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Bradner Cup Bradner Cup 2010/11


New Member
Nov 15, 2010
Dirty Money
Hey junctionking ask number 8 from your team the asian midfielder, he was wearing the exact same mittens. The reason the call was answered after the game is because that Ian guy called over after the game had ended. And during the game at one point one of our guys was down injured and the PM Gunner guy was standing over him calling him a pussy telling him to get up, real classy. After that we had one of players go in with a clean slide tackle and again the PM gunner guy blow up and tried to punch down at him. As soon as he was back on his feet the gunner calmed down asap. You guys hate us because we're "whiney" maybe its because we're brown we can't answer that. Your fans liked to point out the fact that we are brown even start using racial slurs. But honestly at the end of the day it doesn't matter because its not gonna affect me in real life I'm still going to drive around in my brand new X6 and I'm still gonna spend more money every weekend then you make during the week. So please keep fueling the fire and we'll see how the future goes.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Hey junctionking ask number 8 from your team the asian midfielder, he was wearing the exact same mittens. The reason the call was answered after the game is because that Ian guy called over after the game had ended. And during the game at one point one of our guys was down injured and the PM Gunner guy was standing over him calling him a pussy telling him to get up, real classy. After that we had one of players go in with a clean slide tackle and again the PM gunner guy blow up and tried to punch down at him. As soon as he was back on his feet the gunner calmed down asap. You guys hate us because we're "whiney" maybe its because we're brown we can't answer that. Your fans liked to point out the fact that we are brown even start using racial slurs. But honestly at the end of the day it doesn't matter because its not gonna affect me in real life I'm still going to drive around in my brand new X6 and I'm still gonna spend more money every weekend then you make during the week. So please keep fueling the fire and we'll see how the future goes.

You forgot to give props to ma and pa for co-signing your loan.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
I don really care for the Abby/pm situation but honestly gunners I doubt you guys didn't provoke it. Everytime I play your club someone has something smug too say. Like last time hearing your div 1 guys on the sideline saying stupid comments. Plus I don't know if it's true or not bit I heard one of your fans threw a beer bottle at Abby, what response do you guys expect if this is true? Stop acting so innocent Dutch.


Oct 6, 2005
Dirty Money
Hey this is Ian from the PM Gunners. *Let me start off by saying my home smells of rich mahogany and I own many leather-bound books... Honestly dude, nobody gives a shite about the car you drive or how much money you have except the tire biting highschool girls your trying to impress. *This is an Internet forum for soccer posts. *That being said! *I'm posting this from my phone so please bare with me! *I'm getting ripped mercilessly on here so I figure I should say something at the very least. *

It was a great game to be a part of, tonnes of emotion from both teams, and both battled and played very hard. *We went down 1 nil about half way through the first half on a nice run by one of their strikers. *These guys have some serious speed up front and on the wings. *I felt (in my bias opinion) that this was against the flow of the play, but for the most part the first half went back and forth. *They got another one shortly after on an absolute cracker of a shot from about 40 yards out. *The guy got the ball just past center and before he had even taken a second touch on it he ripped a half volley from wayyyyyy out and it found the back of the net. *This shot was what dreams are made of! I'm not sure if it was after the first or second goal but the Abby guys decided to have their celly right in front of our bench and below where our fans were standing. *One guy, I think # 23 even went so far as to point up to our crowd and scream to our prem teams captain "that was for youuuuuuuuu!" lol. Great stuff. *So as far as I'm concerned, any chirps (I didn't hear any racial slurs) after this point were very well deserved. *And btw, thanks for giving us that extra motivation to come out hard in the second half. *Im sure it made the victory that much sweeter for the ppl watching to be able to rub it in your face the same way you had done to us. *You really did get a taste of your own medicine there, and wow, it must have been bitter. *Anyways, I digress. *We came out out flying in the second half and controlled the play for the most part, they countered well and had a few fast break plays but not very much in the way of quality chances until one in the final few minutes. *We scored one off a well placed corner kick onto our strikers head and he buried it. *The other was a scramble style play where it looked like their goalie may have scooped it off the line and our guy got to it and finished the rebound from a bad angle. *The final 10 minutes got pretty wild, *we pressured hard until about 5 left when their defender got injured, it looked like he may have separated his shoulder. *The game was pretty intense at that point, I'm sure some perhaps regrettable things may have been said before the seriousness of the injury was known... and I'll apologize for my team mate for that. *It did look like a pretty harmless tackle from where I was, and maybe he felt it was a stall tactic or something. *Anyhow, after a long delay we got caught sleeping when the play restarted and they came down and nearly went ahead on a nice through-ball across our 18. * The game ended a draw and we went to pks where their keeper stopped our first shot, but we scored the rest. *They scored their first 4, but then the poor kid who shot 5th for the win did his best Roberto Baggio impression and put one deep into the creek, over the newly constructed fence at PMTC. *Then we traded goals until about the 9th or 10th when our keeps made a stop for the win. *

