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VMSL Masters 2007-2008 February/March Results and Banter

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Columbus 3 Westside 0 out at Hillcrest this morning. There were a few pretty girls as spectators for this one.

And that was about that. Close one in the first half. Then we shite our pants on a misplay at the back that allowed their first one; thought Kevin was off on the second, but was kept onside by far defender and the last one, well, I think we were just focused on the beer afterwards. Hope to see you guys in the Provincials.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Staff are now filing an unconfirmed report that Sapperton had a very controversial 1-0 win over Surrey United today in the playoff for the final VMSL BCs spot...


New Member
May 2, 2005
Dirty Money
Inter 3 Firemen 1
As Scottyshell mentioned a game that meant very little to both sides although we were encouraged to play a full 90 minutes.... We struggled for bodies and it looked like they did as well. Big D in net for them made some stellar saves. Their goal was a cracker of a header in the top corner.
Taxman and Scottyshell: Have a great summer and all of the best. You guys are all class.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapp 1

Controversial I suppose is an understatement.

5 minutes into the second half, our keeper makes a save diving to his left. He doesn't get up, he's just laying there. The ball kinda gets cleared up the line, it's picked off by a Sapp player who plays it inside to their striker who strikes the ball, it takes a deflection and loops over everyone and into the empty net. Our keeper is still motionless on the ground. In fact he stayed there for 40 minutes until he was stretchered off into the ambulance (broken arm).

We lost it on the ref. There was a good 10 seconds that he was down before the ball went into the net. His excuse? It was out of his "jurisdiction". That's what he said to me.

I don't think anyone on Sapp knew the situation, can't really fault them for not putting the ball out. That being said, pretty shitty way to win, nevermind lose.

There was some thought that Sapp may let us score right away off the kick-off but really, I'm not too sure how many of us would do the same thing.

After all the rants recently about reffing and points owed, I'm looking forward to WAB's take :D

With the depleted squad we had today, our boys are very proud of their showing. We could have easily folded the tent after the goal but I thought took it to Sapp to finish out the final 30.

Good luck to all in the BCs, there are a lot of good teams this year!




Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapp 1 - SU 0

We applied the early pressure but SU sat back nicely and waited for the counter. We did very little moving off the ball and we resorted to the long ball too much.

Ya, I really don't know what to say about the goal. Obviously if he wasn't injured on the first save Paul Favs wouldn't have scored. I really wish we scored differently. Your defender actually cleared it right to Paul who beat one man and had his shot deflected into the net. Paul had his head down the entire time and didn't know he was down. But, really what can the ref do? This is why it was a very controversial non-call. If he calls it, we're pissed, if not, your pissed. He's really in a no-win situation. If the defender cleared it farther than Paul on the 20 maybe it would be a different call - I don't know, but again, not a really proud way to win. I hope he recovers soon. The TURF at Bby was rock hard.

Gutsy effort by the remaining SU players who came at us hard for the next 15 minutes and continued to apply pressure throughout the remainder of the half. SU had only 12 healthy guys with many key guys missing or injured. I'm not happy with our overall effort and if we play like that in the BCs we'll have an early exit.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Between Regs and WAB, that is a pretty accurate assessment. So here goes the moan. We have an official who shows up to the park oblivious to the competitiveness and efforts of two teams playing on a shite field at 9:00 AM on a Sunday morning. His words, "How am I supposed to know if he is really hurt? Maybe he is faking. It's out of my jurisdiction." OK. Maybe after a couple of seconds but after 10 plus seconds, do you really think he is faking?
He could have blown the whistle when he realized the blooped ball, normally picked like a cherry by keeper, was going in because our keeper is 10 yards away completely motionless.

It's done. It's over. The moan was quick. I hope we don't have anyone commenting on what the rationale of this official may have been to give us the other side of things. That is like another insult on top of the ultimate insult we experienced today. We had an official who fcuked things up because he can't call a game at a Master's level. :mad:

Good luck to Sapperton.


Aug 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Pretty fair assesment on the surrey sapp game. Sapp attacked early and Surrey sat back and absorbed it and countered. I thought Surrey carried the play a lot more in the second half. Regs, you hurt? I would have to agree with BB on the goal though. Goalie was down atleast 10 seconds and I could hear Surrey team from opposite end of the field yelling to kick the ball 3 to 4 times before Favs hit the deflected looper from top of the 18. Golaie was motion less as soon as he hit the ground. when the ball wasn't kicked out by Sapp and maybe they didn't hear Surey yelling; but the ref had more than enough time to do the right thing and blow the whistle.

My 2 cents.

Congrats Sapp and guttsy effort from surrey.

I think that ref, might owe someone some points.

