteworthy bouts.....

Ali vs. Forman
Holyfield vs. Tyson
Knees United vs. Crafty
Probert vs. Domi

While on topic, thought I should throw a big "Fcuk You" to my good buddy in Delta land. Bout that time of the year for you to pull something "Crafty" out of your ass isn't it?? Protest anyone??
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