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Premier [FVSL Premier] Results & Banter November 2008

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm still not following how NOT having a player listed on the teamsheet when he is not playing is a supposed no-no.

Is it not one of the Referee's duties before the match to check player names/numbers/ID cards?

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Is it not one of the Referee's duties before the match to check player names/numbers/ID cards?

I won't name name's but not all ref's are checking cards,numbers or names. A few of them also don't show-up till game time, run to the middle of the pitch and blow the whistle (mostly when it is raining).

Is there a way these guys can get fined:D


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's crap.

I'm convinced this is a failure by the league to instruct the refs to do their jobs.
Feb 19, 2008
Dirty Money
Is there a witch hunt going on here? I heard that this decision to go after teams for technical irregularities came from, and was driven by, the President of the FVSL and that many members of the executive are unhappy about it.

I’d be interested to know if people think that for the President of the league to also be the manager/coach of a team in the league is a conflict of interests? If so, why would the league put themselves in this position?

Without going into the specifics of our case at PAU, I’m pretty sure that the player in question is a registered FVSL player and wasn’t suspended when he played. The points deduction must have come from some sort of paperwork slip up – absolutely no unfair advantage was gained by him playing in that game as he was eligible to do so.

I also think it’s interesting that the draw for the Soccer-X cup (where groups are based on league position) was made just before the points were deducted? How was this decided?

Lastly, I was told by a member of the POCO squad that when the draw for the league was made that POCO drew Chilliwack in the first game of the season. Obviously this wasn’t how it ended up. This may not be true, but it is what I was told.

If we needed some motivation for the second half of the season, there it is.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
In our case Owen (Odog) was left on the master sheet. Beside his name instead of a number the letters N/A appear as he is out with his knee surgury. This is how I have done my game sheet for 5 years without a problem,,Then I get a call to appear 7 games in to say we have been filling out our paperwork wrong..5 years and 7 games to tell me this,,hell ok this year. 7 games to let us know. We are new to Premier and we had thought N/A was as good as takeing off the name,The refs got it and marked him as not playing so why the hell does the FVSL office not get it,,and wait so long to correct us..It gets better guys,,if we are cheeting then why not take all our points away why only 6 ????? Hey where in the rules or Constatution is the tutorial on how to fill out the papers correctly???? I was told they only took off 6 points because the board felt I was not cheeting but only makeing a mistake??? so why any points then if it is a mistake,A fine yes but points to a Premier team who the board felt never cheeted??? Also now the Express cup should be changed aswell,yes the new standings only effect 2 teams for the placement of the Cup divisions,,But 2 teams are 2 teams and they should be moved to the correct divisions as the verbal RULES were voted on and put in place. So why are some rules followed and some not.???????? I am super pissed and a few of you will take a run at me,,I could care less we acbc DID NOT PLAY ANY FRICKEN GUYS WHO WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO WE ONLY HAD THEM ON A LIST MARKED n/a AND THE REF SAW IT AND DID NOT CHECK THAT PLAYER AS PLAYING. 7 fricken games in to tell us it was wrong..only 6 points not all of them?? No where to see how to fill out the paper correctly??? Express cup teams in wrong divisions????
What a fukcing joke.
I can only imagine how PAU and Chilliwack feel.
Shame on


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Looks like cascadesoccer was right (Oct. 25th post), ACBC deducted 6 points for playing ineligible player. WOW.... how many times is this now.... Ghouse? what's going on over there?***************

And also how did cascadesoccer find out about this before everyone else???????????????????????????????????
Shame on


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
The referees are in effect, an agent for the league.

If referees were allowing N/A to denote a player not playing, then the onus should then be placed back on the league for not having their house in order.

Based on this, I would ask/demand back the ref fees paid in these games. You've paid for a service that was not fully performed.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
I won't name name's but not all ref's are checking cards,numbers or names. A few of them also don't show-up till game time, run to the middle of the pitch and blow the whistle (mostly when it is raining).

Is there a way these guys can get fined:D

Didn't I already go over their accountability in Oct, no one seemed to want to mention anything other than $$$$.

On the other side, we have had to sit guys due to our mistakes and not having proper forms/ID cards. We knew the rules going in, thus made sure we followed them. I am not sure about all of the rules, but do know about the sheets and ID's being correct. And yes the ref should be checking the forms! Did the league announce the new rules, etc during any of the meetings? Anyone? I do know they have been letting form issues go in the past, maybe enough was enough.

That said, big point change in Prem., should make for interesting 2nd half.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Looks like cascadesoccer was right (Oct. 25th post), ACBC deducted 6 points for playing ineligible player. WOW.... how many times is this now.... Ghouse? what's going on over there?***************

And also how did cascadesoccer find out about this before everyone else???????????????????????????????????
Shame on

When I found out in October I heard that acbc was deducted points which I mentioned on here wondering what was going on. Ghouse mentioned that the division 2 team was deducted points answering my question I never knew which division it was just knew the club was fined points.


