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2002 Season Results and Witty Banter

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New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Puffen out again Jimmy....

Excuses excuses excuses...their always seem to be something. My take is that you are afraid of Iron Chef Osler! Europe...no excuse. Cancel the trip and face the music!


Pen 15

New Member
Jul 19, 2002
Dirty Money

Just would like to add that i have been reading these posts for the last few months... and i must admit, it has been very entertaining !!! I would like to say one thing though, Sexual chocolate you are 'bar none' one of the biggest baby tryhards i have ever seen on this forum !!! For the rest of the people who post on here.... Thank you for the good laughs. And good luck to the Young guns and Tryhards on Sunday. Go guns go....OUT !

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
ALERT!! Why go blading in Stanley Park?

The BBQ we were organising is being moved from alcohol free Burnaby Lakes to a girl on our team's house (about 5 mins from park). Huge backyard with all the trimmings...bocce, ping pong, and hot tub! Even though I haven't confirmed this with her yet, I'll go on a limb and state that one and all are still invited.

You'll need to bring:
Baby oil
Bathing suit (optional)


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Here it is!!!

The Results nobody is waiting for.

Young Elbows, I mean Young Guns 3 - Didn't Try hard enough 0.

To start things off, the reffing was the worst of the year. Any ref who makes a call one way, then says " I'm changing my call", points the other direction, then takes that call back and has a drop ball is an absolute moron. Go back to mini soccer where it's more your speed and you don't have to take out the rule book for every call. Who call's a foul throw in in Co-ed soccer. Give me a friggin break.
As for the Young Guns, they had a great game and we didn't. First 10 minutes, our guy get's flattened after a header and one of our girls get's an elbow in the face. Not the best start to a co-ed game. Neither called of course.
What bothered us most was that their guy ran down our girl defenseman twice, "Frankie" elbowed our guy in the head and then preceded to play stupid like it never happened, and some, idiot that had the witty remarks like " you should be wearing a bra", or " See ya" after a goal. Frankie, IT"S CO-ED, save that elbowing and playing stupid shite for your Ital league, or go back to playing in Cali or wherever you played.
Wish we could bring some semi-pro players out to win the co-ed league. I'm not knockin the skills, he seems like a good player, just doesn't get the idea of co-ed soccer. It's not men's league. But I guess it's what you can get away with isn't it.
:D Although we did have Dave out for our game though.
Sure would have been weak if you actually protested him playing.
Overall it was a very high paced skilled game but we came out on the wrong end. We just didn't play well enough to win.

Maybe next year, or maybe we can get our revenge in Vernon.

I know you are going to think I'm bitter about losing but I don't really care much for losing, just that it wasn't a fun game to play at all, even when it was 0-0. Would have rather player QLT again.


Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Final ~ Tryhards 3 - Buddha 0

Not much to say really about the game. It was even play and skill be the two teams, having the YG's finishing their chances. Score should have been 1 nil for the YG's at the end but due to the shocking display from the 'boy in black' in the middle of the pitch the score heavily favoured the YG's. Not to say Buddha was to win/lose due to the official because he was shocking for both sides. Everytime this dumbass blew his whistle both teams looked at each other and wondered who the call was for. :eek:

But I do have to ask why the fellow (#8) on the YG's stated he doesn't where a bra, was this to be a slag?:rolleyes:; # 20 upfront that was getting a little hot headed kept saying "what's the score" or "what's the score" or "what's the score", could not someone help him out with some alternate slags, or is he that much of a dumbass that he really did not know the score:confused: :rolleyes: ; #14 (?) in the middle of the pitch, asking 'how does it feel to lose?' ~ feels great!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Congrats YG's on a good season and winning the playoffs, look forward to seeing you in Vernon!

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, I've been debating whether or not to post this. One shouldn't bash their officiating brethren - they get enough from the players - but today really bothered me as a referee.

At the co-ed finals, two gents came out with me who have rarely, if at all, refereed in this league. Upon showing up pretty late for the 10AM game, both guys said they had no interest in being linesmen for both games, and the younger of the two told me that he wanted to do the A-final because he was going for his level one ticket soon.

I stared at them blankly for a second before shrugging and saying, "Well, I guess I'm a linesman today," even though Herb had told me to ref one of the finals. Quite frankly it didn't really bother me if I wasn't in the middle.

This isn't where I get mad though.

The Mavericks weren't ready for a ten AM kickoff (surprise!). They were going to be ready at about 10:10 or so. The guy in the middle for the first game started the clock before the whistle was blown. I mean way before. Before he even called up the captains. I asked what he was doing and he said (and I quote), "It's not my fault if they're not ready. Besides I don't want to be here any longer than I have to anyway.":eek: The first half went 39 minutes. I shite you not.

Any respect I may have had for this man just flew out the window. And what's worse? He never left the gait of a quick walk the entire game. I can honestly say that I did not see him jog - even once.

At the end of regulation, the score was tied. I was pretty sure we were to have two 15 minute OT's and go to PK's. I wanted to check with J R to be sure. The ref said to each team "We'll play two fives."

