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Open Canada Cup Western Qualifier


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
LION, I am a Mucker like no one has ever mucked before. You have no idea the depths of my mucking

What I'm saying is that ACBC (Rich) claims they are a better team than they where they play. ANd every time he does that the TTP posters pile on, claiming that they are not a prem quality side (generally speaking about the TTP Posters)

Now some are posting here saying that they (ACBC) are paving their way to the finals. (presumably because they are now a SUPPOSED premier side!? in a group with div 2 teams...)

does that hep you understand what I was trying to convey or is it still Mucky err..... murky.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
you need a new accountant if you actually spent $65K. hopefully your including the airfare back east because whoever is doing the budgeting needs some help. $1K entrance fees should cover the prize money so why so much. Or does the planning committee setup shop every week at madame cleos?

Actually its just over 65k ,,,You obviously do not do anything for your team but show up,,cause if you did you would know what the BByWest complex costs to rent for 4 days and Insurance and Refs and linsemen and trophies and yes air fair for 18 return and ground transportation and hotels for 4 nights for 18 guys and Staff to help, I dont have 1 single volinteer I pay everyone who works for me,11k in prize money,,what else and there is more,,,,
Yes I have received money for entree fees,,but it covers not even half...
Mabee there are people out there and not just in the movies where they spread their good fortune around to their friends and passions,,But you sir makes me not want to do things like this..
Your a complete ass for suggesting I am lieing on how much I have spent,,What have you done for soccer ass wipe..
You pissed me off here ,,ya I tell the truth on the Team Groupings yet lie on what I spent,,,,,,Dick face!
Oh and if this grouping of teams was so bad then why did we just have a late entree from Croatia,,,
Because it just doesnt fricken matter,,Teams in this are here for fun and a run around before the winter and yes some cash,,,non of them care,,they want good soccer and no blow outs,,,Balls to the Walls Soccer...
Incase you didnt get it here it is again,,The first round will be teams playing teams close to their caliber for fun and good compatition,,,Then it will be a dash for the cash,,,yes we MAY have an upset or a blowout at that point,,,and yes I hope I make it to the finals,,,and remember I never won last year,,So say what you want about my event but dont call me a lier,,!
I sir back everything up I say or do..And sometimes its different than what you may like,,,but thats me and I at least am doing something..

Oh and watch who comes back next year..They all will,,cause they have fun.
ps. $1000 divided by 22 players is $45 bucks,,,not alot of money for 3 full games at Bby West with Refs and Linsemen....and $45 bucks gets you squat at Madame Cleos,,


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
My problem is these guys are trying to buy a premier spot in the valley. So if you consider yourself premier quality, which I know you do, play in the tough division. I realize you put up a bunch of money but so did a lot of other teams and rigging the tournament is bush. Next year you should probably let teams know the situation before they put up that type of cash.

You obviously dont know me,,,If I was trying to buy a Premier team I would have bought 2 by now as they come very cheep here in Vancouver,,How do I know that well sir you just told me that $1000 is alot of money or that type of cash meaning $1000 is alot,,,
How much is your Premier team ?
That was the stupidest thing I have read in a while ,,other than Im a lier,,,

Ps your not allowed to buy teams,,,Cause I would have,,LOL


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
You know fellas this is real stupid for sure,,All the bitchin and pissin on each other,,But I guess thats what this site is for,,,
All I can say is come down and watch some wicked Soccer and have a couple of cold ones (my beer girls are steller).
Then when this is over let me know if it sucked or if it worked...
I always aim to please and adjust accordingly...
You never know.
And if I have to hand over alot of cash to someone thats always a sight to see for sure,,It kills me,,LOL


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
It's LIAR, not lier! Thank fcuk I got that off my chest, it was annoying the shite out of me!:)

Seriously, we've got to hand it to ghouse, he has lit up TTP for the first time in a while. Well played mate, you've had many muppets moaning over how this 'fixed' tournament is bush or how they wouldn't have entered if they knew they would have tough games from the start.

Give me strength.

