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Div 2 Div. 2 Promotion/Relegation

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Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
redwoods said:
Is this a fukin joke??? I hope that this is not true and the Hurricanes are not using illegal players.

...and the plot thickens.



New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Those are some strong accusations, but I can’t see them being true. If it is true there is not much anyone can do about it now. Its one mans word against another. The Canes will deny it, obviously.


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
sheep, you're right and you're wrong...you're right in the sense that its one mans word against anothers and the canes will deny it....you're wrong in the sense that these arent true...trust me..they're true....all im saying is they did use an illegal player...i dont know how many they used but i only know of one...their are plenty of ways to prove this and if teams do decide to protest...they can ask for all the proof...i just cant wait to hear what the hurricanes have to say...if u guys get away with this one...u guys deserve credit..cuz its gonna be hard to get outta this if it does go to the league but then again the league execs are a bunch of jokes...deny it all u want hurricanes...u know what the truth is and so do i

Keeper #1

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Dec 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer God,

What fukcin sources do you have that said that Sukh Dhaliwal doesn't play soccer and he can't play soccer. Those are some personnel shots you have taken at him and Sunny. I am sure many people will be upset regarding this bull shite. Any ways Sukh has been practicing with us the whole season and with temple. So stop making accusations to fukc us around. On another note, I thaught that first names are not aloud, Shaven. Isn't this a banning.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
For a dude that could care less either way, you sure have a lot to say on the issue, no?


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
keeper #1, my apologies for saying he can't play soccer...i didnt mean it the way u have taken it...and i am not taking any personal shots at anyone...what i am saying is that the person who clarified everythin for me said that he can play soccer just not at a competitive level...i didnt ask him why cuz i really didnt care...so my apologies for that...regs...i really could care less...i just didnt want everybody sayin that its bullshit and im tryin to stir anythin...and if i wasnt suppose to say names, im sorry...ive seen names on here before so i thought i was allowed...my apologies again if i wasnt...

Keeper #1

New Member
Dec 7, 2004
Dirty Money
No hard feelings on my part. If I were you I would not trust your sources, when its all said and done he/she is making you look like the idiot. If your source has balls tell him to come on here and make those so called "TRUE" allegations.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
shaven said:
...and the plot thickens.

fact : last time we played them someone from the sidelines came over to us and pointed out an illegal player according to them.we did not follow it up because we lost and didn't deserve to win. fact :check your teamlist provided to you from the canes.why are the players numbers not shown only names an id numbers . makes you wonder why no numbers to match the faces to ?

question is why has the league not done anything about this and why is it not in every refs report ?

the plot thickens

Hurricane Power

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Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Fcuk, Life is busy enough without having to comment on shite like this. I am going to keep it as simple as possible. We haven't done anything illegal and we don't have anything to hide. Soccer God, if you have information and you think it is accurate, please go to the league with it. We could bounce back and forth on it till the cows come home and it means nothing. Sukhi is our goalie's brother in law and is registered with us. He practices with us and HE DOES play soccer. He played in the Indo Canadian tourneys last year and he has played competitive soccer all his life. To say othewise is to insult him and is beyond me why you would do it. Curious, as for our #s, our team list is the same as most everyone else. We put the #s on the list we give to the referee as I write them in each game. Sometimes if I have time, I write it on both lists. It's the same with the lists I get from most other teams. Bottom line is that the refs check the players IDs against their #s so I don't know what it matters anyway. We have said from Day 1 that any team that is playing us is free to come over and check our IDs against our team list anytime as we don't even want to give the appearance of hiding anything. Bulljive has watched pretty close to half our games this year and he knows who most of the guys on our team are. If we were sneaking players in, I guarantee you Bulljive would have noticed! I'm not sure who Soccer God is or what his ulterior motive is. I am sick and tired of jealousy and hatred within our own Indo-Canadian community though and I'm going to leave it at this. If you got stuff to say, at least have the decency to say who you are and who your "sources" are, otherwise take it up with the league rather than take shots at us without us even knowing who we are defending ourselves against.


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Dec 13, 2004
Dirty Money
Well thats quite an accusation there buddy. I dont know if you have noticed or not but our lineup has been deplated as of late and since sukha has been practicing with us we used him in our lineup. Our bench has more skill than the team that you play on so trust me we dont need to use illegall players. You can make all these dumb accusations you want because in the end thats all they are, ACCUSATIONS. We as a team had a successful year and bitches like you want to come on here and try dragging us down now? I hope to god that your pathetic port moody team stays in div 1 next year because we will beat the crap out of you chumps. So to clear it up for you all, sunny dhaliwal never played with us because we wouldnt want to jeapordize our whole season. Sukha his brother did play with us because we have been hurting for bodies due to vacation and the kids having their coastals. Anyways see you guys in div 1 next year.
SoccerGod said:
i actually made it out to the game and watched most of it and it was a good game....regarding the hades game....hurricanes should be forfeited the match for using an illegal player...i actually private messaged hurricane power about this and he said it was his brother sukhi dhaliwal who played so i looked into this further and u know sukhi dhaliwal doesnt play soccer...the guy cant play soccer...it was sonny dhaliwal who was playin and he is registered with sikh temple div 1 and did not transfer over at the deadline...i was actually gonna play for port moody in this promotion/relegation battle but i opted out...so yeah as i was sayin...i did look into it and asked some of the people i know who know these ppl firsthand....sonny is actually playin under his brothers information...sorry to spoil it hurricanes but u got caught in a bluff....i hate doing this but if u gonna play...play it fair