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
this is absoulutly ridiculous... the FVSL is not the english premiership... our organization has yet to be deducted any points - but I am sure if we look at the excective wrong six points will go missing...

I am the president of aldergrove soccer and some of the fines that the FVSL have sent us are just a money grab, our tresurer was a way on vacation and was back the day the due's were to be into the league, I made them aware of this and informed them that the check would be sent out the next day... we still recieved a $200 charge for late payment.

if this is the way they want to run the league they should have a meeting with the executives, Team managers, and ref's to get the correct message accross... I feel sorry for PAU, ACBC, and Wack - I have a hard time believing there is alot of cheating going on in premier (well at least with paperwork)


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Is there a witch hunt going on here? I heard that this decision to go after teams for technical irregularities came from, and was driven by, the President of the FVSL and that many members of the executive are unhappy about it.

I’d be interested to know if people think that for the President of the league to also be the manager/coach of a team in the league is a conflict of interests? If so, why would the league put themselves in this position?

Without going into the specifics of our case at PAU, I’m pretty sure that the player in question is a registered FVSL player and wasn’t suspended when he played. The points deduction must have come from some sort of paperwork slip up – absolutely no unfair advantage was gained by him playing in that game as he was eligible to do so.

I also think it’s interesting that the draw for the Soccer-X cup (where groups are based on league position) was made just before the points were deducted? How was this decided?

Lastly, I was told by a member of the POCO squad that when the draw for the league was made that POCO drew Chilliwack in the first game of the season. Obviously this wasn’t how it ended up. This may not be true, but it is what I was told.

If we needed some motivation for the second half of the season, there it is.

1/ i dont think its a witch hunt when so many teams up and down the leagues have been penalised

2/ i think there is a huge potential for a conflict of interest but only in certain area's where thing's pertain paticulaly to poco. the man has to be squeeky clean at all times as the prez but as his teams coach if he f's and blinds at the ref he gets carded like the rest of us ... and he has

3/ im sure most of this is just poor paperwork or similar maybe permits or id cards e,t,c,

4/ it was decided that after the last game 9 was played it would be a split
but the league must have known for some time that this was coming however back to the conflict how would it have looked if poco had drawn peace arch then avoided them after the whole points thing

5/ i diddnt coach prem last year but i am told by a couple of players who played that we are following exactly the same cycle as last year ... n/ delta first game away and so on with acbc taking moody's line

its a real pain in the ass for everyone but maybe its time to sharpen up on everyone we're ok this year but last season in div 1 i sat players because i had no id card for them and then hear on ttp that players have played without one ?? is that fair ..... you may say no real advantage but you should have had 10 guys on the pitch not 11 or played another guy but you feel this guy is better than that ........ is it cheating or more like a white lie either way its against the rules and we all have to play by the same rules
by the way this rant is not aimed at any one team and i have no inside info on what has gone on but i do feel pissed for the teams who have worked hard for their points just to have them taken away with a silly mistake but im even more pissed about guys pleading innocent when they made the decision knowing what the rules are .:mad:


Oct 15, 2001
Dirty Money
This league has never looked more ridiculous than with big bag as President. How you can have a Coach/manager of a team, handing out suspensions and fines to other teams is beyond me. Conflict of interest, I think so.


Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm absolutely blown away and pissed off by this sudden ruling! First off I know that all players that have played for the Rapids except for two have been signed since August. The two recent signees have both followed the regulations as far as I can tell (transfer rules, bringing proper ID, etc--the league was guiding us through this process for christ sakes!), so I'm at a loss to which player(s) we played that were deemed ineligible. I don't attend league meetings, but was this "crackdown" or any rule changes regarding eligibility clearly communicated to every team?

That being said, I find it really distasteful to see that the rulings in Premier have allowed the Poco team managed by the league president to momentarily take a share of top spot in the table. Could be nothing but coincidence, but then again, how very convenient...

I completely agree: Conflict of Interest.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I would understand if somewhere they told us how they wanted the paperwork filled out so we new what was wrong or right, also fines are the norm in every other sport for paperwork errors ,,But points deducted is down right stupid..Why punish the teams record as there were no ineligable players only gamesheets filled out incorrectly,,thats office mistakes and punishable by fines.


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Dirty Money
tpranger said:
This league has never looked more ridiculous than with big bag as President. How you can have a Coach/manager of a team, handing out suspensions and fines to other teams is beyond me. Conflict of interest, I think so.

Not if you know the whole story.In the past team manager\coaches have complained to the executive about these things (improper paperwork) Every week you have all your proper paperwork in order and then you get the other teams list with no id number no other credible info (height,weight,ect) and nothing has been done about it.Now it seems they are enforcing it as they said they would earlier this season.Look at all the divisions 10-15 teams so far and there will probably be more.No disrespect to premier but other divisions feel exactly the same as you guys and you should be treated the same !
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