It costs approx $500 to enter a "shitty mean nothing" long weekend tournaments in the Okanagan and I've never heard a peep about the cost. Yet you double down and get the chance to represent your province for an all expenses trip to Ontario and now the money is too much to waste on a bloody 'fixed' tourney? Get serious. For the first time in too long a thread is finally giving some meatheads a chance to pisstake. That is enough for me to give props to ghouse for his energy and honesty! Should be good times.

BTW, Coors Light would be appreciated on a hot day! ;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Just don't put Croatia in Group A :D:D

It will be a fun weekend!! See you all there!

You gotta love the publicity this thread is getting.
Positive or Negative. good job on that!!

In conclusion..

you have put your balls and cash on the line to create something that was never here before!!
And kept it real the whole time!!


wayne's world

New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Dirty Money
poor richard gablehouse is offended. who knows where you stole your money or won some mysterious lottery with no record. I'm sure a phone call to Canada Revenue Agency will get some answers. Weren't you the promoter for summer love who sometimes claimed to made tons of money and then at other times say lost a shite load of money. Why don't you say you spent $200K out of pocket. It's all hearsay and no proof.

truth hurts. if if sounds fishy, it's fishy. And lots of people don't trust you. Just doing it all out of the kindness of your heart. Not everyone is silly tucker mother f_cker. If you indeed got the cash legit and are essentially donating it, good for you. But if your looking for a pat on the back and some nobility, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Strings attached means exactly that. Your motives, who knows and who cares. Obviously some TTPer can't be fooled. IF your dream is having your ACBC team to be a premier team in the FVSL, wow, thank god you're not procreating since that not exactly the loftiest of goals.

will you be fielding some eligible players again and then apologize. Wanker.

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
I really don't think the Premier teams care as it is better to play against good teams. However, they could have just as well had exhibition games instead of paying $1000 for three games at the minimum and not having to play at 10pm on Saturday night. However, I wonder what Fiji, Wickham, Punjab Hurricanes, Vancouver Uniteed would say if they knew that they would be in the round robin against all Premier and Division 1 teams. I think these teams hoped to get a fair draw where they at least had a better opportunity to win their group. I don't think teams put up $1000 to have a kick around. The majority of the Premier and Division 1 teams want to win. It justs makes it much more difficult for these teams (i.e Division 1 teams) to make it out of their group.

However, it is your tournament so I guess you make the rules


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
all I know is I'm going to get completly munted and call Richard gablehouse a lier.It should be a good tourny although I may concentrate my attention on certain group games rather then other. Its called take the piss Ghouse don't take everyones comments and random rumours too serious. I mean wow. Except Wayne's World this guy is a bully.

wayne's world

New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Dirty Money
leave my pit bull "bully" alone bulljive.

anytime someone starts spilling how much they spent, especially actual dollar figures, of course people are going to question. It's like those girls who go around a say I spent $250 on my coach bag and then we find out it's a fake from the richmond night market. Don't say it and no one will question it even if it's fake is the whole point.

I'm sure there are a few people tired of hearing ghouse say I'm doing it for the love of soccer. Just do it and don't expect a standing ovation. It's the expectation that is whack.

so what if he has some cash, lots of people of lots of cash, A MORE. Those uniforms just says bad taste or the case of the colour blindness. :knvb:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
It costs approx $500 to enter a "shitty mean nothing" long weekend tournaments in the Okanagan and I've never heard a peep about the cost. Yet you double down and get the chance to represent your province for an all expenses trip to Ontario and now the money is too much to waste on a bloody 'fixed' tourney? Get serious.

The difference is that the summer tournaments are represented as piss-up kick-about parties in the sun... this tournament is represented as a serious qualifier for a national touranment with the key "carrot" being the big prize money up for grabs.

it is a fcuking sham that he has paved his team a great road to getting $2000 back for making the finals by beating a bunch of shitty teams.

GUARANTEED this tournament will be a different setup next year.