We shook hands, everything was all good. *Somebody must have said something to one of you're players though, because your guy felt it was necessary to challenge the whole bleacher section to "come down here.". There was name calling, I merely just told buddy to stfu and go home. *There's only so much of that "i wanna fight you crap" I can listen to in one night before saying something back. *He responded by screaming "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" *while getting held back by both teams. *Clearly nobody was going to get at anybody, but it got pretty serious when the idiot decided to put his hands on the ref. *If Nigel decides to write it up, that should be worth a couple games. *Well played sir! *As Dutch stated, I've got at least one more round of cup to play, so ya heading to the dressing room while the pyscho shrieked obscenities was clearly in my best interest. *We all had a good chuckle after at his expense. *

I'm 24 years old. *Fighting is something I may have done when I was like 14 to 18 years old. *But as you get older, you realize that being mr tough guy really ain't worth shite. *I've had friends get jumped, stabbed, and shot. *So at this point in my life I know better than to get involved in some stupid bullshit like that. *Especially in a soccer game, a soccer game that is over, that i had already won! Come on man. *What's the average age on your team? *Because the maturity level shown by your guys was shocking. *You're players were fingering the stands after they put away their pks FFS! *That's why ppl are calling you whiners.

And don't come on here and act like you guys are angels, I was called a pussy everytime I got fouled. *" pussy ass white boy" actually. *So there's a double standard here with ur racism comments. *Challenged to fight twice early in the game... And ya, you guys do complain and talk a lot of shite. *Now, I don't want to paint the whole team with the same shitty brush... *Ppl calling u guys whiny isn't a "brown thing.". It's an "asshole thing.". There a couple of real assholes on your squad that are getting the whole team labeled as whiners. *When our team came into mens league we were alot like you guys; highly skilled, cocky, thought we could beat every team we faced *(It's a good quality to have and I respect your team alot for it). *And other teams just plain old didn't like losing to us. *So in retaliation, they would come on ttp and bitch about whatever they could to tear us down. *It's ttp, your always gonna get beaked on here no matter who are you are. *Don't make this a race thing. **

All that being said, you guys have a very good team. *Too good for div2 IMO. *You play hard, are strong in the air, got tonnes of speed and skill, I think if you were up in 1st div you guys would probably finish in the top 5. *I expect Abby to make some noise when Knights Cup rolls around. *

But again, as I said during the game "real men wear mustaches. Ladies wear mittens while playing soccer".*

Good luck the rest of the way and maybe we run into to you again next year in the Bradner. *Could be the start of great rivalry! *Send the kid with the separated shoulder our best from the Gunners, we wish him a speedy recovery. *And lastly, welcome to ttp! *Try not to take anything said on here too seriously, you seem like you get worked up pretty easily.


The Ranger

Sep 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey this is Ian from the PM Gunners. *Let me start off by saying my home smells of rich mahogany and I own many leather-bound books... Honestly dude, nobody gives a shite about the car you drive or how much money you have except the tire biting highschool girls your trying to impress. *This is an Internet forum for soccer posts. *That being said! *I'm posting this from my phone so please bare with me! *I'm getting ripped mercilessly on here so I figure I should say something at the very least. *