Wish a quick recovery to Surrey's keeper who was having a steller game.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
I saw this as well. The SU goaltender was on the ground motionless for 4 or 5 Sapp touches, complete with from what I heard several ignored "kick it out" shouts, and Sapp seemed to have no interest in doing anything except scoring on the open goal.

As an outside observer, and one who does not have a particular preference as to who wins this game, I have one thing to say:

Shame on you. Especially the ref.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Shame on you.

I think this comment is very harsh, unfair, and unjust. All I could say is if any other team was in our situation, what would they have honestly done? Talking to some SU guys after the game, they would have done the same thing and I'm sure most others would have as well.

Also to say Paul knew he was still down is unfair. If you saw the look on Paul's face after he scored, you knew he was completely surprised there was no goalie in the net.

Don't make Sapp out to be the villans.....blame Miro somehow.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money

Yes the ref blew it, but 4 or 5 touches by Sapp without kicking it out? I and that little Dickens were some 80-90 yards away and we heard the shouts, saw the SU goaltender lying there not moving, and all of the Sapp players didn't? But, OK, lets give your players the benefit of the doubt.

I agree with your statement that Paul did not know about it. But there were other players that may have, in my opinion, who feverishly won the ball and got it to him. But in the heat of playing, maybe they did not notice. But it was extremely obvious from the sidelines.

Bottom line is the ref should have blown it down right away, and he royally f...ked up, and that is what I meant about the shameful comment.

Quite possibly you should have won anyway.

It is too bad SU are not in the BCs though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I heard it but when your playing and you have the ball, you should know as much as anyone, that sometimes you tune out everything around you - especially if you are in close quarters with the opposition dribbling while the opposition is trying to tackle you. And the 4 or 5 touches you speak of were right at the top of the box slightly off of centre.

Yes question it, it's controversial, but the blatant "shame on you!!!!" crap is exactly that and over the top.

Might be WAB's new saying........

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Sir M is not in the best of moods at the moment anyway, so don't mind me.

Good luck in the BCs WAB. I am too tired to argue.

But, I was there and I saw what happened. Hence my previous comments, over the top or not.

Sir M.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow Bob.............Take your win and move on.

Talked to a few boys who saw it and still can't believe what happened.

Can you imagine if that would have happened to Bob's team.........:rolleyes:

Good to hear Becks is doing okay.......Talk about kicking a guy when he is down....Ouch.

No worries Bobby........As long as your in pal!:rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Sounds like quite the controversy ... one question - could the SU defender have put it out for a corner instead of going upfield ? If this was so obvious why didn't Sapp give SU a goal back - we did that in every game all year just to get a little more competition - then it became a habit. I'll have to talk to Favs - we teach our kids not to dribble with their heads down ... he should work on that. Miro is a good ref - he must have done the right thing.
Anyways - off to Mexico for some sun - anyone know how to preorder tickets to Atlante soccer games in Cancun ? I tried Atlante.com and was pleasantly surprised with the content but nothing in English about tickets.
Oh, I almost forgot I can't go a post without slagging my pale, kilt wearing buddy - RF I'll be mailing you a burritto for a taste test and if you get Montezuma's it will be much more efficient than your Jenny Craig plan.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Dirty Money
WAB take the win you guys deserve to be in the Provincials, what I don't understand why Surrey can't get there whole team out in the biggest game of the year. Regs when we played you last year in the semi's you guys had 10 guys on the bench, where are all these guys?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
WAB take the win you guys deserve to be in the Provincials, what I don't understand why Surrey can't get there whole team out in the biggest game of the year. Regs when we played you last year in the semi's you guys had 10 guys on the bench, where are all these guys?

Hose, they all had legitimate reasons for not being there, either family commitments pre-planned to this impromptu playoff during Spring Break, or very injured. It's not because Surrey can't get their whole team there.

However, it is obvious that we need to address the reasons for a rash of injuries. An anomoly? Likely. Too much turf? Could be a concern. Age? Definitely.

Maybe we play the long ball too much hey Hose? I wish we were as skillful and creative as you guys.:rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 9, 2007
Dirty Money
From what I have read, there were obviously some "kick it out" comments. I can honestly tell you that I didn't hear them. The ball was cleared directly to me about 25 yards out to the left. A defender came straight at me . I took a touch to control, maybe two touches to cut inside to get around him and a final touch to shoot(yes with my head down) I looked up and the goalie was lying to the left side of the net as the ball was looping into the net off a defender. I don't think that the defender that came at me heard anything either because he seemed to be doing his best to defend. It's not a good way to win and in fact after the game, there was no celebration because it didn't really feel like a legitimate win. It was a bad break for Surrey but the thought of letting them come down and score never entered our minds until I read it on here. I'm not sure there would be many teams who would give the goal back.
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