What a joke. You should be fcuking ashamed of yourself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Do the higher powers that be that have approved the use of their name for this tournament know of this fiasco? Whenever there is money involved you try as hard as you can to eliminate any controversy, not create it.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
All this moaning and groaning about teams feeling sidetracked about the tournament groupings? But my question is did Croatia have to pay extra money as they where a late entry and messed up the evenly divided divisions? :eek: To be fair to Ghouse, he only offered the tournament, all you guys complaining weren't forced into joining it, but you all have, or had dreams about potentially winning it and winning the big prize money and going on a road trip to Ontario, so like they say in sports may the best team win!:D


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
What can I say,,I have said it enough times...I did have 3 more teams apply today so I guess we are doing something right,,and yes they all knew that we are full ,they just were hopeing for someone to mabee drop out,,oh no one did,,funny eh,,
You guys here who think you know so much yet dont do anything yourselves is really what ticks me off,,,do something instead of crying like a baby,,,anything,,mabee donate your boots to a charity cause your not out useing them...Oh and for you who would like to know how I make my living,,It says on our awsome Jerseys "Get Bent" thats my business,,Ya laugh it up I own the largest hair salon and spa in Vancouver with 48 staff in Yaletown ,,near your place Wayne..Mabee your boyfriend gets his hair cut at my place and Im spending your family money on this event. Wanker right back at ya


New Member
Jun 11, 2007
Dirty Money
ghouse...i appreciate what u r doing...its great and u are the only one to step up to bat...no doubt, but if the reason why the format of this tourney is as it is is because of your financial risk/investment then there is too much of a burden on u... to make this tourney what it can be and what it should be, it must be fair too all teams and not slanted to a team trying to cover their investment. having said that..to get something off the ground like this i think it must start like this....i look forward to this tourney being what it can be in the upcoming years...! good on u

wayne's world

New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Dirty Money
Actually its just over 65k ,,,You obviously do not do anything for your team but show up,,cause if you did you would know what the BByWest complex costs to rent for 4 days and Insurance and Refs and linsemen and trophies and yes air fair for 18 return and ground transportation and hotels for 4 nights for 18 guys and Staff to help, I dont have 1 single volinteer I pay everyone who works for me,11k in prize money,,what else and there is more,,,,
Yes I have received money for entree fees,,but it covers not even half...

Oh and watch who comes back next year..They all will,,cause they have fun.
ps. $1000 divided by 22 players is $45 bucks,,,not alot of money for 3 full games at Bby West with Refs and Linsemen....and $45 bucks gets you squat at Madame Cleos,,

Commercial Tourney Field rental is $200 per field per day. Total $2,400
City usually wants tourney organizer to buy $5M liaibility insurance Total=$1000
48 games with ref and linesmen = 48x3X$50= $7200
Website and hosting estimate another $500
Trophies another $1500
Staff, even if you had 10 people x $15 x 8 hours x4 days = $4800

So tourney summary:

Revenue $24,000
Cost above -17,400
prize money -11,000
loss $4400 and made back on beer and food

I've helped Nation's Cup and Whitecaps finances so I know what I'm talking about. $65K of your own money on top of $24K in registration and money from beer and profits, that's a poorly financed venture even if you include the 20 free travel back to Ontario. Just stating some accurate assumptions that people can use to draw there own conclusion and it just doesn't bulljive.

wayne's world

New Member
Jun 5, 2005
Dirty Money
What can I say,,I have said it enough times...I did have 3 more teams apply today so I guess we are doing something right,,and yes they all knew that we are full ,they just were hopeing for someone to mabee drop out,,oh no one did,,funny eh,,
You guys here who think you know so much yet dont do anything yourselves is really what ticks me off,,,do something instead of crying like a baby,,,anything,,mabee donate your boots to a charity cause your not out useing them...Oh and for you who would like to know how I make my living,,It says on our awsome Jerseys "Get Bent" thats my business,,Ya laugh it up I own the largest hair salon and spa in Vancouver with 48 staff in Yaletown ,,near your place Wayne..Mabee your boyfriend gets his hair cut at my place and Im spending your family money on this event. Wanker right back at ya

no one I know would get a $5 haircut and a happy ending at your establishment.

your such full of shite. Now he claims he owns the largest hair salon and spa in Vancouver. Having 48 immigrants hiding in the back alley doesn't count.

if you want a real spa, head down to spa utopia or the century plaza. now that's for real

and your right, my family does have more money than you ever will have. Ital-----yaaaaaaaaa

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