It was a great game to be a part of, tonnes of emotion from both teams, and both battled and played very hard. *We went down 1 nil about half way through the first half on a nice run by one of their strikers. *These guys have some serious speed up front and on the wings. *I felt (in my bias opinion) that this was against the flow of the play, but for the most part the first half went back and forth. *They got another one shortly after on an absolute cracker of a shot from about 40 yards out. *The guy got the ball just past center and before he had even taken a second touch on it he ripped a half volley from wayyyyyy out and it found the back of the net. *This shot was what dreams are made of! I'm not sure if it was after the first or second goal but the Abby guys decided to have their celly right in front of our bench and below where our fans were standing. *One guy, I think # 23 even went so far as to point up to our crowd and scream to our prem teams captain "that was for youuuuuuuuu!" lol. Great stuff. *So as far as I'm concerned, any chirps (I didn't hear any racial slurs) after this point were very well deserved. *And btw, thanks for giving us that extra motivation to come out hard in the second half. *Im sure it made the victory that much sweeter for the ppl watching to be able to rub it in your face the same way you had done to us. *You really did get a taste of your own medicine there, and wow, it must have been bitter. *Anyways, I digress. *We came out out flying in the second half and controlled the play for the most part, they countered well and had a few fast break plays but not very much in the way of quality chances until one in the final few minutes. *We scored one off a well placed corner kick onto our strikers head and he buried it. *The other was a scramble style play where it looked like their goalie may have scooped it off the line and our guy got to it and finished the rebound from a bad angle. *The final 10 minutes got pretty wild, *we pressured hard until about 5 left when their defender got injured, it looked like he may have separated his shoulder. *The game was pretty intense at that point, I'm sure some perhaps regrettable things may have been said before the seriousness of the injury was known... and I'll apologize for my team mate for that. *It did look like a pretty harmless tackle from where I was, and maybe he felt it was a stall tactic or something. *Anyhow, after a long delay we got caught sleeping when the play restarted and they came down and nearly went ahead on a nice through-ball across our 18. * The game ended a draw and we went to pks where their keeper stopped our first shot, but we scored the rest. *They scored their first 4, but then the poor kid who shot 5th for the win did his best Roberto Baggio impression and put one deep into the creek, over the newly constructed fence at PMTC. *Then we traded goals until about the 9th or 10th when our keeps made a stop for the win. *

We shook hands, everything was all good. *Somebody must have said something to one of you're players though, because your guy felt it was necessary to challenge the whole bleacher section to "come down here.". There was name calling, I merely just told buddy to stfu and go home. *There's only so much of that "i wanna fight you crap" I can listen to in one night before saying something back. *He responded by screaming "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" *while getting held back by both teams. *Clearly nobody was going to get at anybody, but it got pretty serious when the idiot decided to put his hands on the ref. *If Nigel decides to write it up, that should be worth a couple games. *Well played sir! *As Dutch stated, I've got at least one more round of cup to play, so ya heading to the dressing room while the pyscho shrieked obscenities was clearly in my best interest. *We all had a good chuckle after at his expense. *

I'm 24 years old. *Fighting is something I may have done when I was like 14 to 18 years old. *But as you get older, you realize that being mr tough guy really ain't worth shite. *I've had friends get jumped, stabbed, and shot. *So at this point in my life I know better than to get involved in some stupid bullshit like that. *Especially in a soccer game, a soccer game that is over, that i had already won! Come on man. *What's the average age on your team? *Because the maturity level shown by your guys was shocking. *You're players were fingering the stands after they put away their pks FFS! *That's why ppl are calling you whiners.

And don't come on here and act like you guys are angels, I was called a pussy everytime I got fouled. *" pussy ass white boy" actually. *So there's a double standard here with ur racism comments. *Challenged to fight twice early in the game... And ya, you guys do complain and talk a lot of shite. *Now, I don't want to paint the whole team with the same shitty brush... *Ppl calling u guys whiny isn't a "brown thing.". It's an "asshole thing.". There a couple of real assholes on your squad that are getting the whole team labeled as whiners. *When our team came into mens league we were alot like you guys; highly skilled, cocky, thought we could beat every team we faced *(It's a good quality to have and I respect your team alot for it). *And other teams just plain old didn't like losing to us. *So in retaliation, they would come on ttp and bitch about whatever they could to tear us down. *It's ttp, your always gonna get beaked on here no matter who are you are. *Don't make this a race thing. **

All that being said, you guys have a very good team. *Too good for div2 IMO. *You play hard, are strong in the air, got tonnes of speed and skill, I think if you were up in 1st div you guys would probably finish in the top 5. *I expect Abby to make some noise when Knights Cup rolls around. *

But again, as I said during the game "real men wear mustaches. Ladies wear mittens while playing soccer".*

Good luck the rest of the way and maybe we run into to you again next year in the Bradner. *Could be the start of great rivalry! *Send the kid with the separated shoulder our best from the Gunners, we wish him a speedy recovery. *And lastly, welcome to ttp! *Try not to take anything said on here too seriously, you seem like you get worked up pretty easily.




Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey this is Ian from the PM Gunners. *Let me start off by saying my home smells of rich mahogany and I own many leather-bound books... Honestly dude, nobody gives a shite about the car you drive or how much money you have except the tire biting highschool girls your trying to impress. *This is an Internet forum for soccer posts. *That being said! *I'm posting this from my phone so please bare with me! *I'm getting ripped mercilessly on here so I figure I should say something at the very least. *

It was a great game to be a part of, tonnes of emotion from both teams, and both battled and played very hard. *We went down 1 nil about half way through the first half on a nice run by one of their strikers. *These guys have some serious speed up front and on the wings. *I felt (in my bias opinion) that this was against the flow of the play, but for the most part the first half went back and forth. *They got another one shortly after on an absolute cracker of a shot from about 40 yards out. *The guy got the ball just past center and before he had even taken a second touch on it he ripped a half volley from wayyyyyy out and it found the back of the net. *This shot was what dreams are made of! I'm not sure if it was after the first or second goal but the Abby guys decided to have their celly right in front of our bench and below where our fans were standing. *One guy, I think # 23 even went so far as to point up to our crowd and scream to our prem teams captain "that was for youuuuuuuuu!" lol. Great stuff. *So as far as I'm concerned, any chirps (I didn't hear any racial slurs) after this point were very well deserved. *And btw, thanks for giving us that extra motivation to come out hard in the second half. *Im sure it made the victory that much sweeter for the ppl watching to be able to rub it in your face the same way you had done to us. *You really did get a taste of your own medicine there, and wow, it must have been bitter. *Anyways, I digress. *We came out out flying in the second half and controlled the play for the most part, they countered well and had a few fast break plays but not very much in the way of quality chances until one in the final few minutes. *We scored one off a well placed corner kick onto our strikers head and he buried it. *The other was a scramble style play where it looked like their goalie may have scooped it off the line and our guy got to it and finished the rebound from a bad angle. *The final 10 minutes got pretty wild, *we pressured hard until about 5 left when their defender got injured, it looked like he may have separated his shoulder. *The game was pretty intense at that point, I'm sure some perhaps regrettable things may have been said before the seriousness of the injury was known... and I'll apologize for my team mate for that. *It did look like a pretty harmless tackle from where I was, and maybe he felt it was a stall tactic or something. *Anyhow, after a long delay we got caught sleeping when the play restarted and they came down and nearly went ahead on a nice through-ball across our 18. * The game ended a draw and we went to pks where their keeper stopped our first shot, but we scored the rest. *They scored their first 4, but then the poor kid who shot 5th for the win did his best Roberto Baggio impression and put one deep into the creek, over the newly constructed fence at PMTC. *Then we traded goals until about the 9th or 10th when our keeps made a stop for the win. *

We shook hands, everything was all good. *Somebody must have said something to one of you're players though, because your guy felt it was necessary to challenge the whole bleacher section to "come down here.". There was name calling, I merely just told buddy to stfu and go home. *There's only so much of that "i wanna fight you crap" I can listen to in one night before saying something back. *He responded by screaming "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" *while getting held back by both teams. *Clearly nobody was going to get at anybody, but it got pretty serious when the idiot decided to put his hands on the ref. *If Nigel decides to write it up, that should be worth a couple games. *Well played sir! *As Dutch stated, I've got at least one more round of cup to play, so ya heading to the dressing room while the pyscho shrieked obscenities was clearly in my best interest. *We all had a good chuckle after at his expense. *

I'm 24 years old. *Fighting is something I may have done when I was like 14 to 18 years old. *But as you get older, you realize that being mr tough guy really ain't worth shite. *I've had friends get jumped, stabbed, and shot. *So at this point in my life I know better than to get involved in some stupid bullshit like that. *Especially in a soccer game, a soccer game that is over, that i had already won! Come on man. *What's the average age on your team? *Because the maturity level shown by your guys was shocking. *You're players were fingering the stands after they put away their pks FFS! *That's why ppl are calling you whiners.