Huh? I asked J R if that was league policy and his stunned reply was, of course, no. I talked to the ref who grudgingly accepted the decision to play 15's. I ran across the field to inform one of the teams that they were now playing 15's, as they should be. I ran back to where the ref was and he and the other linesman decided to play two 10's instead.

This was getting fcuking embarrassing:mad: . I had to walk back over to that side again and tell them that they were now playing 10 minutes of OT. My tail was between my legs as we started the OT. Mercifully, it ended in less than a minute and the time was never a factor. But this guy had the gonads to say "Thank God that's over!" when it was finished. He went on to say, "I didn't want to be here all afternoon."

I don't expect every referee to be gung ho and give up everything for "The Love of the Game," but have some fcuking respect for the players who are paying you to at the very least be competent and call the game by its proper standards.

By the way, the second guy, who was at least much more professional started the clock early for the first half of the A-final because they were a couple of minutes late. They played 42 minutes - in a fcuking league final!

Okay, dude, you can have your soapbox back.


Fat Referee


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to YG's....

A brief congrats to YG's on behalf of the BDGC's!!

Although by the sounds of the above posts, 2 things come to mind:

1) JR has some work to do on getting "good" refs that will at least leave the centre circle....a common theme on crap refereeing this summer!

2) YG's need to work on their trash talking....Yoda and Skytrain's comments on the YG's weak TT hit home....we heard those same lame slags during our game. Time for 911 to hold a class before next summer.

But, congrats. Seeya in Vernon!



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
You can come to the Dragons BBQ Fatty.


We had that guy one Sunday at Osler. He did the same thing. He started the clock because we were all sort of moping around getting ready, but never told anyone. I believe he is the same guy that gave Regs a red card last year.:eek: Why wasn't Herb reffing the final? He refs all year and then gives the final to a couple of hot head frumpies that don't know the difference between a Co-ed game and the world cup final.

Congratulations to the Young Guns, however, there is no place for elbows, heavy hits, and trash talking in Co-ed. I hope it wasn't as bad as the two Tryhards let on. Like I said before, our game against you guys was a fun affair. I hope you can keep your name next year, If you know what I mean............

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Herb would have been there but he had personal matters to attend to.

The game wasn't all that bad. There was some stuff that probably could have stayed home, but all in all there wasn't an overabundance of testosterone-laden-tryhardedness.

By the way, that semi-pro guy for YG completely changed the game. It was a boring first half with no chances either way. He comes on the park and it's 3 - bagel. The YG keeper made some great stops to preserve the goose egg, too.

Chubby Simian:cool:


Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Fat Monkey,

Well said! Even though the blind mice might come and shave you :eek: ;) That bonehead was wanting to get his level one ticket, he should have his whistle repossesed and black shirt donated. Did he mention that he does not know the difference between co-ed and the world cup?


Herb ahd to go to the Island with his family, he did mention to me as well that Fat Monkey was to do at least the 'A' final. That being said I don't know which one would have been more shocking.:eek: ;) :p



New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
What a shtty turn out for the final!

Where was everyone? ....... this coming from me, who literally crawled out of bed and drove half asleep to the turf to only catch the second half.... BUT I WAS THERE!

But I must agree with everyone..... the ref STUNK! BRUTAL! He should have had to pay the teams for putting up with the crap! :eek:

I guess a "congrats" is in order to the YG's.....

Oh & CartDriver...... the story was amusing (I just hope I wasn't one of the ones in that mess) and it was a change from the usual "bitching" about certain players on my team (not naming names.... :rolleyes: )

:D Spazz



Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
we haven't heard from the Not so Young Guns yet...

Are they still at the Roxy ?

Well done Conductor, your dream came true, the B.I.G. comeback that is...

Pen 15

New Member
Jul 19, 2002
Dirty Money

First of all i must say that the TRYHARDS should change their names to DIEhards !!! I cannot believe this.... They were the ones that were whinning all game.. and they have the odassity(sp) to come on this forum and give it to the Young guns !! I was just a spectator and i could call only what i can see... First of all the ball went out of play, like way out there... so they never had a ball for about 1 minute... All i heard was one of the girlz from tryhards just chirping and whinning saying why don't you guyz have another ball, if your balls are flat get a pump ' I mean this woman was soooo bitter of being down 2-0 at that point, she was trying to do whatever it took to carve the young guns... Very unclassy !! As for the men.. They looked like they just got off Gilligans Island ! They were trash talking pretty much the whole game... They were very dirty and very unskilled... I mean they come on this forum making it look like the guns were doing everything wrong but in reallity they started it and all the guns did was respond !!! I cannot believe they actually went undefeated... I must add they are one of the most 'unclassy' organization in this league !!!! Needless i say anymore except that after watching the 2 semi-final games i was hoping for alot more... Cheers to the Young guns...... And no cheers to the die hards !!! As for the referring i need say anymore !!! The worst referring i HAVE EVER seen.... Regardless the final outcome was justified !!! Cheers to all as this is my opinion.... Thanx and have a sage summer everyone !!! OUT

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
The Streak is Over

I'm was only going to talk about the game for a bit, but I see that I'm on damage control again. It added to my nausea to read those comments when I woke up this morning, but I'm not going to get into another mud slinging fight with anyone. After a year off, we won another championship, and we're happy.

