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Div 2 [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March / April 2006

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Sep 16, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

It is the recently in-form Unicorns that the Knights are facing this weekend, not the still whining Greenies. I must agree with Everqueen that the pitch was,and is, the worst in all of metro. It was, however, not the reason that the devils were bounced. Both teams had their share of possession and opportunities. Whichever team happened to be facing downhill and downwind, had the majority of chances. Knights in the first, Greenies in the second. The Knights simply finished more of theirs. By the way, the cup run that you speak of must have happened in a wet dream. I see that you squeaked out a win in p.k.'s with Unicorns, and then tamed a seemingly toothless Aryana side. Do not feel bitter young Fir, I am sure that the Romanians have much more shame than you. Like the song says, We may not be as good as we once were, but we are good once as we ever were. On a more relevant note.... Looking forward to a good turn out of TTPers at the MOTW between NK. and JBs. Can anyone else fit more abbreviations in one sentence than that ?
Aug 1, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Sporting Punjab Hurricanes 2 Bombastic 1

Scrappy game at Kensington this afternoon. Field was in brutal condition but we managed to squeak out another victory. Bombastic made it tough for us - they were up 1-0 but we got 2 in the final 20 minutes to get the win. Our keeper was huge with a great save with 30 minutes to go to keep the score 1-0. Finish up with Kosova next week.


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Oct 31, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Socceroos said:
I hope the Latte Girls from Yaletown are hungry.
Yaletown 3, ten Aussie sandbags 0.


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Dec 10, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Dream on NK haters... role'em Up, role'em up.... a win today and a spanking of the English boys at Green Ferry Land will shut everyone up,

banana away boys!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta get ready for a game here...


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May 19, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Oggy said:
Yaletown 3, ten Aussie sandbags 0.

How many Latte Bitches does it take to beat 10 Aussie Sandbags without a Goalie 3:0........well it takes 15 of them. Great win Boys :bronco:


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Oct 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Well its been a while since I've last posted. It seems that nothing has changed however. The same broken down poser posters always have something to say about NK. What can you say now???.
Sure I wasn't always right in my own predictions, but at least our team is still doing what we do best WIN

So let me slow it down for all the NK wanna b's:
You all are running out of games to see if we lose and slowly but surely NK is rising to the top of the table.
That and the fact we get to go to Victoria suckers!!


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

JB's promotion dreams came to a halt on the tracks at Adanac today. Shitty game with some trench warfare but the hardest tackle of the game game early when JB's #9 steamrolled 5 yards through his own players legs. I had a front row seat for this and thought to myself holf fukc this guy is killing his own guys today never mind me. Fortunately for us he pulled his hammie and had to leave the game. Only goal came on a penalty shot by Nico (who wasn't suspended this year). Don't know who's next but hopefully the league games are played first. Kudos to Mickster who came in at sweeper and played great. Stay tuned for some more lousy poems.

PS.....The Primos were out to watch as their promotion hopes took a serious blow today. They were hoping for a tie that would have guaranteed them at least a share of top spot. Now they must pin their hopes on a Green Devil victory or Douglas Park upset.


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Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

The pitch at Adanac was not in great shape. With the amont of moisture in the ground, running on the pitch felt almost like you running in sand. This took the skill elmement away from both teams as it was very difficult to string passes together with any consitency. NK had the early pressure but after about 10 mins, Norvan started working(digging) the ball out their end. The problem however was the finish, the finish, the finish. We had a few first half chances to score the first goal but failed. Our #9 stopper re-injured a calf muscle early in the game and limped through most of the first half until Mickster arrived. This more than likely led to the first goal as our sweeper was out of position trying to cover to much ground. Nico on an angled run took a through ball to the top of our 18. Our sweeper playing catch-up swept the ball away but took the player as well. PK awarded. Our keeper dove the right way and had a chance on the ball but the pace of the delivery sent it through his clutches. 2nd half we began pushing hard up the field but we were unable to put much together as NK defended well, with lots of players behind the halfline and a sweeper whose position was more like a super safety. With only 1 sub, Norvan were unable to give any players a rest and near the end it was evident as the game turned into a hoof fest.
Congrats to NK as they prevailed in a tough game and tough conditions.


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Dec 10, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Do I need to say more??????? it's been said and our boys posting are trying to be nice about it, quite frankly, I don't give a damn and will lay it as it is:

JB's $hat the bed... They knew they couldn't do much against us and the 90 minutes of boring football they played was simply a great proof of what I said before: they are a middle of the table team that is best suited for Amercian Football. We had an absolute stinker and still should have won 3 or 4...

GD will be our only half challange left. they will get rolled up as well and mark my words... I am quite glad the season is finishing in this fashion, it's nice to be able to not only win promo and the Cup but shut up some big Yaps doing it...

All year long guys from the JB's and GD's just couldn't shut it... now when it comes to backing it... a clinic is put on...

So sorry coach, I know you didn't want us saying much, but this time it needed to be said...

watch and learn boys... School is in...


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Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

undefeated said:
JB's $hat the bed... They knew they couldn't do much against us and the 90 minutes of boring football they played was simply a great proof of what I said before: they are a middle of the table team that is best suited for Amercian Football. We had an absolute stinker and still should have won 3 or 4...
And here I thought it was only a 1:0 game with a PK to win it. :rolleyes:

~ Overstated.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

From what i saw, and i saw all 90 minutes of the game, the game could have gone either way. Both teams had chances. NK did get a Peno, which was desereved(nice lil hip check from my standing point). Nico did bury, goalie did get right direction, but just got underneath him. As for the rest of the game. Watcher has a nice chance early on of a free kick.... JB"s did have plenty of chances but NK's goalie or backline were able to block the shots. Good game in all. Good job by both teams, but my buddies Watcher, Yomama, Burnaby Joe and goose prevailed today!!