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I wasn't at the game in question so I can't really help you out hurricane power. I am sure eagleridge won't protest either way. None of their guys are on ttp, and I am sure none of them are even aware of the situation. from what I have watched they have used pretty much the same line up. when we played them their was a few faces i didn't recognize but I didn't assume any guys were illegal. I have no idea but it seems this stuff has been swirling around all year and it does make you wonder. i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that their guys were all legal until somebody can actually prove something. Which i don't imagine they can, or if they can I don't imagine they will do anything about it.


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Feb 26, 2004
Dirty Money
All this talk about us is almost flattering. Soccer god it is alrite to envy a team such as ours, but cmon guy, what's with the ludacris accusations. Sunny D has been nothing more than a spectator for us, since everyone loves to watch us play, you cant hate on the guy for coming out and watching our games. Not trying to knock any of the other teams, but we have dominated almost every game played with the team we have so why would we bring in other players at the end of the season and risk div 1 like that. It's alrite for everyone to hate on us as we are ****y as hell but hey the fact of the matter is we are going to div 1 next year.
Also soccer god, you can personally come check our id cards next game if you please.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I thought sunny was the older guy that plays center mid for your team. or is that a different sunny? I know I have seen that guy play and he is one of the hurricanes better players but I am assuming it's a different sunny.

hajduk 11

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Mar 2, 2005
Dirty Money
Who cares if they are using illegal players. What is an illegal player, its fukcen rec soccer. This "illegal player" is a div 1 player so it seems he is playing in the right calibre league to me. I think every sport I have ever played people are playing under a different names, but it is still apart of heir team. If a player plays for a team then he is on it. Every team tries to make their team as good as they can and if they are better then you deal with it. Teams should be able to play whoever they want. In my opinion you only need to keep track of players for card reasons and to protect us from the crazy ones.


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
curious said:
shaven said:
...and the plot thickens.

fact : last time we played them someone from the sidelines came over to us and pointed out an illegal player according to them.we did not follow it up because we lost and didn't deserve to win.

just stirring the pot hp .boring with no soccer to play.if you read my post it really says deal with it before not after.as i said in an ealier post your club system's are there to use so why not use them ? good luck in div one as i am sure you will be there


Mar 24, 2005
Dirty Money
To all you guys bitching about the Hurricanes line-up and whether they are using illegal players, I'd just calm down. This website allows us to say stupid sh*t and get away with it, but making bold accusations is just stupid. Who knows what the truth is, but I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the Hurricanes. The canes are a solid team and come to play regardless of who is available to play. That being said, they have a deep roster. That means lots of faces. Sometimes its hard to keep track, especially with the young guys they have that only get back in time to play in April, etc. This i know from our battles in Div 3 last year. The Hurricanes, and I hope most teams for that matter, are not stupid enough to jeopardize a promotion match by using an illegal player. They are a talented team that would be able to play most teams with 10 players rather than dressing an illegal eleventh. So for all you hating on them, just give it a rest. Sure you can accuse them of whatever you like, but just think....would you dress an illegal player in a promotional match??? I doubt it, I hope not....but if you are....you are dumb sh*ts.

Good luck to all of you in the promotional matches, and for whomever does not make it...we can't wait to match up against you next year at the top of Div 2. Later boys.

Hurricane Power

New Member
Feb 27, 2004
Dirty Money
The older guy that plays centre mid is named Lucky, but his usual centre midfield partner is named Sunny who is actually 08star which as you know has been with us for the duration of our existence...08 is 21 yrs old i believe.

bulljive said:
I thought sunny was the older guy that plays center mid for your team. or is that a different sunny? I know I have seen that guy play and he is one of the hurricanes better players but I am assuming it's a different sunny.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Hurricane Power said:
The older guy that plays centre mid is named Lucky, but his usual centre midfield partner is named Sunny who is actually 08star which as you know has been with us for the duration of our existence...08 is 21 yrs old i believe.

sorry lucky not sunny i don't know why i got that confused... my mistake

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money

Sukhi Dhaliwal's probably Soccer God :rolleyes: . He probably got pissed off that they subbed him off or something :D

p.s....go get them Sukh :cool:

Hard Ballz
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