I was planning to use this post to talk about an important streak that ended for me, but more of that later..

First off, yes the officiating was brutal, but it had no impact on the final score. One PK to both teams, but only we were fortunate enough to capitalise. In fact, we were so "tryhard" about our PK that we didn't let our "semi-pro superstar" (actually div.1 men vancouver) shoot it when the score was 1-0: we let Nadia take it. After Scurry bearhugged our player going past him, the "ref" gave us another PK but then mysteriously pointed in the other direction when the complaints broke out.

As for the beatching, elbows, TT. etc.. I HONESTLY don't have a clue where or when this happened. On a scale of 1-10 co-ed tryhardness, to me, this game was about a 2 in regards to intensity, whining, complaining etc. that could be heard or seen from the sidelines or across the park. There was the odd sideline complaint that the ref should be (or was) playing for us, but that's it. Maybe it was taking place subtley on the field, but it DEFINITELY was not occurring around me.

I just remember that when the final whistle blew, it didn't feel like winning a hard fought championship.

This game was nothing as pretty to watch or play in as our game vs Cheatside. That was a match that easily could have been won by EITHER side. No offense to Buddha, but they didn't appear to play their best match.

We requested Fat Monkey. It's too bad he didn't ref. But if he's making remarks like we only won because of Frank, then maybe it's best he wasn't reffing. Even though it took both teams 45 minutes to wake up, I think it was pretty clear that ON THIS DAY we were the better TEAM.

As for my Seinfeld streak...Last night I think it was the mixture of alcohol, potato chips, alcohol, Italian suasage, and alcohol that had me kissing the porcelain after I got home from the Roxbury. My non-puking streak (caused by the usage of alcohol) goes back to December 10, 1992. But I see that this significant event will now be overshadowed and clouded by the latest rantings.

Let the mud slinging begin, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think Fat Monkey ever said you only won because of the ref. But what do I know, I'm just a caveman.

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial, there is no question you "Old" Guns deserved the win. I'm not sure, upon reading my previous posts, where you thought I said the ref decided the outcome. If he made some mistakes:rolleyes: , they certainly weren't one sided.

But you couldn't make it to ten years without losing a lung, eh? That's like breaking out of prison 9 years and 345 days into a 10 year sentence.:D

I still think it's a strange sight seeing Reading in the Guns' uniform.:confused: My world still doesn't make sense.

Large Ape.:cool:


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Tryhards.......

Originally posted by Pen 15
I was just a spectator and i could call only what i can see...

Then maybe next time you can come out and play in the game and see for yourself. If you didn't see it then don't comment on it.

They were very dirty and very unskilled... I mean they come on this forum making it look like the guns were doing everything wrong but in reallity they started it and all the guns did was respond !!!
I see, now I understand. It's unclassy to start anything but it's pure class to respond.
I don't believe we ran over a single girl on your team but I do recall your forward knocking our girl defenseman down twice and then walked away laughing. Didn't help her up, just walked away. I guess that's the class we should have in co-ed.

I cannot believe they actually went undefeated... I must add they are one of the most 'unclassy' organization in this league !!!! Needless i say anymore except that after watching the 2 semi-final games i was hoping for alot more... Cheers to the Young guns...... And no cheers to the die hards !!! As for the referring i need say anymore !!! The worst referring i HAVE EVER seen.... Cheers to all as this is my opinion.... Thanx and have a sage summer everyone !!! OUT

If you had actually read my post I was commenting on the elbows that were given by 2 of your players without any apologies to our girls. Hell, if I even bump a girl in a game I'd ask if she's alright. I'm not out to hurt anyone, unlike some of your guys that think their playing in a mens final and don't know how to ease up on someone.
Why would you guys whine anyways,you got all the calls. One of my favourites being the referee's comment when a YG girl was shielding the ball and our defenseman had a foul called on him and asked "What was the call" to which the ref replied " You touched her". Can't argue with that one, it's straight out of the rule books.....Somewhere.

Regardless the final outcome was justified !!!
I admitted in my post that we didn't deserve to win that game, we didn't play well enough at all to win. Did you read my post?

Needless I say more.....whatever that means?

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Clarification in order

I wasn't referring to the referee. "Frank" is our "semi professional" player who plays in Div1 of the VMSL. You appeared to be implying that we are a one person team, and I'm not sure that's a fair statement. Other than that, no worries.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial 911

I agree with your comments, the whining was held to only a few incidents and bad calls, which went both ways.
The only comment i heard from the sidelines was "Hey ref, do you have Young Guns written on your underwear or something?"


As for Nadia taking the PK, good on ya. We always have our girls take the PK's as well. I would think all teams do that. NO?

And no we didn't play our best match, but if you can't produce in the key games then you don't deserve to win.

There is always next year.

I was just a little unimpressed with the guy who was yelling "See ya" after you guys scored the 3rd goal, and earlier telling our player that he needs to wear a bra. Well thought out trash talk.

Where did Frankie play before he played Div1?

See ya in Vernon. Don't be afraid to say hi!
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