As for this undefeated character, u got to be one of the youngen's on the team correct???

As to the JB'ers, Watcher pointed you guys out, and i was going to come say Hi after the game, but i had to leave right after.

Congrats NK!!


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

I agree with BJB's assesment. Frustrating to play on that crap park, but NK was full marks for the win. Best of luck to Watcher, Yomomma and the rest.

Undefeated, once a punk, always a punk.


Sep 9, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Looks like the League is running out of time/fields so they are double booking a lot of teams this weekend. With Signmaster losing thier last 2, they have given the Fury a chance at promo, as they have 1 head-to-head game remaining. The Train will be looking to clinch this weekend against the Green Devils on Sat and Douglas Park on Sunday. 2C is already over with SPH looking to finish 18-0 and I believe nobody else has ever done so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Burnaby 4 - 0 Belmont

I was hoping to make the race at the top a little more interesting but heard we showed up with 9 players against Fury yesterday. They're a little too good to be trying that :)

It's really a race for second though isn't it as I know Belmont and Signmaster don't want promotion. Maybe Fury do though.


Mar 25, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

C-men 3 Real Mac 2

Battle of the basement dwellers. This game should have been put out of reach by us if not for missed chances including a pk that our guy rattled off the post. First time I've seen Real Mac and they're pretty much what I expected. They try hard but don't really have the players to pull off much. And their guy that likes to dangle/hang on to the ball the most they have playing centreback. We coughed up the ball too easily at times ourselves and there were definitly some worried looks when it was tied up 2-2 in the 2nd. We play these guys once more so hopefully we can do better then.


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Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

bandcamp said:
Burnaby 4 - 0 Belmont

I was hoping to make the race at the top a little more interesting but heard we showed up with 9 players against Fury yesterday. They're a little too good to be trying that :)

It's really a race for second though isn't it as I know Belmont and Signmaster don't want promotion. Maybe Fury do though.

Is it possible that signmasters is throwing a few games to avoid the hassle of explaing to the league why they do not want promo?

The league frowns on teams that decline promo.


Sep 9, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

Strictly Business said:
Sporting Punjab Hurricanes 2 Bombastic 1

Scrappy game at Kensington this afternoon. Field was in brutal condition but we managed to squeak out another victory. Bombastic made it tough for us - they were up 1-0 but we got 2 in the final 20 minutes to get the win. Our keeper was huge with a great save with 30 minutes to go to keep the score 1-0. Finish up with Kosova next week.

The first half was definetly our worst half of the year. We managed to pull it together after our keeper's game breaking save and controlled the rest of the game after that, thus notting in 2 goals. Kudos to Bombastic for playing a clean game. They have or have seemed to pick up a couple of new players from their last years squad. And kudos to their captain who I had a chance to chat with and congratulated our club and had positive comments towards us.


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Oct 31, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

SofaKingGood said:
The first half was definetly our worst half of the year. We managed to pull it together after our keeper's game breaking save and controlled the rest of the game after that, thus notting in 2 goals. Kudos to Bombastic for playing a clean game. They have or have seemed to pick up a couple of new players from their last years squad. And kudos to their captain who I had a chance to chat with and congratulated our club and had positive comments towards us.
I think the wind was the biggest factor in this game, and all three goals were scored in the downwind end. It was a good game to watch, and even with fifteen minutes to go we were sure that Bombastic would be able to hold on to at least one point. The Kosova and Bombastic results mean that we're locked into second, and if we win our next two we'd have a higher point total than Alemania were promoted with last year. Maybe we'll see them again next year.
As for Signmaster losing to Cleos, it certainly didn't look like Signmaster were giving up points voluntarily. Cleos played an outstanding match on the new turf at Point Grey, and Signmaster had some frustratingly close chances that just didn't quite go in.
Congrats to Punjab for running the table. If we were in a lesser division like 2B, we'd have enough points for promo :D


New Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

bonefish said:
The pitch at Adanac was not in great shape. With the amont of moisture in the ground, running on the pitch felt almost like you running in sand. This took the skill elmement away from both teams as it was very difficult to string passes together with any consitency. NK had the early pressure but after about 10 mins, Norvan started working(digging) the ball out their end. The problem however was the finish, the finish, the finish. We had a few first half chances to score the first goal but failed. Our #9 stopper re-injured a calf muscle early in the game and limped through most of the first half until Mickster arrived. This more than likely led to the first goal as our sweeper was out of position trying to cover to much ground. Nico on an angled run took a through ball to the top of our 18. Our sweeper playing catch-up swept the ball away but took the player as well. PK awarded. Our keeper dove the right way and had a chance on the ball but the pace of the delivery sent it through his clutches. 2nd half we began pushing hard up the field but we were unable to put much together as NK defended well, with lots of players behind the halfline and a sweeper whose position was more like a super safety. With only 1 sub, Norvan were unable to give any players a rest and near the end it was evident as the game turned into a hoof fest.
Congrats to NK as they prevailed in a tough game and tough conditions.
Was that a recap or 'a dozen excuses for why we lost'? I'd like to see it in point form in the future. Easier to read.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter March, 2006

I am glad that you were able to make it through my "summary" but it upsets me that you failed to see where compliments were given. But I will attribute that to the fact that you have difficulties reading much more than a paragraph.
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