And don't come on here and act like you guys are angels, I was called a pussy everytime I got fouled. *" pussy ass white boy" actually. *So there's a double standard here with ur racism comments. *Challenged to fight twice early in the game... And ya, you guys do complain and talk a lot of shite. *Now, I don't want to paint the whole team with the same shitty brush... *Ppl calling u guys whiny isn't a "brown thing.". It's an "asshole thing.". There a couple of real assholes on your squad that are getting the whole team labeled as whiners. *When our team came into mens league we were alot like you guys; highly skilled, cocky, thought we could beat every team we faced *(It's a good quality to have and I respect your team alot for it). *And other teams just plain old didn't like losing to us. *So in retaliation, they would come on ttp and bitch about whatever they could to tear us down. *It's ttp, your always gonna get beaked on here no matter who are you are. *Don't make this a race thing. **

All that being said, you guys have a very good team. *Too good for div2 IMO. *You play hard, are strong in the air, got tonnes of speed and skill, I think if you were up in 1st div you guys would probably finish in the top 5. *I expect Abby to make some noise when Knights Cup rolls around. *

But again, as I said during the game "real men wear mustaches. Ladies wear mittens while playing soccer".*

Good luck the rest of the way and maybe we run into to you again next year in the Bradner. *Could be the start of great rivalry! *Send the kid with the separated shoulder our best from the Gunners, we wish him a speedy recovery. *And lastly, welcome to ttp! *Try not to take anything said on here too seriously, you seem like you get worked up pretty easily.

You had me at Ian

hello Iain
just wondering If you can help uncle sid out with some Engerlish lessons
are you related to djones by any chance?
as for your post .................!
Does your mommy & daddys house really have mahogny & leather bound books YA FCUKING Nerd:wa::knvb::bronco::rolleyes::bronco::knvb::eek::eek::eek:


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
hello Iain
just wondering If you can help uncle sid out with some Engerlish lessons
are you related to djones by any chance?
as for your post .................!
Does your mommy & daddys house really have mahogny & leather bound books YA FCUKING Nerd:wa::knvb::bronco::rolleyes::bronco::knvb::eek::eek::eek:


  • ha ha.jpg
    ha ha.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
thanks for the laughs ian
whats ur address in port moody

i will send u a thank you card or Dudes oscar winning trophy



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

You guys hate us because we're "whiney" maybe its because we're brown we can't answer that. Your fans liked to point out the fact that we are brown even start using racial slurs. But honestly at the end of the day it doesn't matter because its not gonna affect me in real life I'm still going to drive around in my brand new X6 and I'm still gonna spend more money every weekend then you make during the week. So please keep fueling the fire and we'll see how the future goes.

I LOLed. Ranger: that means "Laughed Out Loud".

Ian, Thekid: I think you guys need to get together, maybe hug.

YouTube - Silver Spoons theme song intro


New Member
Jan 24, 2010
Dirty Money
Hey junctionking ask number 8 from your team the asian midfielder, he was wearing the exact same mittens. The reason the call was answered after the game is because that Ian guy called over after the game had ended. And during the game at one point one of our guys was down injured and the PM Gunner guy was standing over him calling him a pussy telling him to get up, real classy. After that we had one of players go in with a clean slide tackle and again the PM gunner guy blow up and tried to punch down at him. As soon as he was back on his feet the gunner calmed down asap. You guys hate us because we're "whiney" maybe its because we're brown we can't answer that. Your fans liked to point out the fact that we are brown even start using racial slurs. But honestly at the end of the day it doesn't matter because its not gonna affect me in real life I'm still going to drive around in my brand new X6 and I'm still gonna spend more money every weekend then you make during the week. So please keep fueling the fire and we'll see how the future goes.

To legit to quit eh? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm now scared if we match up in Knights/Presidents Cup. If something moves on to the parking lot I'm worried they'll scratch my Ferrari and/or make me drop the wads of $100's I carry around.

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